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"We have a gift for you" Ariana smiles walking Into Ava room. "Hey mum" she smiles taking the teddy. "Squeeze it" Ariana asks and she does.

Hey Ava, I'm sorry there keeping us apart I love you Hudson

"He did this" she asks and Ariana nods "well Malcom has the idea" she says "your all so nice to me" she says. "Anyway I have some good news"
Ariana says making her roll over to face her "Hudson's coming to see you tomorrow" Ariana says making her smile.

"Finally" she cheers "you have shown improvement too" Ariana says giving her a hug. "I feel isolated, Your the only person in actually speaking to, they keep Making me go to the day room but I just draw and do crafts" Ava pouts "I can see" Ariana giggles looking to the scrap book.

"Ariana can I ask you something" Ava asks "sure" she smiles "how are the kids" she asks "there fine, they just Miss you but they know your getting better" Ariana says and she nods.

"Ava we need to do a check" a doctor comes in. "Your not my doctor" Ava says looking at him. "It's a check it's okay" he says. Ariana could see Ava getting stressed.

"Don't touch me" Ava moves away from him as he went to touch her. Ava got off the bed and sat In Ariana's lap. "You aren't supposed to be here to" he tells Ariana "you aren't her mum"'he laughs "I am" Ariana says making Ava smile a little.

"If I would I would take her home since she obviously isn't getting the correct treatment we pay for" Ariana huffs "Av-." Her actually doctor comes in and looks at the other wired "GETOUT" he points to the door making the doctor scurry off.

"Ava" the doctor asks gently "he was going to inject something" she sniffs "I saw" she sniffs as Ariana rubbed her back.

"Can I check your cuts" he asks and Ava nods as Ariana placed her back on the bed. Ava lifted up her top to just over her stomach. "There healing really well" he tells her and she nods. "How are you feeling" he asks "I'm good" she says "who's the teddy off, it looks like it's special to you since your holding it so tight" he smiles "my boyfriend" she smiles and he nods.

"I think maybe in a week or two she'll be able to come home if she keeps showing good progress" he tells Ariana and Ariana nods.

"I'm not leaving her" Ariana says "you have to" he gives her a sad smile "im not having her be alone. He could have hurt her. He want even supposed to be in here so I'm staying" Ariana says "I'll see what I can do" he says and Ariana nod as he leaves.

Ariana stands up and walks over to the side and her eyes go wide. "Are your pregnant" Ariana asks "I haven't been told" she shrugs and she nods. "I don't want another baby" she sniffs "I know it will be okay" Ariana rubs her back.

"You can stay" the doctor comes back in. "Is she pregnant" Ariana asks "not that I've seen want me to do a test" he asks "well yeah since there's abortion fluid over there" Ariana says and he nods going to get a nurse. "You do realise if this is positive as much as you don't want it you have to get Hudson's consent" Ariana tells her and she nods "I know I wouldn't do it without him, maybe when I'm 27 I'll have another just no way am I ready for another" she giggles.

The nurse comes in and Ava lifts up her top. "This could be cold" she says "I know I have two at home" Ava giggles "really" she's asks with a smile "a girl and a boy" Ava smiles "that's nice" she smiles. "How old" she asks. "8 and 5" she smiles "wow that's amazing we're you 12 when you had your 8 year old" she asks "round about" she smiles "that's amazing" she smiles.

"Well your not pregnant" she says "thank god" Ava lets out a sigh of relief "so why on Earth was he going to give me some sort of fluid" she asks "it can be used to make you go sleep and" she didn't need to carry on. Ava knew what she said.

"Can I ask if he's ever been in before" she asks and Ava shakes her head "I promise he hasn't" she says and they nod.

"Hey Hudson" Ariana Says "I cant get home of dad"she says "is everything okay" Hudson asks "I'm just staying with Ava tonight so I won't be home" Ariana explains "Okay is everything okay" he asks again "yeah everything's fine just a doctor that should be with her keeps coming in and I don't want to leave her" Ariana says "okay Mum keep her safe" he asks before she hears his phone drop and hang up.

"Is mummy coming home" Katie asks and Hudson shakes his head "Mummy is with Ava, she doesn't want to leave her so she's looking after her since there's daddy and me and Ella to look after you and the other two" Hudson says and she nods.

"Daddy how do I do this" Harry asks "Urm ask your sister" he asks "nooo" Harry whines "I'll help" Katie says and he nods. Hudson rolls his eyes before going to see what his Baby girl was doing.

He walks into her room to find she wasn't there. "Ella have you seen" he stops and smiles "hey daddy" she smiles "hey baby girl" he smiles seeing her and Ella cuddled up together.

The love that goes on ❤️ Maciana (the love that grew stronger)Where stories live. Discover now