The Threat

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Shima grinned forcefully, trying to appear pleasant and approachable, but failed to mask his nervousness. The stranger's glare peered through him, penetrating him and burning heatedly.

"Y-You're Dan, right? We met that one time at lunch?" Shiemi offered, trying to keep her straying eyes on Dan's figure. The sight of Rin, asleep on the roof in the night's chilled air and cuddled by a gigantic, demonic feline, was far to mesmerizing and, privately she thought, adorable to pass up. Dan looked to the girl, the edge his eyes gave not softening nor lessening in their intensity.

"Yes." He stated in response.
"Now, mind telling me what you three are doing up here? Or are you all just up for a casual, late night stroll?" Dan asked.

"What are you doing here in this building?" Kamiki asked suddenly, catching the other person off guard. Her turned to her, brow creasing.

"What do you-"

"We are the only ones who are registered for this building." Kamiki told, confident in her words.
"I asked Okumura-Sensei who else was here after you and I met, he told me 'no one'. What are you doing, infiltrating this building." Kamiki demanded. Dan's face showed surprise, but it slowly contorted into a sneer. He didn't respond, merely spun around, seeming to be venturing towards Rin's sleeping form, but stopped after a few steps, as if thinking.
"Wha-hey! Get back here!" Kamiki called, reaching out to grasp the other. Dan's wrist phased through her, causing her to stumble in confusion, not rising to her full hight for a few moments as her mind tried to understand what had just happened.
He whirled around to face her once again, eyes burning far more wildly than before. He approached again, grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards himself with a single, hard yank.

"If you want to keep your life, little fox, then you'd best forget seeing me here. Do you hear me?" He hissed. She starred, wide eyed, but did not answer. He released her and pushed her away, which-what with her lack of response-caused her to fall down onto her rear. He looked to the other two, eyes narrowing.

"What did you do?!" Shima demanded, rushing to Kamiki's side. She blinked, the odd glaze that had seemed to coat her eyes vanishing instantly, and she looked around confusedly, eyes landing on Shima and Dan.

"All I did is tell her not to snitch. Simple as that." He responded easily, grinning slightly as he eyed Shima up and down.
"And I suggest you and little miss over there does the same." He added. He grinned to them in a far less intimidating way, seeming to have lost his anger.
"Do that-and don't break the rules-and we're fine. Do otherwise, and we'll have a problem." He told.

"You...are you a spirit or something?" Shima asked hesitantly. Dan smiled again, although this time it was one of bitter amusement.

"Not exactly, but good guess, little spy." Dan responded. Shima's eyes widened, but his jaw clenched closed, preventing himself from inquiring how Dan would know such information, not wanting to draw attention to this statement and allow his target to know of the truth it held. Dan's grin widened, just as Shima's eyes had, and he began to walk away.
"Good luck with the upcoming test, I hope to see you all there~" Dan said all too sweetly, waving a hand behind himself as he moved onwards, approaching the newly awake Rin, who had been watching intently.
"I'll explain later." He promised when he finally reached the nephilim, who nodded in understanding.

"You'd better." Rin responded, his lips curling upwards as he lifted the now small Kuro up into his arms. Dan's lips twitched upwards at the nostalgia, one hand raising itself to fiddle with one of the two blue gems that decorated his collar additional to the more aquamarine centerpiece.

'I won't it happen again. This time, I will kill you before you him, Renzo Shima.'


"I don't know, Dan, it might just be a coincidence." Rin's voice said, uncertainty plain in his tone.

"Coincidence? How could he have known unless he was the rat?" Dan responded. Silence fell.
"Look, if it really matters that much to you, I won't kill him. Not until he makes the first move." Dan finally relented.

"Thanks, Love." Rin responded.
"I promise, nothing bad is going to happen."


"That's a strange request, Dan, what brought it up all of the sudden?" Elkan asked, his voice protruding from the specially designed cellular device.

"We had a run-in with a few of Oku's 'pals' while we were on the roof." Dan responded gravely into the device. Rin had gone off to sleep in his own bed for that night, Dan remaining within his own room, the promise of an explanation still burning harshly from within Dan's mind.
"They were watching us." He added.

"Already? That was quick." Elkan said in a bewildered tone.

"Elkan, I don't think this timeline is like the others, things aren't going the same way." Dan told.

"How so? Other than this, of course."

"The pink-haired dude's been watching Oku, more so than that Izumo girl. He didn't do that in the others." Dan told thoughtfully.
"Also, Oku and Yukio seem to be getting along now, at least, I don't think either are planning on killing the other." He continued. Elkan hummed.

"Taima must have misinterpreted the path this world would take, either that or there's some outside influence, but that's unlikely." Elkan said, speaking to himself no doubt.

"It's pointless to just leave this world, we've made so much progress! He's almost at the point the last one was at when he finally agreed to join us!" Dam told loudly, trying to convince the higher ranking other to see his way.

"Alright, just do t let him die this time." Elkan responded. Dan nodded, enthusiastically, before realizing Elkan incapable of viewing the movement through the phone.

"Got it. And what should I do about the would-be assassinators? How's the investigation been?" Dan asked

"Sadly, Tami hasn't found anything new, but we do know for certain that they've taken positions within the school, so be alert." Elkan cautioned

"Understood, and sir?"

"Elkan" he corrected calmly.

"When we find them, what should we do?" He asked. There was a pause, and then-
"Understood." The call ended.

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