Chapter 40

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Music: Moonwalker - SEVENTEEN (performance team)

i know this sounds weird but damn the pineapple im eating right now is crunchy


Chanyeol POV:


Instantly that girl's message had caught the attention of everyone in the shop, their heads peaking up from shelves life rabbits peaking out a rabbit-hole and start to dash towards us. They scramble and push around, desperate to come to us first. (Y/N) starts to vigorously tug on Baekhyun's left arm.

"A'IGHT I KNOW FANS ARE IMPORTANT BUT THIS IS NOT THE BEST TIMING RIGHT?" she tugs and tugs, Baekhyun's arm wobbling around like an octopus from the force. As soon as we begin to turn around and get away, a fans arms are wrapped around me. "Pa- Park Chanyeol! I-i-is it... rea-really... you?" she trembles, hugging onto me like a sloth. (Y/N) pulls down her cap to cover her face as much as possible and strides towards the fan, gently pushing her away. (Y/N) takes a firm grip on me and Baekhyun's hand and starts running out with such speed we nearly tripped over. The wind rushes by us, screams echoing behind us and fading as time passes. I look to my right, taking in (Y/N).

Her sunglasses are starting to fall off from all the movement and her black face mask (which was put on loosely anyways) was also hanging on one ear, dangerously close to dropping. She looks so worried, concerned, serious. I had never seen her look so... so... I have never seen her try to help someone so hard before. Her eyes were still wide with shock. She grits her teeth with stress. The wind continues to ruffle around our hair. Before she can catch me looking, I look downwards, not being able to understand my thoughts.

"Quick, round here!" she pulls us around a corner, as the confused fans run past the corner and disappear.

Baekhyun falls to the floor, catching his breath. (Y/N) pants heavily, slamming herself against the wall, slowly sliding herself down next to Baekhyun into a heap of exhausted bodies. "They... they... should... be here soon..." she takes a deep breath in, trying to balance her breathing. "Who?" Baekhyun asks, already brushing dirt off of his jeans and standing up. (Y/N) didn't need to say anything for his question to be answered.

(Y/N) POV:

"You're lucky I wasn't busy, you know." a deep, instantly recognisable voice chuckles. One of our cars pulls up by us, the window rolling down. "TAE-TAE~!" I waddle over, opening the door to find Chan sitting in the back seat, so I plop myself next to him. I instantly slam the seat belt in. "Nice to see you here!" I greet. He nods hesitantly. Baekhyun and Chanyeol sit in the row behind us. "How did you find us? And how did you know we were in trouble?" Chanyeol hurriedly asks. "I have my ways." Taehyung winks, pushing the pedal gently to start the car as we begin to drive in the depths of the city.

Taehyung POV:

After parking and herding everyone into the house, Jungkook stands waiting with his arms folded at the doorway of the house, looking around to check everyone was already lost in the mansion somewhere.

"How did it go?" He smirks at me. I furrow my eyebrows, pausing to think for a moment. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." I huff, quickly escaping past Jungkook and towards one of the many rooms. My socks nearly make me slip several times up the stairs. "You know well enough what I'm "talking about"!" He calls after me. My hand lingers around in limbo for a moment, hesitating to twist the door knob. I look to the left, Jungkook glaring at me from the bottom of the stair case, his icy gaze piercing through me. I shrug it off and quickly lock myself in the bedroom and then the bathroom, heart racing.

(Y/N) POV:

"What we up to~?" I finally find everyone in a room I hadn't yet discovered.

Brightly coloured pillows and beanbags were spread across the red fluffy carpet floor- many occupied by the boys. Some were covered in giant poofy blankets and the odd popcorn was dotted around, four large buckets of popcorn here and there. A paper lantern hanging from the ceiling gave the room a dim atmosphere, a similar feeling to a cinema. A ridiculously large flat-screen TV (in very high resolution) covered the whole of one wall as it draws everyone's attention. I notice how everyone were sitting in four main groups, not split by bands.

"It's split into popcorn flavours," Hoshi begins to whisper, sitting closest to me on a large purple cushion covered in a pastel blue blanket. "Caramel here, sweet over to the right, salty in front and sweet n' salty in the furthest corner over there." He points carefully each time. I nod, tip-toeing over to the sweet n' salty trying not to disturb everyone. I flop myself onto a scarlet red beanbag.
"Glad to know more people like a mixed flavour of popcorn," Yoongi starts, crunching beside me as he sits against the wall. "I just came here because it's got space, I'm already quite stuffed." I pat my stomach. Yoongi continues to take handfuls from the bowl in the middle of our group, shrugging.
"Also we're watching 'Ghost', in case you couldn't tell. You know, the 90's one about the man getting killed, turning into a ghost and trying to communicate with his girlfriend through a spiritual woman?" he asks. I nod. I watch just as the credits start rolling in.

And so everyone scattered out, Seungkwan claiming to know all of the rooms in the mansion. Kai and Namjoon were debating over which girl group is the best and Jin was mumbling about dinner to himself. Stretching my arms despite the fact I was only sitting down for less than a minute I begin to trot out. However, a hand pulls my body back in and closes the door behind us. My eyes adjust to the darkness and I realised who was towering above me.

"Ch-chanyeol?" I scratch my forehead. He nods, pursing his lips, running a hand through his chocolate brown hair. "Look, (Y/N), I wanted to apologise before-"

Suddenly, the door slams open to reveal a frustrated looking Taehyung and guilty looking Jimin (to be be followed by a bored Jungkook) , his hands trembling while clutching onto his phone. Gulping, Jimin nudges my shoulder.

"Someone got a photo of us all when we were at the water park, (Y/N), and it's all over the news..." he looks down, despair in his shimmering eyes. I pat his head. "It's not like we were all banging each other in the pools, Jimin, we were just having fun! I doubt it's anything really to worry about." I shake my head and chuckle. Taehyung continues for Jimin.

"But the thing is... it's a picture of you kissing Minghao."


oh damn ;)

Anyway, more importantly:

My friend MyNumber_1Love has written a book in Taglish (Tagalog-English) and I know for a fact that many of my readers are Filipino so please check it out here:


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