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9 months later (sorry for skipping)
"Ahhhh" Ava screams "baby breathe"
Hudson tells her "your not in labour right now" she pants on the gas and air. "Ava sweetheart you've done this without pain role you can do this" Ariana says "I know mum" Ava takes her hand.

Ava screams again as she goes through another contractions. "My sweet daughter" they hear and they all look up. "Out" Ava hides into Hudson and bites his top as she wants the pain to go.

"Ava calm down" Ariana tells her. "Get that lady out he room" Ava screams maki g nurses all crowd in the room. "I'm her mother" she says "please go, and your not my mother" Ava pants following Ariana who had managed to calm her down as much as she could.

"Are the kids okay" Ava asks looking at Hudson "they are my dad collected them" he tells her holding her hand.

"Ahh pressure" she moves up the bed. "Fuck ahhh I need to push" Ava scream "okay okay I need to check it's safe to push first" the midwife says and Ava nods laying down.

"Well you are ready so on your next contraction you can push" she says getting everything ready.

"You can bite him not me" Ariana warns and she nods looking to Hudson who was giving his mum a look. "Hey I might be her mum but I'm not her boyfriend" she warns "biting hurts" he says "at least you don't have a child that bites your nipple when you breastfeed" she says "he did" Ava asks "all the god damn time" Ariana giggles taking her hand.

"Ava the heads out" the midwife announces main Ava push once more. "Come on Ava one more but catch your breath" the midwife says and she nods.

She takes a few breath before pushing once more before collapsing on the bed as she heard the cry of her baby. "Hey little one" she smiles "what is it" Hudson asks making Ava looks.

"A boy" Ava smiles. Hudson and Ava join lips as they share a kiss. "I love you so much" she sighs happily "I love you too you my world" he smiles making Ariana's heat melt.

"Can you remember the first time this happened" Ariana asks "I can, I was 14 scared to death" Ava giggles "I remember the night I found out I was pregnant, I remember being so upset and running off and you cane after me and I hated Hudson for like two days but I couldn't help but love him" Ava giggles feeding her little boy.

"You know Mia will be upset you had a boy" Hudson chuckles "she will be, but we don't get to choose what gender we get" she smiles kissing him again.

"This baby will be sick of you too kissing" Ariana giggles. "Well we're not going to stop so he will have to deal with it" Ava giggles.

"Luke Thomas McCormick" Ava smiles "you don't have to" Hudson's quick to reply. "I want the memory" she sniffs. Hudson takes the baby and put it in the class crib.

"Shhh it's okay" he climbs on the bed bringing her close to him. Ariana was a little confused but she didn't want to ask as she could see it was something close to Ava.

"He will be proud of you" Hudson says "I've disappointed him so much" she wipes her eyes "you haven't Ava, I don't know who your on about but he will be proud of you" Ariana says rubbing her back "my brother"

The love that goes on ❤️ Maciana (the love that grew stronger)Where stories live. Discover now