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"My back hurts" Ariana pouts "I want to kill that motherfucker" Malcolm groans "no one is killing anyone" Hudson says "why are you listening to our conversation" Ariana asks "I didn't mean to" Hudson says "oh okay" Ariana says sitting up on the bed.

"Can I sit down" he asks and Ariana nods moving her legs. "You okay" Ariana asks "I have a job" Hudson says "okay" Malcolm asks "Ava does too" he sighs "Wow these two are growing up" Ariana smiles.

"I guess it's just the fact that we want to build a family like just me, her and the kids" Hudson says scared of hurting his parents "we knew you would want to move out at some point and we're happy to help you out till your all sorted" Ariana says "plus you have a savings account" Ariana adds "Wait I do" he asks and Ariana nods.

"We never told you about it since we didn't want you to spend it on something you weren't ready for and we're happy to give it to you for a house but it's on this street" Ariana says "Ariana" Malcolm chuckles "what the houses here are nice and I really think it's what they deserve" Ariana says.

"I'm leaving you with this one" Malcolm says making Ariana chuckle "you got our first house we had" Ariana Says "yeah and you got this one and look at it" Malcolm says making Ariana giggle.

"Later on you me and Ava will look through houses, like your dad says I'm good at picking them out" Ariana smiles "okay" he smiles kissing his mums cheek.

"How's your back" he asks "sore but it's okay" Ariana smiles standing up from the bed. "I still can't believe he would do that" Hudson sighs "he tried to hit me and hurt me in school" Ariana says "I thought I lost you, you know" Ariana says as he gives her a hug.

"Lost me as if dead" Hudson asks "yeah, normally when you start to bleed during a pregnancy it's like a miscarriage but because I was 35 weeks it is know as a still birth. The night I thought my world came crashing down around me I started to bleed and I thought it was the end but nope your here today" Ariana smiles.

"I feel like I've put you so much" He pouts "I would change anything, your a smart boy and a caring father and you have always been a good child. Maybe the beginning was hard but even if Malcolm wasn't your dad I know he would be your dad now because that's the kind of person he was. I found it hard to accept what I had been told and your dad helped me through it by showing me what a father he was" Ariana explains "that's so cute" Hudson smiles.

Ariana as Hudson walk out the bathroom and Ava smile. "If you both have jobs why are you both here" Ariana asks "it's weekend" he chuckles.

"Morning mum" Ava smiles "morning sweetheart" Ariana smiles kissing her head before walking down to Malcolm.

"Anything good" Ariana asks and Malcolm shakes his head as he looked through the mail "unless you want to go to a garden party" Malcolm chuckles "Urm no" Ariana says grabbing a cup and grabbing some water.

"Mummy" Katie smiles giving her a hug "What's got you all smiley" Ariana asks picking her up so she could sit on her knee "I don't know" she giggles kissing her mums lips.

"Can I paint" she asks "sure you know where the things are" Ariana smiles and she nods.

"This looks nice" Ava says "no it's a weird layout... trust me you want your bedroom between something" Ariana says "why" Ava asks "because the last house we had Hudson was around 2, every time me and Malcolm would have sex he would always come running in" Ariana says "looks like you liked your mums sex life" Ava giggles "shut up I was little" Hudson pouts.

"Don't tell me to shut up" Ava says "I love you" he says kissing her cheek "I love you too" he smiles.

"Well you planning on anymore kids"
Ariana asks and Ava shakes her head "well I think it's best to go for a 3 bedroomed" Ariana says "which means Harry and Harvey would have to share" Ariana adds.

"There's a nice one here" Ariana says "I thought you said it had to be on this street" Hudson chuckles "I was joking and this is only 5 minutes away from here anyway" Ariana says.

"Damn your mum need to help me clothes shop" Ava says "what do you mean I always help with clothes" Ariana chuckles.

The love that goes on ❤️ Maciana (the love that grew stronger)Where stories live. Discover now