Phone Calls and Stalking

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Rin stirred as he felt pressure pinning both of his shoulder joints down, something standing on top of him on all fours.

"Psst" a voice tried. Rin groaned and tried to turn away, annoyed at whomever was trying to wake him. Something soft rubbed against his cheek, a slightly wet nose poking at Rin as Twilight rubbed his snout against Rin's face. Twilight frowned when his efforts proved fruitless, quickly thinking over what might possible help in his task. He grinned slyly as an idea occurred to him, and he positioned himself in preparation. Then, without warning, he jumped up onto the air, slamming back down on Rin's unsuspecting body.

"Gyah!" Rin exclaimed, the air being forced from his lungs.
"I'm up, I'm up!" He said, pushing Twilight from his body.

"Bout time." Twilight responded. A smaller creature of yellow tints poked his head in through the opening flap of the tent.

"What's taking so long?" Yuki asked in annoyance Twilight strode over towards the exit, lifted the smaller creature up and depositing him on his back.

"Just had to get Oku's ass out of bed." Twilight responded.

"Uh, what's going on?" Rin asked in a hushed voice. They made it to the exterior of the tent before responding, Yuki's body glowing for a quick moment, which Rin recognized to be the same glow of a shift. A long ribbon of bandage-like cloth tied itself around Twilight's midsection, their purpose unknown to Rin. Twilight looked back to Rin, jerking his head in the direction he wanted him to go.

"I saw that other guy, the one who reeks of conspiracy, he's on the move." Twilight told. Ar,s wrapped around Rin's as a drowsy Dan exited the tent.

"Wha's going on?" Dan asked, placing his head on Rin's shoulder. Rin spun around, cupping Dan's face with his hands.

"Shhhh!" Rin hushed quickly. He looked over his shoulder, a now far more awake Dan following his gaze. Twilight led the small group to a part of the clearing, Dan realizing the shared desire to be unseen and quickly making Rin intangible. Himura hadn't noticed them, nor did he seem to suspect an audience. He spoke to his phone in a language that was neither Japanese nor English, but one that Rin failed to recognize.

An odd warmth formed within Rin's mind as a psychic connection between him and one of the kitsu was solidified, although it was temporary at best. It grew to be more widespread before dulling in temperature, remaining bearable.

'I'm not really adept at this one, sorry, so not all of the words will be understandable.' Twilight's voice said, coming off far less echoey yet still slightly distorted. The sun's early beams streaked across the sky, revealing warmth and light to the darkened canvas of twinkling stars.

"-yes, I am more than sure of this. The *^*^* is here. No, he seems to not to suspect *^. I will be on ^^*^^^* until called. What if-meet me at ^*^*** next week, we shall discuss the plans then." Himura told the phone, his voice thick with a Japanese accent. Rin furrowed his brow confusedly, not understanding a portion of the words said, but having heard enough. He made to take a step forwards, as if to confront the elder man right ere and then, but was stopped from doing so when a silklike ribbon tied itself around his extended leg, running up and holding him firmly in place.

"Patience, Oku." Yuki's voice cut in.
"All good things come to those who wait." He continued. Rin scowled, annoyance creeping through him as impatience rose to a slightly higher length. He had evidence, now. He was certain, absolutely positive, that he had the right guy, so what were they waiting for?

'His cohort,' Rin realized.
'You want us to find his bodies before we do anything.' He continued.

'Indeed.' Twilight agreed on a private line, allowing only Rin to hear him.
'It would be pointless to take him out without first knowing and locating his fellow conspirator. Why rip out a weed without making an effort of removing the roots? It's simple, my friend.' Twilight told.
'However, you needn't wait for long. You can't be charged with disruption of justice by our courts, I would know, so don't worry about that, but it would be unwise to deal with this man without first ensuring that your actions won't come back to bite you in the ass.'

'What should I do, then?' Rin asked. Twilight chuckled, the sound reverberating slightly through Rin's mind.

'It's simple.' Twilight said in a smooth voice.
'Find out who he works for, find whomever attacked Dan, and then bestow justice on the conspirators.' Twilight said in an odd purr of a voice, his words honeyed to an odd extent.

' "Bestow justice"?' Rin asked, confused, his brows knitting slightly in a bemused fashion. Himura seemed to aunt up, pocketing his phone, and returned to his tent, likely intending on taking it down.

'Yes.' Twilight confirmed, the smirk being heard through his voice as he alluded to something Rin failed to see.
'Through any means you like, so long as I cannot condemn you for it.' He added, a hint of smugness in his voice.

"We should go back to the tent before anyone gets suspicious, mister "Doesn't wake up 'til ten"." Dan whispered, his tone turning from cautious to teasing by the end. Rin blew a raspberry at Dan, but agreed with the sentiment and returned to their shared tent.

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