Chapter 37

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Music: Jenga - Heize (ft Gaeko)

When I was looking for fanfictions I can read, I decided to look for some EXO fanfictions. I went on discover, fanfiction, exo, hot... and guess what? This book was on it! Yay~


I did pretty much the same, going on discover, fanfiction, seventeen, hot... and this book was on it! :D

(I didn't bother checking for BTS fanfictions because there are a ridiculous amount of them so I'd most likely not be up there :'))

Well, my book wouldn't be 'hot' if it weren't for you guys! Thank you~   

Now let's get on with the story ^.^


(Y/N) POV:

"Are you guys going to get tickets for the BTS world tour?!"

"I would, but I'm scared they'd be sold out too quick."

"BTS are okay, but I wouldn't really go to their concert, I'd rather save up for another band."

"What about GOT7 though? Think they've already started their world tour."

"Well, they've already had a concert in South Korea. So I obviously can't go to that one. Plus I probably can't afford to get a plane ride to another country just for a concert."

"What do you mean... Ahh, this is confusing! Let's just stop talking about concerts in general."

"So... since we don't really know each other very well... let's play truth or-"

"What's your favourite food?"

"OOOOOH! Now we're TALKING! I like... well I don't really have favourites I just like most foods don't judge me."

Standing outside of the room which I was instructed to go to after my break, I hear several voices from the inside having a conversation. I smile to myself, predicting that these were to be my future band mates. Leaning closer to the door, resting my ear and hands against it, I continue to eavesdrop on them.

"Hey, what about truth or dar-"

"Yeah same. Food is good. How about TV shows then?"

"Most dramas are good for me."

"Ah, forget about truth or dare. I like those soppy romance dramas."

"Can't go without a bit of that anime..."


"Where do you think (Y/N) is? It's about time... isn't it? I... it's not like I'm trying to call her bad or lazy! I was just a bit worried... well I know I don't have to worry about her! I'm not saying that she needs taking care of... But I guess I need to worry about her! She's supposed to be my bandmate, or a friend after all!"

"Have more confidence in yourself! Stop doubting everything you say!"

"Yes! Anyway, I'm sure (Y/N) will come anytime soon. I'll go check at the reception..."

I begin to hear soft footsteps from beyond the door, slowly becoming louder. Before I could react, one of the girls swiftly open it and I stumble to the floor.

"Aah!" she jumps back. She stares at me, and I look back up wearily and manage to smile and laugh nervously. Still looking like a tomato which had been splat on the floor, I look at the others who were sitting on a sofa together and frozen. I send a quick, small smile to them too. They wearily wave back at me, confused.

I'M the idol? | Reader x BTS x EXO x SEVENTEENWhere stories live. Discover now