Assasination Attempts

46 3 1

- Earlier That Day

It hurt. The needle dove into his skin each time, yet never once did the person wheedling the needle ever improve in his handiwork. The sutures, they were improper. They were lopsided, missed, often going either too deep or too shallow, but Rin pressed on. The infirmary of the dormitory had been all but abandoned prior to his using it, and it was poorly stocked. He encased his throat with gauze, blood seeping out at an uncanny rate, trying to stop the bleeding more quickly so as to try and figure out what had happened.

The glass pieces had clinked to the table top as each piece had been torn, clawed, or otherwise removed, eventually, hopefully, all of the shards had exited his body. He looked at them with dull eyes, almost devoid of life. Their vibrancy sprang back forth instantly, the boy having been startled by the sound of his phone vibrating against the table top. He had originally planned on calling someone, anyone, but had decided against it. How was one to speak without proper control of their throat? Despite this argument, Rin could feel the gashes seal themselves, the smallest of the bunch nearly being entirely closed off.

For a while, he didn't move, didn't think, didn't breath, then, as if automated, he lifted his phone. He had reserved a text from Dan, sent with the intentions of informing him that Dan would not be back as soon as he had initially intended, though an explanation had been left out. Rin thought for a short while, each moment its own eternity, trying to think through his responses. Did he want Dan to know? He wanted Dan here, helping him, watching out for whomever might have done this. Or, well, more precisely, he wanted Dan where he could be protected, where his safety was eminent.

Please hurry Rin eventually responded. The response was almost immediate.

Miss me already? I'm touched Dan responded, obviously smug, amusement over Rin's clinginess also present. Rin's response was delayed by inner conflictions.

Please be back soon now it was Dan's turn to faulted, his response taking a few moments longer to be documented and sent.

What happened? Dan asked

Be careful on your way back Rin responded, opting to ignore the question he had been presented with.

Oku...are you okay? Dan's worry seemed to increase after a few moments. Rin considered lying, but then recalled the feeling of being lied to. That dull agony that burned in his gut, rising with each fib given to him.

I'm not sure Rin responded truthfully.

I'll be home soon, just hang tight....your present's going to have to wait. Dan replied, sounding as though determination had set within him. Dan released a sigh, a breath he hadn't known himself to be holding, and moved on to Dan's room. The infirmary door closed behind him, the room being engulfed with shadows as the light was snuffed out.


Five minutes, nothing. Rin was fine with this, he hadn't expected Dan to have completed his return spontaneously after all.
Ten minutes. How far was it that Dan had gone?
Twenty minutes. Why was he taking so long?
Thirty. Was it possible for silence to be so overwhelming?
Forty. Rin was beginning to grow anxious, checking his phone every so often to ensure that no, he had not received any new messages.
It had been an entire hour now since Dan had sent that last message, and Rin was beyond concerned. What if he had been attacked? Why hadn't he returned....
Twenty more minutes before Rin finally had become fed up. If Dan was unable to return by himself, it he was injured, ambushed, or otherwise harmed, then what on earth was he waiting for? Dan was his partner and he should have been there for him, should anything have happened.
But first, before Rin could assist his partner, he would need to find out where exactly he had gone off to. Thankfully, Rin doubted that Dan would have thrown away any evidence within his room, and thus, a search began, eventually resulting in the business card to some leather shop being retrieved. Rin's white jacket slid over his form easily, and he left a mere twenty seconds later. He froze, remembering that Yukio might return early from whatever task he was currently assigned, and moved to their shared room.

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