Chapter 10 : Hellos and Goodbyes

Start from the beginning

" Just in case they decide to chase after us next time..."

The women was covering her ears while running, At the same time, She was so Impressed By both Lily who was confident and kept her cool through the whole thing, And the old man Who was a brutal and a fearless killing machine.

She never saw a girl as young as Lily using her head and acting smart and collected as her. She had a strong mindset, She's quick on finding her next step and doesn't fear to go through with it.

The old man also looked like he was crazy strong, He didn't fear jumping into all that mess, And he already killed a Dozen of people and Infected, He's fighting with only an axe... It takes a lot of courage and a lot of confidence to run into someone holding a gun with just a melee weapon... He was the scariest out of everyone standing there, out of both humans and Infected. 

" Are we going to leave him behind ? " The woman asked 

" Don't worry about him, He may be a little old, But he's super strong, I trust him, he will make it out of there " Lily's face looked calm and serious as she said that.

The three of them disappeared between the forest trees, and kept running toward north... Logan was fighting on the ground, He Took out his Axe off of someone's head and looked left and right for a second.

" Looks like they got away, Time for me to make an exit too then..." 

He put 2 of his fingers on his lips and whistled, Cookie came running from around the corner, Logan quickly caught the strap and jumped on him, From there they took out at full speed. 

He heard a man yelling from behind, He was standing in the middle of the street. 

" Hey You !!! The man on the black Horse, You better run ! I will find you someday ! You think you can fuck me with me and get away with it ?! I'll fucking chase you to the end of the world you piece of shit !" He was probably the Bandits Leader...

Logan didn't even bother looking back, He took his right arm up, and raised his middle finger as he kept running toward the forest.

" I'll Fucking Kill youuu !!" He was screaming but his voice was fading as Logan got further and further away.

He left the chaos he created back there, and went running on the east side. He decided to take a detour before meeting up with Lily at Owens lake up north.

He wanted to make sure he shake them off his tail, Just in case they followed after him, But It wasn't happening anyway, Half of them were dead and the other half were struggling against the herd of Infected he brought on them.

So after about 10 minutes of running east, he changed his direction and went north, The horse was panting and getting tired, Of course he was, He ran for at least 4 hours straight between gathering the Infected all around the place and leading them back to camp, and also during the fight and now as he is escaping as well... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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