[10] Tom...!

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Tom opened the door after that seemingly awkward situation.

"Ladies first..?" Tom said waiting for me to go through the door.

I gave him a slight push through the door so he went first.

"Yeah.. Ladies first.." I said following him out.

He slightly chuckled and we went down the stairs.


"Y/N...?" Tom whispered.

"Ugh it's 3:00 in the morning what do you even want..." I said rolling over my eyes still shut.

"Before... you get back into school... I want you to come to New York with me..." Tom muttered.

"I... want to.. go but.." I stuttered rolling over towards his voice and opened my eyes.

"But..?" He said.

I stared into his hazel eyes and him into mine and immediately rolled over so I wasn't facing him.

"Joan.. and Sam...." I said.

"T-They should be.. fine.." He stuttered. "When's the last time you've done something without them anyways..?"

"I'm going back to sleep..." I said trying to avoid the conversation.

"In the morning then...?" Tom said quietly.

I didn't respond.


I jolted awake from a nightmare. It was about the airport again.. Tears streamed from my face due to the stress. Tessa saw me crying and launched off of Tom and went to me and started licking my face.

"Tess stop.." I said ever so quietly.

Tessa whined in happiness.

"Tess.. should I go to New York...?" I said.

Tessa continued to lick my face and then lied down on my lap. I knew the dog couldn't hear or understand me but it helped.

"With... Tom...?" I stated.

I looked over at his stupid sleeping face. Tessa groaned and dug her head deeper into my lap.

"Ugh why do I feel so embarrassed around him..." I told the dog.

I looked over at my clock and it said 6am. It was about time that most early birds started their day, but I wasn't an early bird. Still, I got up.

"Cmon Tess lets leave give Princess over there his beauty sleep.." I said ushering Tessa to follow me which she did.

I swear I heard something so I turned around. Nothing. Tom was still there nothing had changed.

"Y/N..?" A voice said giving me a heart attack causing me to flail around.

"Whoa Y/N..! Careful...." He said now that I looked up I realized it was Harry.

"Hey Harry.." I muttered.

"Why are you up this early?" He asked.

"I thought everyone else was asleep..." I stuttered.

"Mum and Dad are up just silently watching the news in there.. If not Dads probably writing.. Sam is still out as usual and so are Padds and Joan... Tom is up about now or he's just trying to fall back asleep or pretending to be..." Harry stated.

"W-What about you?" I asked.

"Me..? I've got filming to do..." Harry said messing with the camera around his neck. "What about you..?"

"Nightmare...." I stuttered.

"Oh.. Well if you change out of your pajamas then you can come help me with a few nature shots.. I love to shoot them in the morning..!" Harry said.

"Oh sure..." I said rushing back into the room.

I grabbed some clothes and then slowly placed them down on the counter sensing something was up.

"Tom," I said slightly annoyed and ignorant.

He said nothing.

"Get him Tessa.." I told the dog.

Tessa jumped up on him and started licking his face over and over until he was squirming around trying to get the dog off him.

"It's not fair..!" Tom complained with a few chuckles. "She's my dog! She listens to you more! She loves you more than me Y/N!"

"No she doesn't love me more than you.. She knows she gets treats from me when she obeys me... She also knows you'll let her do whatever she wants so... She loves you more.." I stated leaning back on the dresser.

Tom leaned back in the bed Tessa now laying on him.

"Get outta my room.." I said pointing toward the door.

"But Y/N.. it's my room too...?" Tom stuttered.

"God.. Tom...!" I said defying his ignorance and dropped my clothes on my bed.

"Oh.." Tom said getting out of bed.

"Tom what the heck!!" I said immediately turning around.

He was shirtless. Just his sweatpants nothing less. Why was my face red. I'm not embarrassed! He should be embarrassed!

"S-Sorry..." Tom said as I heard some shuffling seemingly the noises of him putting a shirt on.

"It's fine.. I should get used to that shit honestly...." I stuttered.

"Get used to me having a shirt off..? Now your just flirting.." Tom muttered under his breath.

"What..?" I asked seeing if he would repeat it because I didn't hear him all that clearly.

"Nothing..!" He stuttered and ran out of the room with Tessa following him.

I heard Tom and Harry talking from outside the closed door. I exchanged my sweat pants for pants and my tank top for a shirt and coat.

"Mmk Harry I'm ready to.. go...?" I said coming out of the room but something was off.

Harry hit Tom in the stomach before turning back to me and smiling.

"Y-Y/N..?" Tom stuttered. "I.. want to.."

"To what..?" I said for him seeing as he was taking a bit.

"Come with you and Harry to take videos!" Tom spat out.

"Oh.. Ok cool..!" I said.

I stepped aside from the door and let him go in and change. I went into the bathroom and brushed out my hair.

"You should go to New York..." Harry barged in and said causing me to yank my hairbrush through my hair in fear.

"I don't know ok.! I don't wanna leave or get hurt... or worse...." I stuttered.

"But you'll never know if you don't try it out... I'm sure Tom can get you your own business class seat and you'll be plenty comfor-" Harry stated before he got cut off.

"A-Are we gonna go guys?" Tom said.

"Yeah.! Let's umm go.." I said lightly pushing Harry aside.

We all came down the stairs and I jumped at the sight of someone on the couch. Harrison...

"Mate throw on a coat and come with us..!" Tom said shaking Harrison's shoulders.

"Ughhhhh, fine where's your coats at..." Harrison grumbled reaching for anything close to a coat.

"Just grab this and go.." Tom said chucking the coat he had on from yesterday at Harrison.

We all exited the house and followed Harry down the road a bit.

"Wait.. Tom can drive...." Harry said turning around and walking back towards the house.

"Yeah did you just notice that genius?" Harrison said ignorantly before I elbowed him in the stomach.

"I'll get my keys.." Tom said with a laugh sprinting ahead of us.
Word Count - 1186

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