It's a Secret

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//A:N// CUDDLES IN THIS CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!! So adorable 😊


Shima, Shiemi, Konekomaru, and Rin all sat in the classroom, awaiting for their young teacher to arrive.

"These are good, Okumura-kun, what did you put into them?" Konekomaru asked, having just swallowed a second bite of the almost velvet confection, which was topped with a cream cheese icing and red crystallized sugar sprinkled over for added design. He looked on the hollowed inside of the treat, discovering that cream cheese frosting resided within as well.

"Oh, you know; sugar, milk, enriched wheat flour, cocoa powder, wheat glutton, vegetable oi-" Rin listed, beginning to count off his fingers.
"-and salt." He finished after an extended periode of him listing off a multitude of ingredients.

"Okay, but I was thinking more like 'what did you put in that makes them taste so good', not every single ingredient." Konekomaru said, sweat dropping at Rin's apparently vast knowledge of memorized ingredients.

"Why, love of course~" Rin teased, winking. Konekomaru was about to speak again, but someone else spoke instead.

"You know, if you tried like that in school, your grades would be so much better." Suguro stated, having paused at the door when he heard Rin begin listing off. He lifted one of the amazingly decorated treats, in awe over the sheer magnificence a simple pastry could hold. He bit into it, only to be blown away once again.

"Wow, these are really good!" Suguro said in a surprised voice, not bothering to swallow before speaking. Rin laughed sheepishly at all of the praise he was being given by the group. Kamiki walked in, along side her plain looking friend, quickly taking notice of the group that had crowded around one of the front desks.

"Hey, what's going on?" Kamiki asked, being handed one of the treats by Shiemi.

"Rin-Kun made cupcakes!" She squeaked happily, small bits of the treat clinging to her lips, only to be cleared away moments later.

"Seriously though, what's in them?" Konekomaru pressed. Rin winked again, a few small sparkles dancing around him.

"It's a secret"


Rin stretched, having just returned from the battle of the bands he and the others had gone off to watch. It was now most definitely late, nearing three a.m., but thankfully, it was the weekend. He stood up, getting changed into his pajamas, before walking back out of the room. Yukio glanced at him, eyes hiding their cold intentions behind a smile. Rin returned it, though it never reached his eyes. Again, that feeling. It was an odd feeling, almost indescribable. It was the same feeling he had gotten oh so many times before, but only now he could explain the cause: deception. When he had been younger, he would feel it often. It hurt.

He walked away, through the door and down to one of the other dorms, where Dan was already setting up. Dan had moved all of his things further away from Rin and Yukio's room as a means of preventing discovery, but the move had only just begun.


"Hey, Dan, where do you want this?" Rin asked, holding up a rolled up poster.

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