[3] Darling...

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It had been 4 years since we had seen the Hollands. It was just another day out of the ordinary.. Me and my brother Joan went upstairs because the movie "The Impossible" seemed boring to us....

"Wanna play Legos?" Little 8 year old Joan asked.

"I'm good," I said continuing to braid my hair. I was 13 now so I thought that I was too cool for Legos!

(Omfg if I get another comment like "I still like Legos" I'm going to take out and rewrite the first portion of this chapter all together.. It's supposed to establish that Y/N wants to grow up! (Like every pre teen wants to) Is she ready though? No! Because I still have a Lego set and I'm 15! I'm still young! So is she..)

Suddenly I heard many screams and shouts of joy. Was she getting murdered?! Geez.. I walked out of the room and I peeked down the stairs. My mom turned off the TV and hopped on the phone.

"Hello?! Is Mrs.Holland there?" She asked.

"He's a star?!" She asked.

"That's it were coming over!" She stated.

"Next month!" She said.

"Aw! It's nice to know we're always welcome.." She said.

My mom dashed up the stairs empathy in every step.

"We're going to go see the Hollands!" Mom shouted.

"Hollands?" Joan asked.

"YEp!" Mom said.

My mom was always very enthusiastic and entertaining. She seemed like she was still 16 or something but she was 38!


It seemed like a blink of an eye but the next month arrived. The airport was busy as always! Joan nearly got lost in the crowds... We boarded the British Airline and took off shortly after.

"Y/N..? Is that Tom's hat?" My mom asked sitting beside me.

"Yeah..." I admitted.

"Y/N you might not remember the Hollands that well... But a lot could have changed... So if you don't get along you aren't forced to hang out with them... Just stay with your brother.. Your both my world to me.. It's been a while for me too so just... Be yourself.." My mom stated.

"What was the inspirational speech for?" I asked.

"Because I love you darling.." My mom said before drifting off to sleep on the plane. Mom always knew what to say.. She could always come up with something inspirational on any occasion.

I can't ever sleep on planes.. It was too hard the shaking and everything... Joan was knocked out the minute we boarded. I just sat in the quietness... It had been a pretty rough year honestly... My mom was traveling a lot for her different plays so half the time I stayed home and babysat for weeks at a time.. Sometimes we had a nanny or something but most time not... As the past year flashed across my head I actually managed to fall soundly asleep.


"Wake up Y/NN!" Joan yelled in my ear.

We were one of the last people on the plane. Most had already unloaded.. I was so shocked that I had actually slept through the entire landing sequence I questioned myself.

"Darling..." My mom said reaching her hand out to me to get up.

"I'm awake, I'm awake..." I said grasping her hand and standing up.

"Come Y/NN!" Joan said shuffling down the hallway and out of the plane.

The airport was pretty big but not as big as New York. It's glass roofing was quite unique and Joan would just stare up at the ceiling being dragged along by my mothers hand. We waited for our bags to rotate around and grabbed them quickly before exiting to the front of the airport.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom ok?" My mom said setting us down on a small bench near the airport front entrance.

"Ok! When will the Hollands be here?" I asked.

"I texted her and told her that you two were here! I'll be right back!" My mom said.

"Ok!" I said.

"See you later alligator!" Joan stated.

"Joan I'll be right back..!" She said and faded away into the distance.

I payed close attention to the front doors looking for any familiar faces. Nothing really clicked.. There were cars that came and went along with a big van as well as some really really fancy cars. Joan still was super fascinated with the glass ceiling just staring at it.


Suddenly some of the glass panes on the ceiling broke sending glass shards on unsuspecting people. My instincts kicked in and I threw and wrapped myself around Joan, I started to scream as well  as many others. Joan started crying and huddled up closer to my chest. It seemed like it was over but it was far from it. I looked up and saw a small group of police officers in full murder mode and continued shooting at another person. Joan wouldn't stop crying. The shots were still firing in the distance.

"Joan! Look at me.." I said tears streaming from my face.

His eyes were red and irritated from rubbing them to much. His nose was running.

"Y/NN... Glass..." He stuttered.

"Yes I know it's everywhere... Just follow my lead ok.." I said picking him up.

I walked through the glass since I was still wearing my boots that were tight around my legs preventing glass from entering. I left the bags and got out of the building.

"Y/N!! Joan!!" Familiar voices yelled in our direction.

Who I assumed to be Mrs.Holland cared for Joan along with Paddy if I was remembering correctly. Sam and Harry grabbed and hugged me tightly and kept asking if I was ok. Tom was in awe and shock of the situation. I stood there taking my breaths deep and slow.. My brain trying to process everything... I looked up at the fight scene to see the man detained on the floor as the police surrounded him. My mind had now wrapped around everything that was going on and my brain snapped.

"MOM!!!" I yelled running into the Airport again ripping free from Sam and Harry causing them to fall over.

Tom bolted after me. My thoughts were driving me mad as I ran for it. I got to the front of the bathroom and I stopped. My heart stopped. My legs stopped functioning. As I fell to my knees I cried my heart out. There in front of me was my Jillian L/N... Shot dead... In the middle of the airport...

"No.. NO NO!!!" I started yelling.

"Y/N...." Tom said softly.

"You have to help her!" I said my voice cracking from sadness.

"Y/N... There's nothing I can do!" Tom said starting to cry as well.

"I don't have a father.. I don't have a mother.. I have no relatives! My grandparents are gone!" I stuttered.

"Y/N... We need to go..." Tom stated seeing as the police were now coming to investigate.

"N-No!" I yelled.

Tom grabbed my arm and tried to pick me up I was so stressed and emotionally unstable. My body didn't know what to do. I had shielded Joan and managed to carry him out of the door. My back was cut up and I was in so much emotional and physical pain. I tried to push away from Tom signaling that I was ok.. But I wasn't.. My legs fell limp and I fainted..


"MOM, JOAN IS BEING A BRAT" Paddy yelled from a few rooms down.


Ughhhghgghhghhh good morning crazy people...

Word count - 1267

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