Chapter 16: Can I Hold Onto You?

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As they both reached the viewing area, [Y/n] looked up at Izuku. Her (e/c) eyes held a soft, fragile look.

"Thank you for saying so. I guess I'm just upset because I used it out of pure negative emotions. It's like it fed off of it. I didn't activate it strategically, only on the base that I wanted to hurt him the way he hurt me... And that's no way for a hero to act. Besides, I hate seeing people in pain. I want to help those in need feel better, not the opposite."

Izuku courageously grabbed onto [Y/n]'s hand and gently squeezed it.

"Well think of it as this: that side of your quirk is best against villains and your other, healing side, is best for civilians or other heroes. And you need to know how to use both! So you were just practicing your un-healing quirk today, that's all!" [Y/n] felt her spirits lift slightly, her features softening. "And as for the negative emotions, that just comes with practice, [Y/n]. I don't think a single person in our class can use their quirk perfectly, or control it all the time. I'm the biggest example!" Izuku half-heartedly laughed at that. "Our mistakes help us learn, though. And I don't think you should hold back from using that side of your quirk just because you're scared. No one walked away hurt other than Kacchan's pride anyways!"

"Let's make a promise right now, that we'll both try our hardest to control our quirks by the end of the semester!" Izuku sent her a sweet smile, his cheek slightly pink from their hand holding.

[Y/n] managed a small smile and nodded. "Thank you," she let go of Izuku's hand and walked into the viewing area.

Their classmates and All Might were watching the screen, but instantly all eyes were on her as she entered the facility. [Y/n] felt a hot droplet of insecurity plummet into her stomach. Would her classmates be scared of her? Did they think she was a villain or have villainous traits now?! Her (e/c) caught a glimpse of a pouting Katsuki standing alone in the back. His face was somehow weak and defeated looking. She felt the rush of guilt hit her like a wave again and forced herself to look away.

All Might cleared his throat. "Young [L/n], you put on quite an impressive show! Your power had me worried their for a moment, but you did an excellent job using your quirk to both your defensive and offensive abilities! I speak for everyone here when I say I am relieved that you walked out unharmed from Bakugou's attack!" His voice boomed through the viewing room.

[Y/n] looked at him nervously, not sure if she totally believed in what he was saying. Her classmates said nothing, but none of them looked terribly scared or judgmental. She internally let out a relieved sigh.

"Now," All Might began, looking back at the viewing screens. "There is a spare school gym suit hanging beside you," [Y/n] looked to her left and spotted it. "I'd advise you to change into it."

[Y/n] turned and took it off it's wall hook. Her cheeks and ears feeling increasingly hot.

"I think she should keep her costume on," Mineta's voice perversely commented.

Tsuyu kicked him across the room.

All Might began to speak again, turning everyone's attention back to the screens. They were watching another battle trail ensue.

[Y/n] mentally cursed as she noticed there was no where private to change. The whole viewing area was just one big room. She held up the jumpsuit in her hands, noting that it looked to also be a few sizes too big. [Y/n] huffed out a sigh.

I can't seem to catch a break.

"Need some privacy?" She heard a female voice ask from behind her.

[Y/n] turned around, her eyes meeting with Momo's smiling face.

Mina stood beside her with a bright smile. "We'll act like a human wall so you can change!" She suggested.

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