Camping Trip

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"Huh? Professor, where's your stuff?" Shima asked, having just noticed that their oddball of a teacher carried nothing. She pointed lazily towards Rin.

Rin splashed the water of the large trickle of water, clearly excited, while verbally relating the small stream's sudden drop from the rock tossed waterfall. Secured tightly to his back were three rather large backpacks, seemingly overstuffed, and both being of an extraordinary weight. If this registered within Rin's mind, he failed to show it, moving about as if he carried nothing but the clothes on his back.

Yukio, the would-be carrier of the second bag, led the front of the group, silently thankful for Rin's immense strength. The air, slightly humid, was hot, the sun beating down upon them from above fiercely. Suguro breathed out, panting slightly, and lifted a bottled water to his mouth.

"Why's Okumura carrying three bags?" He asked after a moment, finally verbalizing his confusion. Yukio landed over towards him, his expression revealing nothing.

"Man, he's a freaking powerhouse!" Shima said, in awe of Rin's stamina. Kamiki nodded in agreement, not letting her ongoing struggle with her own luggage show, although her sweat was a clear indication of her effort. Shiemi did nothing to hide her diminishing strength, gasping for breath on occasion.

"I wonder if it's safe to drink..." Rin pondered, still standing before the water. Suguro grabbed the back of Rin's collar, lifting him up and pulling him away.

"Oh no, you're not getting sick on my watch!" Suguro declared paternally.

"Awww!" Rin responded, being set back down on his feet. Had a Rin been anyone else, he would be limp-jawed, amazed and in awe over the strength Bon had just displayed, but Rin was used to such feats, and as such thought nothing of it. Suguro's muscles ached from lifting the other person-and his bags-for even the slightest moment, his legs burning from the exertion he had been forcing onto them. Rin shrugged carelessly, walking over towards the head of the pack and continuing as if nothing had happened. He babbled at Yukio, speaking of odd and random things that the others hardly cared about, seeming oblivious of a lack of participants in the conversation.
"And that is why chocolate goes good with bacon." Rin concluded, ending just as they arrived at the sight of their camp. Yukio quickly called everyone over, the many people quickly dumping their bags, huffing in relief and sucking down mouthfuls of water, before Yukio continued. The second of the three supervising individuals looked to Rin with mild interest, her red and yellow hair moving slightly in the light breeze. The third supervisor, however, was one that had caught Rin's suspicion. Kuro, too, seemed to think so, the feline having never turned his head away from the man since the trip had initially begun.

The man, tall, bulky, and bald, seemed unable to talk. Either that, or he simply preferred silence, for he had not spoken since he had been introduced, leaving the explanation for what he would do to Yukio-who seemed to know the man quite well-and Kirigakure-the other new teacher who had, for whatever reason, been masking herself as one of the students for some time. That was, until Konekomaru, Shima, and Suguro all had gotten themselves in danger one day a short while back, during the investigation of an amusement park that was owned by Mephisto.

With her assistance, they had been able to finish the additional work that had risen to the originally simple task, but nothing else had been made known to the other students.

"Boys, you'll be helping Mr. Himura and I set up the tents while the girls set up the magical barrier and cook dinner with Professor Kirigakure." Yuki announced.


Suguro watched as Rin held up a part of the tent, attempting to stand it up without a single clue as to what he was doing. With a groan, Bon approached.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" He asked, lifting up the untouched booklet from the ground, flipping it open to the first page. With his assistance, and after a few more failings, the tents were successfully set up.

"Is it just me, or is Okumura-kun in a really good mood today?" Shima asked, earning a shrug as a response from Konekomaru. The girls finished with the circle shortly after, now attempting to make the class' dinner. Rin watched as Kamiki attempted to peel a potato whilst Shiemi appeared to be looking over the steps on the back of the box.

"Ow!" Kamiki said sharply on reflex, having just accidentally cut herself. Finally unable to take the pitiful display, he walked up to them, quickly taking charge of their chore. Rin's holstered gun watched silently from his belt, a,used at the display.

When the food had been finished, everyone gathered around the fire that had been set up a short time before.

"Th-the hell?!" Bon exclaimed through his mouthful, having just taken the first bite and was amazed of the flavor the food contained. It tasted even better than it had smelt.

"Guess we know who's going to be the cook in your household." Shima said, although his face was equally shocked. He hadn't been expected Rin's cooking to be good, not in the least, which only added to the amazement. Yukio chuckled at their display of astonishment, a kind, knowing smile stealing his lips.

"Yes, my brother does-surprisingly-have a talent for cooking." Yukio agreed, tiring away just in time for the overly eccentric retaliation for his wording. He would deny it if ever confronted, but antagonizing Rin from time to time was cause for amusement.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Rin exclaimed loudly, standing abruptly and making vigorous motions with his arms, almost flailing them. He stopped abruptly, flopping himself down onto his makeshift seat, which was a small log, and crossed his arms.
"Surprising my ass, I'll give you surprising." Shiemi heard him grumble, being of a closer proximity to the demonic halfbreed. His current behavior was a rather larger leap away from that which he displayed in the classroom, but it was not the first time they had noticed such divergences in his tones, mood, and behaviorism. He had displayed similar energetic antics whenever a chance for battle or most other activities he seemed to find engaging presented itself. Apparently, what he found engaging was most everything that existed outside of the classroom and makeshift classroom boundaries.

Shiemi's amused expression turned to confusion as she took note of how he was sitting. Instead of sitting in the center of the log, as one normally would, he was on the edge, as if someone else shared his seat. Tilting her head, she saw that he had removed his gun from his holster and placed it overtop the wooden surface, seeming to have staged its position. She said nothing, passing it off as simply another odd antic or impulsion of Rin's, as he had shown himself to have many of such behaviors.

Shiemi did not know of impulsions or compulsions, nor intrusive thoughts. She knew not of he who spoke to Rin whenever he was not conversing with another, nor the external influences that knotted the strings around the unaware other's mind, thoughts, and mentality. She knew not of The Predators, nor of the kitsu kind, only barely grasping the concept of beings which she declared demons and spirits. She, just as the many, were ignorant, and Taima loved this most of all. He doubted that he would find himself able to craft himself a new "toy" with anyone of this realm, but he was invested nonetheless. A game was a game, and he would not fail a third time.

Granted, his failings were not truly things that he could be attributed to; his playmates were mortal after all. Well, partially mortal, but mortal nonetheless. Hopefully, he had made the correct choice in arming Rin so early, perhaps now he could defend himself should a threat arise.

Taima grinned to himself, his crazed eyes fallen upon the third teacher with an eagerness befitting a child. How would this happen? When would it occur?

'The anticipation is killing me.' Taima thought gleefully, almost laughing at his joke as his body submerged into the shadows. The investigation was over, now was the time to observe.

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