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"I feel like I'm loosing the plot" Ariana sighs "beautiful your not" Malcolm holds her "love me" she asks "I can't take advantage of you like this" Malcolm says "please" she begs and he nods "only if it is what you want" he asks and she nods kissing his lips "it's been too long. We keep saying we'll will spend time together but we never do" Ariana sighs "I'm so sorry" he holds her "I want my husband back" she sniffs "I want my wife back" he says "please can we make time for one another truly this time" she asks "we can" he kisses her lips.

He looks at the time. "Want to go for a walk" Malcolm asks "it's midnight" Ariana questions "Come on it will be nice" he smiles and Ariana nods getting off the bed and putting on some clothes.

"My beautiful wife" Malcolm smiles "and my handsome husband" she smiles grabbing her phone and putting it in her pocket.

They leave the house and start to walk towards the lake hand in hand. "You know Hudson is planning to propose to Ava at some point" Ariana says "yeah he's excited about it" Malcolm smiles sitting down once they arrived at the lake.

"It's been so long since we had sex" Ariana says and Malcolm nods. "It has" he holds her. Ariana stands up and sits between his legs leaning against his chest. She let out a sigh before a smile.

"Do you think we hurt Hudson and Ava by letting them have a child at 13" Malcolm asks making Ariana turn around to look at him "we gave them both plenty of options and they made the choice Malcom" Ariana smiles and he nods smiling back at his wife.

He started to run his hands through her hair. He thought back to when they were just teenagers. He remembered the night they were both here. Sat at the lake talking about stuff to do with school. The holiday to Paris. The first baby the fright of their first baby. He remembered everything.

"Baby" Ariana asks waving a hand in front of his face. "W-what" he asks "you were in a world of your own you sure your okay" she asks turning around to face him. "Just thinking about memories" he smiles "what about them" she asks wrapping her arms around his neck and smiling at him "just about young us when we were teenagers" he smiles "god I don't know how your still with me" she giggles "your the best person ever what you on about" he asks "you got suspended from school for beating someone up for me, got some for touching my pussy. I could go on" she giggles "I couldn't imagine life with out you. Everything I took at school was for you. If it meant trouble it meant trouble. I wanted to protect you" he smiles kissing her soft lips.

"Can we go I'm getting a little creeped out" Ariana asks and he nods helping her to her feet. "Why are the fire brigade out" Ariana asks making Malcolm shrug.

"My phone.... it's Ella" Ariana says answering it. "Mummy where are you" Ella asks "me and daddy are on our way home now.. what's going on" Ariana asks "there's a fire across the road" Ella says and Ariana and Malcolm look at each other and start to walk faster.

"Why are you two out this late" a fireman asks "because we wanted couple time, we have been down at the lake" Ariana says and he nods. Ariana and Malcolm go inside and Ella runs and hugs them. "I thought you had gone" she says "me and dad just went for a walk Ella" Ariana says "at 2am" she asks "look we wanted time together alone and me and dad have memories at the lake" she kisses her head.

"You know who started the fire" Ariana asks "no but it's like 4 houses it's pretty big" Ella says. "Is anyone else awake" Malcolm asks "we're all awake Hudson and Ava are trying to calm the kids down." Ella says and he nods.

"Malcolm make 6 hot chocolates" Ariana asks and he nods walking to the kitchen. "Ella everything's okay" Ariana says and she nods sitting down.

When Ella woke up and went to find her parents to come to realise they were both gone. Ella panics especially with the fire going on. No matter how old you are you still worry about your parents when you find them not to be there.

The love that goes on ❤️ Maciana (the love that grew stronger)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora