[29] Stays...

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4 years later

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"Y/N! Sam's here! Sam's here!"

"Awesome Joan! I'll be right down! Make sure to tell him all about Middle School here in the USA!" I said as I regretfully enclosed myself in my room.

"Y/N... You know he came this time. Please just talk to him.." My dad muffled through the door.

It had been a year since we left the UK. I finished my last year of secondary school and me and Joan moved out to California with my new found Dad. It was my choice. Not everyone was happy with it but it was the best decision since me and Toms break up. I broke it off with him and took over Harry's bed. Sam was my new roommate and Harry dealt with Tom. Toms time to leave came. He never came back. Ever. He would call all the time and talk about the fun times he had but never asked about ours. When he skipped Christmas I went from mad to rage. The drama stirring up since the newspaper made my follower count quadruple but it wasn't good when Tom stopped showing up in my photos.

"Y/N?" A voice asked.

"W-Who is it?" I asked praying it wasn't Tom.

"Sam, you wanna talk?" He said.

"Yeah..." I said opening the door.

Sam walked in the room and sat in his usual spot on the beanbag in the corner. He was the only one that used it. Sam came over every month to talk and have fun for a few days before flying back. Most times he brings Paddy others Harry, other times the whole family. I guess in the span that we moved out Tom has gotten back with his family and apparently apologized. He still hadn't apologized to me. That must what he was here to do.

"You don't have to forgive him.. He threw us out in the metaphorical bin for his career..." He chuckled rubbing his hand behind his head.

"I don't have to. You're right..." I said the tears welling in.

"Y/N" Sam said getting up and hugging me.

"I just..." I said with sniffles. "Why did he do that... Was I not good enough? Was Joan being annoying? Were you and Harry being jerks? What did we do..."

"I don't understand yet either. I don't entirely forgive him either. He just came running home after he finished filming his Spiderman film.." He said filling in some holes for me.

"So we're on the same page?" I said backing away from the hug.

"You don't have to forgive him. He's probably going to say that when you confront him."

"That's if I confront him.." I said laughing and crying at the same time. It was a very weird emotion.

"C'mon, I'll be right here beside you." Sam said slightly pushing me towards my door.

"Okay..." I said walking forward not needing Sam's push.

I peered down the stairwell and there in right in the door was Tom. He looked up at me like some fairy tail dream but this time it was two broken hearted warriors unsure of where the battle line was. Tom and I always fought before we got closer so it was normal if we forgot about the whole relationship thing.

Tom cleared his throat.

"Y/N, it's nice to... uh see you." Tom said looking down.

"Same to you!" I said knowing Joan was watching from the other room.

Joan didn't know about everything between me and Tom. He barely knew we were dating in the first place. It was best to keep him happy because of the move and adjustments.

"Can I talk to you? Alone?" Tom asked.

"Sure..." I said gesturing up the stairs.

We passed Sam on the way up and he nodded at me. We entered an office sort of room, I closed the door behind Tom shortly afterwards.

"Y/N, I'm sorry..."

"I know you are, why would you be here?"

"Because before anything, you were my sister. I just want my sister back. I know I'll never get... my girlfriend back, but I do want my sister."

I looked at him with weakened eyes. I loved him, I did. Something in me couldn't help it.

"Y/N..? Y/N!"

I started bawling, my head was racing.

"Yes?" I said with sniffles.

"Are you okay? Should I go get Sam?"

"I'm fine.. I'm just happy." I said.

I slowly walked up to Tom and hugged him. He had grown since I last saw him, I stayed the same height. For a beautiful moment, I heard it, I heard Tom break. He cried as well as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I messed up... I mess.. messed up so bad..." Tom stuttered with tears.

"At least you admit it.." I said with a small laugh amongst the tears, trying to lighten the mood.

"Can.. we start over Y/N..." Tom asked.

"That would be... Nice...." I stated.

Tom slightly laughed at the irony of the conversation. It was practically the same one we had 5 years ago, in a stupid car ride.

"Are you both dead?!" Sam busted in the door and yelled.

Sam exhaled at the relief of us hugging.

"You were too quiet.. I didn't expect this, good on you Tom." Sam burst out ruining the moment.

"Sam." Tom muttered.

"Right well, while I'm still interrupting the moment. Joan mentioned he wanted to go back to London for a few weeks and your dads okay with it."

"That would be great Sam.." I said softly whilst slowly breaking away from Tom.

"You hear that Joan!!! You're coming back  to London!!!" Sam yelled down the hallway as he ran away from the room.

"I promise we won't keep them Mr.L/N!!!" Sam continued yelling as sounds of him dancing around the living room with Joan.

"So... You're coming back?" Tom stuttered.

"Just a week.." I smiled at his thoughts of 'us' again.

Us, the word that was thrown so shamelessly into the dirt of the house we grew up in. Us, the word that could possibly be used again.


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We both walked back into our room the beds and everything else right where we left them. The countless hours we spent talking and arguing in this room. The tears shed and laughter made.

"Everything stayed the same.." Tom said.

I sighed a bit.

"But it changes..." I said grasping Tom's hand.

Tom turned towards me and leaned down. I pushed his face away from me and laughed at his attempt to kiss me again. He understood but still made a sad noise.

Well sure,
Everything Stays.

And I didn't
want anything
to change.

_____________________________Word Count : 1248

Everything Stays | Tom Holland x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now