[19] Wait, you love me?

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"So we're going to stay at this hotel in Manhattan.. It's by Marvel headquarters so I can see if they want me to do anything.. If not we can go straight to Los Angles for more the Heart of the Sea interviews..." Tom said showing me with his phone the things we were going to do.

"Sounds more like a business trip.." I scoffed.

"Hey..! We're are staying in Manhattan for three nights and we're gonna do whatever you want to do.. Plus I said come with me to America not me go with you.." Tom said and smirked towards the end.

"Excuse you!" I said elbowing him.

"Ow!" Tom said laughing.

"S-So what are you two lovebirds going to be up to in New York.." The driver stuttered.

"Just a trip down memory lane.." Tom said.

"Lovebirds?" I mumbled.

"Yeah lovebirds.." Tom said lightly elbowing me again.

"No actually were here on a business trip.." I stated.

"Y/N for the last time this isn't a business trip!" Tom said staring me down.

I stuck my tongue out at him and made a silly face.

"Seriously how do you make that face.. You always do it but just how?" Tom said.

"Practice.. Just like your gymnastics.." I said making the face again.

"Should we call it something or just call it 'The Face'" Tom cackled.

"We're halfway to the hotel.." The cab driver interrupted.

A few more seemingly timeless moments of silence passed before we finally reached the Hotel.

I reached into the back of the car and grabbed Tom's beanie.

"What in the.. you still have that..?" Tom stuttered as I folded my hair so it was all Inside beanie.

"Yeah.. I mean Harrison is never seeing his again so.." I said sliding sunglasses on my face. "I mean I have one of Harry and Sam's too.. They used to share it so double points..!"

"You are very strange Y/N L/N.." Tom said with a laugh opening the door for me.

"Why thank you.." I stated as we started to roll our bags to the front door of the hotel.

"Is that Tom Holland!?!" Someone screamed before running up to us.

"U-Uh! Hi.." Tom said to the screaming girl.

"Can I have an autograph! And a picture! Ooh who are you traveling with!!" The girl said.

"Oi! Does it look like he want to sign autographs at 9:00 at night?" I stated.

"Who are you?" The girl said.

"Uh.. a friend of his..." I said.

The girl immediately pulled out her phone and took a picture of us and ran away mumbling to herself.

"Heh.. thanks.. but I could have dealt with that.." Tom said.

"Says the stuttering man.. Cmon lets get inside.." I stated.


"What what you listening to?" Tom said flopping down on my bed.

"Your cringey voice.." I cackled.

"What?!" Tom said grabbing the phone from my hand.

"Hey give it back!" I said reaching for the phone as he stood up on the bed.

It was a frantic fight on an unstable surface that ultimately sensed us both down to the bed face first.

Quackson, quackson, quackson... my phone kept replaying the phrase.

"Y/N what the fuck is this!" Tom laughed.

I started laughing as well until we were almost crying.

"I don't know!" I laughed.

The phrase kept continuing on and on until Tom stopped it.

"You should get some rest.." Tom said

"Such a gentleman.." I said with a few laughs from before.

"Ok ok shut up about the Quacksons.." Tom said placing his hand on my mouth in attempt to shut me up.

"Heh fine.. I'll sleep..." I said chucking his own arm back at his face.

"Finally.." Tom chuckled. "Oh and by the way... I love you Y/N..."

"I know.." I responded in the most Star Warszy way.

"What?" Tom stated.

"What do you mean, what?" I mimicked.

"Were you referencing something?" He stated looking up at the ceiling of the room.

"That's it.. I don't love you anymore..." I stated.

"What..? Why!" Tom stated. "Wait, you love me?"

"No! And I don't agree with you now because you have never seen StarWars!" I said.

"Oh that series..." Tom stated.

"Yes that series! The one that changed cinematic history! And went down in history!" I said.

"Well I'm sure we can watch one here maybe.." Tom said.

"Are you serious!" I said happy to introduce Tom to another one of my pass times.

"Sure why not..?" Tom said.

I picked up the Telly remote and opened the menu of rentable movies.

"Look! The first ones!" I said. "They've got the prequels too!"

"Lets start with the prequels then?" Tom said.

"Sure why not! It costs $6 in US money.." I said.

"You realized who your talking to yet?" Tom said smirking.


"NO!" I said.

"No what? OH GOD!" Tom said.

I ungraciously leaped over from my bed to Tom's.

"Darth Maul had it all set up!" I stated starting to cry.

Tom continued patting my head as I bawled over a fictional character.

"That was so unexpected!" Tom said starting to get feels as well.


"Yeahhhhh!" I said.

Not so shortly after that, the movie was over. It ended on a bittersweet note that left you wanting more.

"Is that it! Really.." Tom said.

I was so tired I didn't reply. I quickly glanced over at the clock on the dresser and it read 1:00... That time didn't sound so late in England but the JetLag was real.

"Y/N..?" Tom questioned.

I knew if I replied I would have to get up and move my ass but I didn't want to. So I kept laying like a motionless dead person.

"Heh.." Tom chuckled to himself.

Tom moved around a bit and grabbed a blanket from the side of the bed and threw it over me. We weren't under the bed together so if someone walked in we could defend ourselves. Tom was such a gentleman.. I didn't deserve him... Even though I love him.. Wait did I just admit to loving Tom again..?

Heck.. I always have...

Word Count - 1094

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