"Piss off." Luke grunts glaring at Michael who's starting laughing.

"Am I missing something?" Emma asks lightly. Ashton shakes his head before wrapping one of his arms around her and pulling her close. "Luke and Claudia are just going through a phase of really disliking each other at the moment." Ashton explains and Emma nods still looking a little confused.

"How are your legs?" Calum asks me getting a glare.

"Going dead, you have a seriously bony ass." I tell him.

"I do not."

"You do so." I lightly laugh.

"At least it's a cute bony ass." Calum grins at me and I shake my head at him before leaning my head on his back. A smirk instantly spreads on my lips as I get a idea of how I get him off me.

I lift my head a little before biting down on the back of his shoulder making him yelp in pain and instantly hop up.

"Finally." I sigh rubbing my thighs that had now gone dead. Everybody is looking at Calum who is currently rubbing his shoulder.

"Don't bite!" Calum says and everyone looks at me before laughing.

"You told me you like it." Luke says and Calum glares at him. "I did not."

"You did.." Luke starts but I cut him off. "It's alright Luke I know he does." I smirk at Calum who glares at me.

"Alright, I'm getting cold." Michael announces standing up. "Lets get this fire started." Michael starts to walk off and Luke stands before following after him.

"Uhm will Emma be alright with yous?" Ashton asks looking nervous.

"Of course she will." I frown at him before smiling.

"Jeez Ashton what do you think we will do?" Aria chuckles as Ashton stands up.

"I don't know." Ashton shrugs. "I'll be back soon." He tells Emma who grins at him. "I'll be fine Ashton." Ashton looks unsure but nods in agreement before beginning to follow after Luke and Michael. I look up at Calum who has a mischievous smile on his face.

"What are you doing?" I ask him as he moves closer to me.

"Nothing." Calum shrugs before bending down and grabbing my face with his hands and then peppering kisses all over my face.

"Calum." I groan before giggling.

"Hurry up lover boy!" Ashton yells and Calum stops and grins happily before releasing my face and following his friends.

"You two are honestly the cutest!" Aria squeals and I can't help but smile.

"She's right on that one." Emma agrees.


"So how long have you and Calum been together?" Emma asks me. It was currently just us two left to talk as Aria went to see what was taking Claudia so long and the boys.... Well they were currently bickering about how the bonfire needed to be set up, it was actually a really funny sight.

"About six weeks or so." I tell Emma.

"Really?" Emma asks looking surprised.

"Yes." I lightly laugh. "Why do you look so surprised?"

"I guess just if I had to guess how long I would said something like two years." Emma laughs nervously.

"Oh. Why exactly?"

"You two are just so comfortable and happy together." Emma smiles before shrugging.

"That's probably because I've know him since like high school and because we've been roomies the last two years." I explain.

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن