[2] I won it!

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We tailed the Hollands for just under a half an hour.. Sure it was a bit of a stretch for tea but little did I know it would change the future of my family forever...

"Come in come in!" Mrs.Holland said opening the door. "Pardon the mess..."

"Our house would have been no better.. Thank you so much for inviting us over!" My mom said.

"Well when you told me you were 1. American, 2. Friends with Peter Darling, and 3. Had kids my kids age.. How could I say no!" Mrs. Holland said. "It's been ages since we have had people over! Thomas has been so busy practicing! We have barely been home at all!"

They continued all talking in the distance as Sam, Harry, and I. Sat on the couch in boredom.

"I'm going outside to practice.." Tom said cracking open the back screen door.

"Thomas... please take a break.." Mrs. Holland says. "You've perfected the entire play.. Stop pushing yourself love.."

"Just one scene..." Tom said bolting out towards the huge blue pad in the backyard.

"Don't mind Tom..." Sam said. "He..."

"Works too hard..." Harry said.

"Maybe we could get him to stop together..." I said.

"That would be nice... It's been a while.." Harry said.

"Ever since he got hired for that Billy.." Sam stated.

"Lets go! And Try!" I said faithfully.

We all stepped outside into the cool England air. The trees blew softly in the wind. Tom was doing backflips into handstands... It looked like so much work.. I walked over to the side of the mat in the center and sat down.

"Hey!" I said as he passed by.

"How" I said

"Are" I said

"You" I said the final time as he completed his 4th flip past me.

"Excuse me?" Tom flopped on the floor and asked.

"How are you..?" I repeated.

"I'm sorry who are you again?" Tom replied.

"He's no use Y/N!" Sam yelled from across the yard playfully.

"I'm no use?" Tom asked me.

"Well.. they told me you never spend time with them anymore...." I stuttered.

"Don't listen to them there just drama queens.." Tom said preparing for the next flip.

"DRAMA QUEENS!?" Sam and Harry yelled at the same time.

"Last time I don't recall you being in an extremely important play that a millions of people watch!" Tom said.

"But Tom.." I said.

"Your just a kid stay out of this..." Tom said.

"She's our age though.." Sam said.

"Oh my lord..." Tom muttered up to the sky.

We all just kinda sat there in silence. I was still trying to break in what had happened... Were they messing with each other or were they serious?

"Y/N... Let's go sweets! We don't wanna miss our flight!" My mom said with her head peeking out the back door.

We all shuffled towards the entrance. Sam and Harry exchanged glances at me and smiled.

"So are we not best friends now..?" I asked.

"What! Noo! We're still best friends!" Harry said.

"Come back and we can be Best Friends for longer!" Sam said.

I walked past them and gave Mrs.Holland a hug and said thank yous for everything! I waved goodbye to the little Paddy on her hip.

I got to the last Holland.. Tom.. I looked up at him. He had a stupid looking beanie on and just kinda stared at me neither having a word to say to each other. I didn't want to point out how much of a jerk he was or anything. I slowly squinted my eyes overtime as if I was trying to prove something.

"God... please stop looking at me with that weird face...." Tom said to me ;the annoying nine year old.

He threw the beanie off of his head and shoved it over my head so it covered my eyes and gave me a push out the door. I unknowingly grabbed my mothers hand and got in the car. As we drove away the family started getting smaller and smaller.

"Why do you have Tom's hat?" My mother asked.

"I won it!" I stated.

My little brother giggled from the back seat. He was still young but he still knew jokes when he heard one.

"Haha! Next time you should give it back..." My mom said.

4 years later...

Word count : 726

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