"If you want I can call him. I will tell him. This way you keep your promise and we tell him the truth" Madhu

"Really Madhu? Will you call him? I didn't want to ask you that. I know how hard it will be for you to talk to him after all these years" Padmini

"Mom. Sultan is just my neighbor. Nothing more nothing less. I forget all about him long time ago. The moment I accepted Rishabh as my husband, all my heart was Rishabh's only and always be" Madhu

"I know Madhu. I know how much you love your husband. I know in your heart there no other place for anyone else. I just was worry that you feel awkward toward him" Padmini

"No at all mom. He is my neighbor and when he comes back he will be only my patient's son." Madhu

"Ok, you will call him?" Padmini

"Yes please give me his number" Madhu

Padmini opened a notebook and gave Sultan's number to Madhu.

"Isn't late to call him now? It is 10pm now. We can call him tomorrow" Madhu

"No they are hour and half earlier than us. It is 8:30 pm now in Dubai" Padmini

"Ok I will call him now" Madhu

Madhu dialed the number and waited five rings before she hang up the call

"What?" Padmini

"He didn't answer. Maybe he is busy" Madhu

They heard the phone ringing

"It is him" Madhu

"Answer the call Madhu. What are you waiting for?" Padmini

Madhu answered the call

"Hello" Madhu

"Hello. This number called me few minutes ago. Who are you?" Sultan

"It is me Madhubala" Madhu

"Madhu" Sultan whispered the name

"Yes Sultan" Madhu

"Sorry I didn't recognize your voice. We never talked on the phone before" Sultan

"It is ok" Madhu

"How are you? How is aunty?" Sultan

"We are fine. How are you?" Madhu

"I'm fine. It is the first time you call me. Is everything ok? Is mom ok?" Sultan was worry

"Really aunty is the reason I called you" Madhu

"What is it Madhu? Mom is fine right?" Sultan

"Actually no. Meera aunty has liver cancer. She is in fourth stage" Madhu

"What?" Sultan was shocked

"I'm sorry Sultan." Madhu

"I'll come back" Sultan

"I think it is the best you can do. She needs you" Madhu

"Thank you Madhu for telling me" Sultan

"It is ok Sultan. I will go now" Madhu

"Ok Madhu. Please take care of Mom." Sultan said with cracked voice

"I'll, don't worry" Madhu

Madhu ended the call and told her mother what Sultan said to her

After two days

Sultan and Madhu were in Padmini's house discussing about Meera's condition

"You know about that for a year now. How didn't you tell me? I have the right to know. She is my mother" Sultan was angry

"Sorry son. She made me promise her. I couldn't tell you anything. She doesn't want you to worry about her" Padmini

"She is my mother. If I don't worry about her, who should I worry about?" Sultan started to cry

"Please Sultan. Be strong for her. She can't see you like that" Madhu

"I can't Madhu. She is the only one for me. I has no one else in this world." Sultan

"Please son hold on. For her sake" Padmini caressed his back tenderly to sooth his pain

"I'm sorry I have to go. I need to see her. Which hospital she is in?" Sultan

"She is in Kundra's hospital." Madhu

"Thank you" Sultan left them and went to see his mother

After two weeks

RK was sitting in the living room watching TV and his father was sitting there reading medical magazine. His father mobile rang and RK listened to the one-side conversation

"Yes Madhu. How are you dear? We missed you so much" Mohan was looking to his son

"Are you in the hospital now?" Mohan

"What?" Mohan

"ICU unite? Please don't cry dear. Everything will be ok" Mohan

"Be with your mother. I will be there in thirty minutes" Mohan

"OK I'm coming now" Mohan

Mohan hanged up the call and stood up, started to leave the room. But he was watching his son with the corner of his eyes

"Why is she in the ICU?" RK

"She is with her mother." Mohan

"What? What happened to Mama Ji?" RK was worry and concern

"I thought you hate her and her family. I have to go and be with her" Mohan ran out of the room

In the ICU unite

"Please Madhu. Let me see her" Sultan

"You can't visit her now Sultan. She is on life support machines. All her systems are shuting down" Madhu

"Please Madhu. I won't disturb her. I just need to see her. Please" Sultan pleaded Madhu to see his mother

"Ok come with me" Madhu

Madhu led him to the ICU unite where his mother was lying unconscious there. He entered the room and she waited outside to give him privacy with his mother. After few minutes, she heard the machines beeping. She ran inside the room and pushed Sultan away. She tried to save his mother but she couldn't. His mother died. After all the doctors and nurses left the room. She turned to face the devastated man standing in front of her.

"I'm sorry Sultan. I'm really sorry." Madhu

"No Madhu. It can't be. She can't leave me. I has no one in this world except her. She is all I have." Sultan cried hard

"Please Sultan." Madhu tried to console him

"I left her for six years. I left her alone all this time. She needed me. She was in pain and I left her alone. I'm a selfish son.

I didn't want to come back. I wanted to stay away from you. I wanted to forget you. But I forgot my mother instead. I left my mother to suffer alone. I'm a bad son. I don't deserve her. That is why God took her from me" Sultan broke down crying

"Sultan don't say that. Don't do that to yourself. You were always a good son. She loved you so much" Madhu got closer to him and tried to reach out to console him.

Suddenly Sultan hugged her and cried hard on her shoulder. Madhu froze in her place. She couldn't move or push him away from her. She stood just few seconds before the door opened and she saw her husband on the doorstep

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