Chapter 2

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Colby's POV
Sam and I were exploring this abandoned school, it was about 10 pm. We jumped the fence and searched to find a way in, but the only way we could find was a broken window. We climbed up, then noticed blood on the window, Sam looked at me,
He whispered" That's- That's fresh, dude."
I whispered" Do you think someone's in here?"
" I don't know." He nodded then we started walking around, we were recording.
" Okay, so, guys, we're in this abandoned school, the school had black mold in the basement so they shut it down and built a new one a few miles away." We heard a giant crash, like the floor had caved in, then we heard a girl's scream. Sam looked at me, then we ran up the stairs and we saw a bunch of rubble and wood. I looked around then we ran up the other flight of stairs. We saw a girl holding onto the ledge of broken pieces of wood. I ran to her and placed my hand on hers, she looked up and saw me.
I said" It's alright, we've got you." She nodded," Okay, can you grab my hand?" Sam put the camera down and walked over,
She said" I don't know. My other arm's stuck in something." Sam carefully looked over the side and looked at her arm.
He said" It's stuck under some rocks, I think I can get to it." He reached down and grabbed her arm, she winced then whimpered in pain." Sorry." I grabbed her wrist and then let go as she whimpered, I looked at my hand and it was covered in blood. Sam got her other hand free and I grabbed her hand, I pulled her up and caught her as she fell. She was breathing heavily against my neck,
" Find the nearest hospital. Hey, What's your name?"
She mumbled" Nesryn."
" Hey, Nesryn. I'm Colby, that's Sam. We're gonna get you some help." I looked around and grabbed a bag with roses on it. I put it on my shoulder then lifted Nesryn up into my arms, she was shaking like crazy. She cuddled into my chest," Nesryn, why are you up here?"
" Uh... exploring. Whoa, I'm really dizzy."
" Hey, hey, you've lost a lot of blood, I need you to stay awake, okay?" We started walking, trying to find a way out of the building with having to jump.
Once we got out of the building, we ran to the car and I scooted into the backseat with Nesryn in my lap. Sam drove us to the nearest hospital, as fast as he could. When we got to the hospital, We got out and ran in, they took her onto a gurney and wheeled her away. While we got questioned by the cop in the emergency room...

Once we were able to see her, we walked in and she looked at us, gulping.
She mumbled" What did you say?"
I said" Don't worry. You're not in trouble. What'd they say about you?"
" I could have died... they had to stitch up my wrist." She showed us the cast around her wrist, the doctor came in,
He said" Do you have anyone we can call? Mom? Dad? Relative?"
" Uh, no. I don't have anyone."
" Okay, well, we don't want you alone since you're gonna need heavy pain pills and it's a risk you'll harm yourself even more."
I said" She can stay with us, you know, if you want?" The doctor nodded then looked at her, she looked at us, nodding her head shyly. The doctor prescribed her some pain pills and then released her.
She said" Are you guys sure that's okay? I mean, I can find some-"
Sam and I said" It's fine. Our roommates will be fine with it. They're nice guys."
" Okay. I mean, it's-"
I said" It's fine, Nesryn. We're serious, it's okay if you come live with us. We're here for like another day then we're headed back home."
" Where do you live?"
" LA."

Once she was released, we walked out and to the car, she got into the back and looked at us, shyly. Sam drove us back to our hotel room, and we all got out, heading in.
Sam said" I'll call the guys." He grabbed his phone and sat down on the bed,
I said" Come on, let's go for a walk, I wanna learn more about you since I only know you're name."  Nesryn nodded and followed me out, we walked outside and started walking around." So, what's your last name?"
She said" Michlen. What's yours?"
" Brock. Why were you in that school anyway? It was even sketchy for us to go to."
" Uh, I was gonna crash there."
" Why?"
" Uh..." then she stopped, grabbing my hands and pulling me into an alleyway. I followed her, then went to open my mouth, she covered it with her hand. We hid behind a dumpster for a solid 5 minutes before she uncovered my hand.
" What was that?"
" A gang member. I can't be seen."
" Okay, so tell me why you were really in that building."
" Mom's a druggie, dad's a criminal, my life is horrible. There that's all you're getting, we gotta get off the streets now."
" Okay, yeah, I'm fine with that." She followed me back to the hotel and we went to the room. Sam looked at us as we closed the door,
Sam said" They're fine with it. They're happy to meet you."
She said" Are you guys sure-"
I said" It's fine, we swear, Nesryn. And we're gonna buy you some new clothes and stuff." She shook her head fast," We're not taking no for an answer, so deal with it."
" No, you're not buying-"
" Yes we are!"
" No."
" Yes!"
" No."
" Yes, we are, and you're not gonna be able to do anything about it!" She pouted, I smiled at her and Sam looked between us then smiled. She sat down and pulled out a laptop, a mac, I looked at her.
" I saved up for a year... any money I could get my hands on."
" Wow. That's awesome. Have any skills?" She gave me a sketchbook and I looked through it, these were amazing.
Sam said" These are amazing. You should post these on social media, you can make money even more." She blushed then looked down,
" Yeah, he's right. These are amazing, Nesryn. I'm gonna make you media famous!"
" That's a great idea, I'll help."
She whined" Guys!"
" Let's talk to the guys and we'll get her media famous."
" No!"
I said" Oh, yeah. Once we get back to LA. We'll get these drawings up on instagram, and start her new life."
" I can't draw for like 6 weeks."
" Well, you have plenty of drawings to hold up till then."
" Why am I gonna agree to this?"
" Because you trust us?"
" Maybe." I smiled at her, she giggled then looked down, away from me.

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