Chapter Thirty Three ~

Start from the beginning

It was Jungkook's turn to speak now. Jin and Hoseok both waited for him to ask another question. "What did you gain from almost taking my daughter away from me? I came so close to not being able to raise her like I should and give her the best life like I could. I didn't have a job or money and I had to rely on other people to help me sustain Eden's needs."

"I know, I know," Hoseok sighed. "Like I said, my reasons don't justify my actions. I just wanted an excuse to get you out. And at the time, I didn't think about Eden. I didn't think about how if I tore you down, it would only break her down as well. I didn't think about she would suffer along side her dad."

"Did you even care about Bangtan?" Jungkook continued. "Did you even care how this would affect the group?"

Hoseok shook his head. "I didn't think about them, either. I was supposed to take your place, remember? But I can't be two people at once, so it didn't work out like I imagined it would."

"What would you have gotten out of all this anyways?"

"Love," Hoseok answered. "I don't know. More attention. Something other than hate. I asked for your lines the first chance I got, just so I could get more screen time and more chances to show everyone that I was as good as you. That's why Jin didn't get any more than he already had. I pushed him to the side as well.

"I think I finally came to my senses that day at the dorm," the black-haired male said. "When you told me I wasn't your hyung anymore. I just remembered all the things we did with one another and how many fun memories we had built up. I had ruined all that. The tight friendships I made and perfected were all broken and shattered. Nothing I had done was right and it wasn't going to satisfy me in the end."

"I have a question of my own since we're here," Jin stated confidently. "What ever happened to Sarah? You realize you ruined Jungkook's friendship with her as well, right?"

Hoseok nodded. "Yeah. And that's because Sarah gave me back the money I paid her to rat you out and said that she didn't want to be involved with me anymore. All those times I went over to her house was an attempt to say sorry. She didn't want me to tell. She thought Jungkook had just been acting weird lately or something or why Jungkook had been missing practices so much, so that's why she told. She didn't know I was going to use this information against you."

"If you really wanted just more lines or screen time, why didn't you just ask for it normally?" Jungkook brought up.

"That's not all I wanted," Hoseok responded. "I wanted more than lines and screen time. I wanted to be loved just as much as you were."

"Did it really make you happy? Did tearing everyone apart make you happy?"

"For the first week, maybe," Hoseok said. "Maybe not even that long."

It seemed like now would be the part of a court case where the accused would be convicted of guilty or not guilty. But in this case, it would be forgiven or not forgiven. Jin watched as Jungkook stood.

"I appreciate that you came and explained yourself," Jungkook said. "You didn't leave any questions unanswered, but don't be surprised if I don't forgive you for a while."

"I understand," Hoseok told him. "I just wanted to let you know that I can start over when you want to."

"You've hurt my family and I a lot," Jungkook stressed. "You hurt Bangtan, you hurt ARMY, and a whole bunch of other people."

Hoseok only nodded, already been told his consequences when he apologized to the rest of the members at a dance practice one day.

"It's going to take some time where I can trust you again. But I hope that maybe you can prove to me that you deserve to have my trust once again."

Hoseok sighed, relieved. He smiled. "Thank you for hearing me out. I promise that I'll behave a lot better now!"

Before Jin could state his happiness about this moment, a knock was heard on the door.

"Hey, I know you two are hashing it out right now," Yoongi said behind the door. His voice was urgent. "But the police just called and said that they found Eden."


This chapter might have a lot of mistakes and be jumbled, but that's because whenever I was copy and pasting from my Word document, it was leaving bits and pieces out for some reason. 

Also! I don't know if any of this "wattpad is deleting accounts" thing is true, but you can follow me at @Kookie_the_Emu on twitter to keep in touch in case something bad happens. I don't know where else I'll post my stuff in case everything just goes haywire, but I'm trying to get my tumblr revamped after it was dormant for like, eternity. I'm kookietheemu there, as well.

Hopefully this is all some rumor, but thankfully I have everything written and saved on Word documents :))

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