My Weapon

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Rin watched the pair converse, awaiting the arrival of the ambulance and discussing various topics-mostly inquiries as to what had caused the current development. Rin, on the other hand, began to move. He placed a hand against the dirt and grass, drenched from the lake water that had clung to him, and began to stand. Eventually, he got up, the small feline that had saved him leaping to his shoulders, almost dutifully. The wheels phased into existence at his feet, lifting him up by almost an inch, and he stumbled drunkenly towards the cement path that circled the pound for hikers and the like.

"Yeah, bu-HEY!" The second person exclaimed, having noticed Rin's movements. Rin's reaction time seemed to return unphased despite the dull throb that resided within his head and the dizziness that also plagued him. He shot off, nearly fast enough to lose his new feline companion, and was gone in a dash. He never turned back, glanced, nor checked to see if they had followed him, fully aware that they would not be capable of doing so at the speed he had been going at. He didn't stop to wait out the slowly approaching authorities, for they would not think of questioning him, and why would they? He was merely a simple teenager with roller blades, and they had other priorities than questioning him, like questioning the two boys who had assuredly played a prank on the authorities and hospital, or figuring out how exactly the person-knocked out and snarly drowned-had outrun the two older, more physically capable young adults.

Rin slowed to a halt when he approached the dormitory, his shoes returning to his normal attire, and he began to walk the rest of the way. It was homing instinct, Taima noted, that pushed Rin onwards, or something of the sort. He lowered himself on sound wings, landing a short distance before Rin, not seeming to bother with caution to prevent discovery. He looked firmly at the half breed, their eye contact unwavering.

"Oku, we need to talk."


"So, I was right, he was attacked." Rin breathed, glancing over towards where Dan stood, shirt off and gauze being wrapped firmly around his upper torso.

"Yes, but not only him," Taima confirmed with a nod.
"Everyone of lower class in the widespread area has been attacked in some way or form, and an investigation is underway." He explained. Rin's frown deepened.

"Why? Who did this?" Rin asked, reaching up to scratch at his neck, his hand being smacked away by Taima.

"Don't get into the habit of scratching when you're stressed. Trust me, it isn't pretty." Taima deviated, returning to his seat and setting the roll of gauze down on the infirmary countertop. Dan pulled his shirt down, smoothing it out and turning back towards Rin.

"You're okay though, right?" Dan asked worriedly. His ruined shirt lay atop the table, neon green staining it where he had been shot as it had been done whilst in his secondary form. Rin nodded.

"Yeah, I'm good." He agreed, rubbing his neck.
"Though it still kinda stings..." he added. Taima glanced towards Kuro, the feline resting comfortably in Rin's lap. He mulled over the idea of changing the feline's affiliation to Kura or-perhaps more realistically-Mata, rather than the ruler of Gehenna.

"So, is he going to be with you from now on?" Taima questioned randomly, nodding to the demonic house cat.

"I guess, I do owe the guy for saving me." Rin told.

"Then he'll need a collar." Taima said flatly. Rin blinked, taken aback by the ongoing conversation changes.

"Why? He's not exactly my pet or anything..." Rin trailed off, Kuro placing his paws on either side of Rin's face, the cat giving a small meow, a plea for attention. Rin stroke his body with one hand, although that was all he was willing to give to the feline at the moment.

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