A Lesson of Tails

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Rin's unfocused eyes opened, glancing around the room blearily. There was a pleasant sensation running up his spine, almost like pleasure, and he felt an almost euphoric sense of comfort. He also became more aware of his surroundings, and noticed that he was laying on his side, three puffy tails strewn over his mid section while the other two were behind him on the bed. He realized them to be the person who had declared himself "T"'s tails, and he focused his eyes on the only other person in the room, who was sitting up with Rin's tail in his lap, a brush slowly running across and through the tuft of fur. He wondered how he had gotten to this position, and what he did remember was a blur from where it had begun and where it had ended, but he did seem to recall how it had happened.


The older-not that he really looked it-demon had talked Rin into the lesson, and then promptly began to teach him of the benefits, purposes, and other such things of a demon's tail, as well as a small variety of them. Currently, he was speaking of the sensitivity of the extension of spine and what was commonly done with them, an intriguing thing indeed.

"I have a friend-or well, sibling-who just starts purring instantly whenever we do this! It's so adorable." T said, beginning to slowly strike the tuft of fur at the tip of the tail, as if as an after thought or a form of habit.
"Trust me, it feels great!" T said enthusiastically
"And, if you're a good boy, I'll even tell you my name by the end. Doesn't that sound fun?" He asked. Rin blinked, first at the thought of actually know the person before him's name, but this knowledge was soon overshadowed by him trying to jerk away, as if startled by something. T gave him a confused look, not understanding why he had removed his tail from his grasp.

"What was that?!" Rin demanded quickly, tail pulling itself closer to him. T blinked twice, tilting his head in confusion. Then, as if being struck by realization, it clicked. He grinned and slowly, nonverbally, coaxed Rin to give his tail back. He played with the soft fur for a few moments before speaking again, leaning forwards and nuzzling the other person.

"You're silly." He said simply, though Rin still stared at him with perplexed and mildly cautious eyes.
"That tingly feeling is nothing to worry about, it'll go away in a few seconds." T continued
"Kinda surprised you felt it so fast, but then again you do have shorter fur, so stimulation would be felt more quickly than it would otherwise." He mused. He paused, as if realizing something, and then burst out laughing.
"That's why he shaves his tail?! Really? Ha! I'm sooooo going to tease him about it next time I see him." He laughed, throwing a hand into the air. He began to stroke a bit more of the tail's length, humming softly for a few moments and occasionally chuckling at something or other, not giving an explanation for his amusement.
"These bad boys kinda act like a double edged sword." He suddenly said.
"They're easy targets, they are sensitive, and they hurt like hell when they'll ripped off. But, just the same, they help with balance and can help for better stability, as well as being protective for your turned back." He continued
"Word to the wise, if you're ever in battle and don't want it to be yanked; tuck it. If you're in battle and need to run faster and with better chance of not falling or running into something; let it out." He explained, but Rin's mind had already begun to cloud over, mind fogging with an odd pleasantness. He hadn't even noticed the slight purring noise he had begun to produce, for he had been too wrapped in his enjoyment to notice, too far wrapped to care.
The person that went by "T" proceeded with tips, explanations, whatever it was that he had been speaking of, but by that point Rin had stopped paying attention. A few words did, however, push away the fog, being heard clearly to the only semi aware listener.
"By the way, my name is Taima. You can call me by it or not, I don't really care." The now revealed Taima stated simply, shrugging, not that the action could be noticed by the dazed observer. His words from there resumed to be clouded, just as the words and tidbits of information prior had been.


Rin slowly moved from the position he was in, yawning and arching his back in a feline-like-stretch.

"Morning, sleepy head." Taima said with amusement, his five tails retracting from Rin's form and twisting themselves into a large entwinement, looking as a large spiral. His ears flicked away, both of the room's occupants jerking their heads towards the door as they heard footsteps begin to near it. Before Rin knew it, Taima had left through the open window, waving a silent goodbye as he went. Yukio entered through the door not five seconds later, his face brightening when he realized his brother to be awake and looking much better.

"Hey, Rin, feeling better?" He asked, walking off to his desk and setting his things down. He had brought with him a complete stalk of the papers Rin would have to do, as well as things he would need to read from the school's textbooks. Rin looked with dramatic sadness at the homework he would now have to do, the expression melting away as he heard his sibling's words.



It wasn't until the weekend did Taima return for a visit, grinning wide with barely contained excitement, jumping over and grabbing Rin around the shoulders with one arm. He seemed to float as he did this, his feet never landing as he showed his excitement.

"Guess what?!" Taima asked in a loud voice, looking fit to burst from excitement. Rin blinked confusedly, not understanding how Taima was floating without the assistance of a few wing beats. Instead, the wings were held in an outwards stretch, feathers spread wide open but moving very little, if at all.

"What?" Rin asked, not missing a beat. Taima released him, flapping his wings to push him a slight ways away. His tails unwound slightly around the tip, making contact with the ground as Taima sat cross legged, wings still partially open.

"I got you a ticket for a concert!" He exclaimed loudly, launching himself into the air like a rocket, flipping above Rin's head and landing on his feet on the other side of Rin. Rin, on his part, was beginning to really like the eccentric creature that had taken to haunting him, and it had been a while since he had last ventured to a concert. He didn't even ask what band would be playing, for he simply began to celebrate the news excitedly with his stranger of a friend.

"Wooh! This is going to be awesome!" Rin exclaimed, throwing his hands up into the air. He paused after a second, lowering his hands.
"But wait, what about my homework?" He asked. He had learned some variation of responsibility, not very much, but he did know that he knew practically nothing of what he was meant to, and that fact simply did not do if he wished to push past the ranks he was currently confined to. Taima waved him off, rolling his eyes.

"Who cares about that?" He asked, before realizing this did not convince the other person and switching tactics.
"Look, this is a concert of beings like us, you can meet other people like yourself and learn how to control your awesome new abilities!" Taima told, smiling slightly.
"Besides, while schoolwork and all is a great way to go on the whole 'killing Satan' thing, actually meeting other people who want the same thing as you and teaming up with them, training with them, and all around just plain old learning from them is another way to go." Taima explained. Rin seemed to relent, smiling and deciding to just go with this person.
"Now come on!" Taima began again, grabbing Rin's wrist and walking to the ledge.
"We got to get you put of those boring school clothes and into something a little more..." he paused, not finding a good way of saying that Rin's current attire was lackluster at best.
"Appropriate for where we're going." He concluded. A flash of light overtook their bodies, and they were gone.

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