Lyrics and Dismemberment

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Shiemi turned, a movement that lacked grace due to her traditional attire slowing her down, staring fearfully in the direction of the yells. She moved, as if to run forwards, but someone else-Rin-beat her to it. He moved, his body almost a blur, and didn't stop when he passed the shorter person by. She watched, frozen in awe once again at his willingness to fight, before snapping into motion, following him at a much slower speed, tossing the fruity milk drink to the ground.


Kamiki's summons appeared beside her as her chant ended, her eyes losing their determination as she recalled the conversation that had been interrupted by the appearance of the ghoul-type demon. One of the kitsune spirits, the male-sounding one, turned to her sharply, alarmed at having sensed her will weaken.

"Human, what is the state of thy heart?" He asked quickly, his previously small pupils large as his own will, the dominant one of the moment, overtook her own, forcing it out of himself. His cohort followed suit, turning a snarl to their summoner.

"We shall not follow she who is weak!" The other one exclaimed, both of them leaping in matching, flowing movements, ready to strike down onto her loving flesh. They were both pushed away, two swift punches having been delivered by the now present Rin, a gun being held in hand. His brow raised in surprise, a small blush forming as he realized the person he had just saved to be practically nude.

As she ripped the paper, he turned away, as if to leave so that she may change into her clothing, but he was stopped as Kamiki grabbed his arm with warranted haste, the scraps of paper tossed to fall slowly to the ground.

"Don't leave!" She all but cried, her composure momentarily lost and pride forgotten. Rin averted his gaze, blushing.

"Um, I don't really know how I'm supposed to react to this..." He said honestly. Kamiki's brain reeled, trying to understand what it was he was referring to, as he most certainly was used to fighting, but then it clicked.

"Forget my indecency, go save Paku!" She instructed him. He saluted, albeit sarcastically, and turned towards the large demon that reeked of decay. His hand almost went to his chest, but he stopped himself. The seal's marking faded from his skin as he instead raised his readied gun, aiming quickly.

The recoil had surprised him, and he had ended up missing from where he had aimed, as he was not yet used to a firearm that shot out energy opposed to bullets, but the beast screeched nonetheless as its black blood spilled from the hole in its disgusting flesh. Rin was no stranger to blood, he was no stranger to death, nor to decay, and not to demons, and yet the beast before him almost deterred him from engaging in battle.

It's two sagging heads lowered, the skin at its throats pulling taut against the stitches, and Rin was reminded of the sutures he had yet to remove from his own throat. The gun lowered for a moment, his resolve faltering, but this did not last long. All too soon for the beast's liking, raised the gun again, his eyes far sharper than they had been moments ago, pupils contracted and glowing their red hue.

"Forgive me, young master." The voice of the demon croaked.
"This is not my will, but the will of another, I have no power over what is done here tonight." He said, sounding apologetic. One of its-his enormous hands covered the wound, retracting as the black fluid drizzled down its body.

"Then, forgive my actions, as well, but so long as our allegiances differ and our goals counteractive, we are enemies, and I will treat you as such." Rin found himself saying, the gun realigning itself to the summoned demon. The demon moved, attempting of fleeing the range of the shot, but Rin simply followed it as it moved, firing one of the heads dead on.
"Dan, go automatic." Rin ordered calmly, his partner complying and the inside of the nuzzle glowing. Rin felt the energy as it bubbled within him, being absorbed by Dan, only for an equal portion of different energy to be passed back, causing the bubbling to increase. The shots launched themselves, a rain of now green plasma making contact with its mark, the body of the demon moving slightly, pushed back, by the wave of bullets, the force of each one causing a slight stumble.

By the time he was done, a slight smoke, or perhaps it was vapor, lifted itself from the muzzle of the exhausted pistol, and warmth radiated from it for the first time. He wondered if it was meant to do that, or if something were wrong with it, but settled on the first as Shiemi entered the room, eyes widening even further, horrified at the mess of black muck that now stained the walls and floor, of the corpse that had begun to turn to ash, but went back into motion as her eyes landed on Paku's nearly drenched form, the highly corrosive blood of the demon burning away cloth and skin alike, in some areas going further down. Kamiki hurried over, fearful for the life of her friend, as Shiemi treated Paku's wounds. Rin wiped away some of the black liquid from where it had splattered on his cheek. He knew it should burn him, and yet it did not. It had burned when it first landed, but it no longer stung. He felt remorse for harming it so severely, its arms and legs now detached from its body, having been blown off, and he decided to see if he could reattach them later on, after things had settled down some.

Kamiki stood again, shakily, and looked on gratefully to Rin. Despite the horror of the situation, the overkill, and the fear it would bring to most others, she smiled, a show of gratitude, at the half demon.

"Th-thank you." She stuttered, choking down the tears of relief that tried to force themselves out.

"Rin!" Yukio exclaimed, his gun clicking as he readied it, but froze at the scene before him.

"You're late." Rin said flatly, twirling his gun around one finger, spinning it. Yukio smiled a nervous grin, sweating slightly. Behind him, the other students arrived, some of them filtering into the room.

"So, I'm guessing you'll be a Dragoon, after all." Yukio commended. Rin bobbed his head, nodding, before walking out.

"Dang it, can you even get this out?" Rin asked, having noticed the dark stains that now covered his clothes.

"Very good,d Shiemi, you're first aid was correct." Yukio began to say. The door never closed, Rin having stopped just before he would have exited. He had noticed Kamiki, silent tears cascading her face, as she sat on the near side of the lockers, though if she was crying due to trauma or humiliation was something Rin didn't know, it was most likely both. He sighed, kneeling down to her level, and made eye contact with her the best he could.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked. She didn't respond, merely glared at him, as if to say 'go away', not wanting to gain the attention of the others as she had already his. Rin rubbed his head, unsure of what to do, and pocketed his pistol, needing both of his hands to remove his shirt.
"Here, put this on." He told, standing back up and leaving the room. He yawned, deciding that, perhaps, he should go and try to get some shut-eye.

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