1: Life as a punching bag

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All I heard was a horrific crunch as another bone broke in two.

My body lay battered and broken on the stone floor while my sister and her cronies continued to spit insults and kicks at my limp body. The last kick had winded me to the point where every breath felt like liquid fire scorching through my lungs. The simple act of breathing causing my stomach to roll, mimicking the uncanny feeling of sea sickness. A ghastly crack of ribs shattering rippled through the abandoned room, every corner, wall and object feeling the full force of my tortured screams.

Jude, my so called sister - we lost that familiarity a long time ago, had customised her old cowboy boots so they had a steel cap. To her, if she was going to waste any energy on me she had to make sure I felt every last drop of blood spilt. I was weak after all. Weak weak weak weak.

"You're a disgrace of a sister!" Jude's voice was leaded with so much hate, my chest pricked.

I'd never got used to those words. She grabbed a fistful of my auburn hair and slammed my face on the hard floor; blood spurted out of my nose as my mind slowly started dimming.

Jude's best friend, Bianca glared right through me, "Nobody will ever love a pathetic weakling like you, I struggle to even look at you."

She forced her black heeled boot onto my chest so I couldn't squirm. My ribs wailing in protest. Bianca slowly forced her heel into my chest cavity, the heel causing a semi-deep gash to form. A small line of blood seeped through my t-shirt, earning a Cheshire cat smile from Bianca. "I feel sorry for the pack having to deal with you."

Giggles erupted from the girls, malicious cackles that sent the bad kind of shivers down my spine. They cornered me into the wall. Each one of the seven girls standing in a semi-circle around me, no chance whatsoever for me to escape. I guess they had learned from the last time.

"Look at her wiggling around," she turned around and locked eyes with Jude, "Jude how are you even related to that thing? I mean, she's a complete disgrace to the pack." She threw her arms in an over-exaggerated motion at my chunky body.

A red head closest to my head started prodding me with her foot as if I was the scum of the earth and was contaminated with some killer virus.

Jude placed her hand on her hip and scowled down at me, I could tell her power hungry self was loving the dominance over me. Her feline eyes burned with animosity, "I have no relation to it Heather, our genes are nothing alike. She's fuck all to me or the pack."

I could feel the tears build up. I couldn't let her know she affected me like she did, even though my body language gave it all away, I refused to cry. I was a pretty stubborn person.

Heather crouched down on her hunkers, "Look at her trying to hold back her pathetic little tears. What a state." She jabbed two fingers into my left eye, my silence soon turned into shrieks as the blood vessels in my eyes popped and my eyeball found its new home deeper in my skull. My eyesight now useless in one eye.

If that didn't give them the tears they wanted then they had it now. My good eye was streaming for the whole world to see.

Heather wiped her fingers on a handkerchief, staining the crisp white with blood. Jude took her place directly in front of me, watching as all hell let loose and I started to shake.

"It's a shame you're such a miserable excuse of a wolf, I've honestly never seen anyone as feeble minded and pitiful as you are. It's no wonder the pack looks at you the way they do. You make us all look weak."

You'd think over time the words would have dulled but each one still hit me like its own sharp knife, slicing any hope I had for a normal relationship with my sister. After every hit, every session of beating I couldn't tell you how hard it was to stop all my emotion showing. Regardless of how hard I fought my face and eyes showed it all. My humanity to these people didn't stop the bullying, the constant aching or the self-loathing. Nothing could possibly try to fix the cracks that were slowly tearing me apart from the inside out.

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