Chapter 2

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Shooting Star headed to Baba Yaga's office until she bumped into another face, it was Duchess Swan, the Royal who wants to steal anyones happily ever after to herself, hi, im Shooting Star, what is your name? Shooting asked, Duchess Swan, she replied, nice to me.. Shooting said before Duchess interupted her, well, get out of my way or i will report you to headmaster! she yelled that wasnt very nice! Shooting Replied, and she ran off. when Shooting ran off from Duchess, she found Baba Yaga's office, Are you Baba Yaga? Shooting asked, yes i am, who would you be my dear? Baba Yaga asked, i'm Shooting Star, im new to Ever After High. Shooting Answered, okay, we will start on a side and classes, Baba replied, so what side are you picking, Royal, or Rebel, she continued, well, i heard that royal and rebel feud are just plain ponyfeathers! Shooting Thought, so, i will pick neutral She said, WHAT!!! yelled Baba Yaga, you must pick something!! Baba Yaga replied very loudly, well, i think it is ponyfeathers! Repiled Shooting, ok, lets pick your classes Baba Yaga said in a sigh, 1 hour later, classes start tomorrow, and your dorm is with Havas Snow, said Baba, where is that at? asked Shooting, well it is dorm 432, it is on the 4th floor, replied Baba Yaga, okay, bye Baba Yaga!!! rushed Shooting Star, goodbye and have a nice first day! Replied Baba Yaga. she headed to the 4th floor and went to dorm 432, and when she opened the door and she saw a white haired girl, welcome roomate!! greeted the girl, my name is Shooting Star and you must be Havas Snow, introduced Shooting, you must be Shooting Star replied Havas, I will give you a tour she continued and began the tour. Ok, said Havas, so here is where your gonna sleep, the left by the window, she continued, and I will show you where your gonna pack your things, 30 minutes later, Shooting was all settled in for her new boarding school, and it was evening, so she went to bed along with Havas, and the said goodnight and they were fast asleep.

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