The Conclusion of Battle

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Rin grinned at the beast, small beads of sweat forming on his brow.

"You're after me, aren't you?" He called, moving quickly towards the door the thing had initially burst through.
"Then, come and get me!" He exclaimed, running through the opening. The beast followed with quick movements, its large body smashing through the occasional root, it's four arms pulling it forwards while its large, lizard-like tail swung thickly behind it. It's one head bobbed to either side as it moved, giving a dull, low pitched roar.


"Idiot!" Bon hissed, translating his worry into anger. Shima looked to the windows longingly, his flight instinct more apparent than his will to fight.
"What is he thinking?!" Bon continued to demand harshly. Shima looked back to the others, his inner turmoil not having dispersed, he hadn't yet made up his mind on how to proceed.

"Should we leave?" He asked quickly, gesturing to the windows. Bon grit his teeth at the suggestion, too stubborn to just leave as things were. He threw his hands out towards Shiemi, who now looked to have regained composure, and looked to be in a near-meditative state, focusing on keeping the second half of the demon within the confinements her familiar had made.

"And what about her?" I'm not about to just leave everything up to her and Rin." Bon told angrily. If she were to leave with them, the barrier would weaken, and it would not take long for it to be destroyed once that happened. The beast would catch them.
Konekomaru pushed himself up, grasping onto the wall for support, as he forcibly overpowered the illness.

"We c-can recite verses." He said in a soft, weak voice.

"Bu-" Kamiki tried to protest, but she was interrupted by Bon's verbal affirmation of the idea. Together, the two began to recite from memory. Kamiki's teeth clenched, and she turned her worried, fearful glare back to the ever closer demon.


Rin arrived at the many panels, pipes, and switches that were located in the Power Room, quickly moving last them in an attempt of discovering the desired switch. Would it be labeled? How would he recognize it? If he could find it, the strength of the demonic ghouls would diminish to a much more easily dealt with level, where was it?

The demon had caught up with him, any sense of sentience gone as it roared like an enraged animal. Rin's scowl turned into a smirk as he reached for his sealed blade, getting it out just in time to reciprocate the lunge of the oncoming creature, blue flames erupting from his body instantly, his tail freeing itself as it too blazed with a glorious blue flame, lashing out and flickering to and fro as it served to better balance Rin.

The creature leapt back, the gash it had received sowing itself closed as thick thread pushed through its skin, connecting to the threads of the other side and moving like maggots. It was sickening.

"Ugh, that's so gross," Rin grumbled before raising his blade again.
"Come at me, you overgrown lizard!" He exclaimed. Clapping, slow and dramatic, came from the opened door, a man wearing an eyepatch entering slowly.

"Finally, you show your true self." The man said lowly. Rin looked at him, grinning sarcastically.

"So, I'm assuming this whole mess is your fault?" Rin asked dryly.

"Well, of course, I had to be sure after all." Igor responded.

"And the other students? What of them? Did you just factor them out when you were making your 'oh so clever' scheme?" Rin asked, still sarcastic.

"Hey! You're stealing my gimmick!" Dan protested as he entered the room, landing and materializing beside Rin. Rin grinned at him slyly.

"What can I say? Your dry wit is infectious." Rin responded coolly.

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