Chapter 10

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Colby's POV
Everyone was hanging out in the movie room, and then we heard the door open. Nesryn came in, beat up face and bloody knuckles,
I said" Nesryn?" I got up to go help her and figure out what was going on. She walked past me and ran upstairs, we all chased after her,
Sam said" Nes?!" We to our bedroom and I started banging on the door to get her to open it.
Corey said" Nesryn, open up!" I heard her screams, I pounded against the door, screaming at her to open the door and let me in.
She screamed" Leave me alone! Leave me alone, Colby!" I hit the door again, harder," Leave me the hell alone!" Everyone backed away from the door, looking at me, the one thing we've never experienced is Nesryn pissed off, and she seems very pissed off right now.
I said" Go, it's fine, I'll handle this." They nodded and walked downstairs, away from me, I knocked on the door lightly, all I could hear was Nesryn's sobs. I sighed then slid down the door and sat there, waiting for her to let me in so I could help her.

After a while, I looked around and saw everyone retreating to their rooms, since it was way past midnight. I sighed then Sam sat next to me,
He said" What do you think happened?"
I said" I don't know, she seemed pretty shaken up though, didn't she?"
" Yeah, You could see the fear in her eyes before she took off upstairs and locking herself in."
" I wish she would just open the door so I could make sure she was okay."
" Want me to get Jake, see if he can break through?"
" No, I need this to just be us."
" Hey, listen." We put our ears to the door and I heard her quiet sobs and her pacing around." She's freaking out in there, dude, you need to get in there."
" I don't know what do to."
" Figure something out then, she needs you but she doesn't want to open up." I nodded then he got up and walked into his room, I sighed then stood up. I knocked on the door, then sighed,
I whispered" Nesryn, baby, come on, let me in." I knocked again, and the door opened, I saw her face, she looked at me." What happened?"
She mumbled" Just leave me alone."
" Hey, hey, what's going on, Nesryn?" She looked at me, terrified," Nes, what is happening?"
" Nothing, it's fine, Colby."
" No, it's not. Don't lie to me."
" Colby, I can't tell you."
" Yeah, you can. Just tell me and I'll try and make it better."
" I-I'm from the hood... I know people and I fucked up leaving the hood, and- I- My- my dad, he wasnt just a deadbeat... he was in a gang, and I was a gang member's daughter... so I was protected... so... yeah."
" How did you get beat up?"
" A few guys cornered me, and knew I was the daughter... so... yeah, now that they know I'm away, they'll probably run home."
" I'm sorry."
" Yeah, no. Uh... can you... uh, help me clean up?"
" Yeah, come on, baby." I held out my hand, she took my hand and intertwined our fingers. We walked into the bathroom and she scooted onto the counter. She whimpered a bit, I grabbed a wash rag and wet it then started cleaning the blood and dirt off of her. She laid her head on my shoulder as I got the shirt off her and cleaned her body.
" Colby, let's go to bed."
" No, I'm gonna clean you up then we can sleep, okay?" She hummed, I quickly cleaned her up and took off my shirt, pulling it onto her. I lifted her back into my arms and carried her to bed. She held onto me as I laid us in bed, cuddling into me instantly, she kissed my neck then closed her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes.
" Thanks for being there."
" Always, baby." After a few seconds of silence I knew she was asleep, I smiled then turned my head, letting my nose dig into her hair a little. She turned a little and cuddled into my side some more, I smiled then fell asleep.

Nesryn's POV
I woke up in Colby's arms, I was worried to death, those men will find me again... I'm scared, for my friend's safety, for Colby's, I couldn't care what happens to me, but if anything happens to them... god, I'll die. I got out of Colby's arms and got dressed before walking downstairs. Jake and Aaron were in the kitchen, Aaron was making egg whites, once Aaron wasn't looking, Jake switched out the hot sauce bottles. He looked at me and put his fingers over his mouth, I nodded, smiling a bit.
Aaron said" Nes, want some eggs?"
I said" Sure, health nut."
" How- never-mind, I don't want an answer to that."
" Good choice." He laughed, I sat down and looked at Jake, he nodded to a camera that was hidden. I smiled and put my head down, shaking it as he laughed for a split second. I looked up and smiled at the camera, waving slightly and then looking at Jake, He smiled," Hurry up, I'm starving!"
" Let me cook!" He laughed as he turned to me, smiling,
" But you're so slow!"
" Go annoy someone else!" I laughed then got on my phone, texting Jake,
I texted,

What is this about?

He texted,

A prank war is brewing, my dear Watson.

Such a dork, I swear, I'm not in this!


I looked up at him then shook my head as Aaron turned around to face us. He put eggs on two plates then handed a plate to me, he put hot sauce all over the eggs, I looked at Jake then grabbed the hot sauce and put a little on mine, Jake looked down, fearing for his life probably. Aaron took a bite of his and instantly his face changed, but he took a few more bites before looking at Jake.
He said" What did you do?" Jake laughed," Jake! Hot! Why is this hotter than-" he got up and ran to the fridge, getting out some water, drinking it fast,
I said" Water doesn't help, Aaron, try milk, it helps." Aaron nodded then drank some of his milk fast, he put the milk up, sighing in relief as the burning in his mouth stopped." It can't be that mad, can it?" I took a bite of mine, it was a little spicy but not super duper spicy." It's not that bad, Aaron."
Aaron said" What did you put on it, Jake?"
Jake said" Ghost Pepper hot sauce, the question I have is, how is Nesryn not dying of heat by now?"
I said" I added hot sauce to my Mac&Cheese as a kid, a little more every day, makes a tolerance for it, I guess."
" Luckily."
" What, you guys don't like spicy things?"
" No!"
" You guys need some flavor in your lives!" I started walking upstairs to wake up Colby,
" We know!" I laughed then ran up the stairs, to our room, I opened the door and he was still sound asleep. I smiled a bit then walked to the bed and jumped on him, he yelled in surprise then held onto me as I fell over. He breathed heavily, looking at me, now he was wide awake.
" Haha! Morning, Colby."
He mumbled" Good morning, Nes. What was that for?"
" Jake pranked Aaron with Hot sauce and they're surprised that I can handle the heat of a ghost pepper."
" You can handle that Ghost Pepper sauce?"
" Yeah, it's not that bed, a strong kick in heat, maybe."
" You're amazingly strange, you know that?"
" I know, but you are too." I kissed his cheek, he smiled and pulled me into his side. I smiled then cuddled up to him and closed my eyes, enjoying this moment with him for as long as I could before we had to step into the world.

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