[18] Remember....

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Everything was the same.. The archways the glass... It looked like nothing ever happened.. Just a perfectly normal airport to most... The images of destruction and chaos reigned my head.. I felt dizzy... How could they do this? Blow it off like it was nothing..

"Y/N...?" Tom said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Y-Yeah.." I said.

"Come.. I wanna show you something...." Tom said grabbing my hand and walking towards the bathrooms.

I could vividly see images of younger me and Tom running after me towards the very spot. I refused to step on my mothers death bed but so many other people did.. It pained my stomach how such a tragic event could happen and no one cared..

"I know.. Your probably disappointed because it looks like nothing ever happened... but.." Tom said practically reading my mind.

Tom pointed up at some engravings on the wall. Beside the bathroom was a wall of names.. Casualties and deaths of 'Britains Airport fight'... I skipped over to the beginning letters of my last name and there she was... Jillian L/N..

They hadn't forgotten how many people were hurt, orphaned, and lost their lives that day. I started to cry but I was happy. Tom placed his arm around my shoulders and put his mouth up against the top of my head.

"Hate to kill the moment but we have Hollanders at our 3:00.." Harrison said grabbing my arm as we traveled down to the check in.

I looked around to see a couple of fans approaching us from behind. I saw Alexander and Rupert frantically trying to sign the bags in so they could save us.

"Tom!" "Harrison!" Their names repeated as the girls and a few other people shouted.

We kept heading away from them past the check in and acted like we were going somewhere. We had reached the edge of the airport and we had no choice but to walk back through the sea of fans.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Alexander shouted making his way towards the crowd.

"Please put your cameras down or I will get security to take them away!" Rupert said barging through the crowd.

Alexander and Rupert blocked us 3 from camera angles as we headed back towards the checkin.

"Welcome to the celebrity life.." Tom sighed.


"You need anything before we leave?" Tom said gesturing to the many shops behind us as we were getting ready to board.

"I'm.. ok...." I said starting to travel down the connecting hallway into the business class part of the plane.

"I'm in seat G2 and your in G1.." Tom said sitting down in the seat next to where I was standing.

We sat in the two middle seats. I was glad I didn't have to look out the window in all honestly. The seats were big and there was plenty of room. We were in the last row of Business Class so we could lean back all we wanted without complaints.

"Are you.. ok?" Tom said.

"I... I think.. so." I said.

Suddenly the plane started moving and rumbling, I hooked onto Tom's arm.

"It's ok Y/N..?" Tom said.

The plane started to go faster and faster as we took off into the air. I slowly let go as I became more confident in myself.

"So I brought a few papers.. Sorry if they're crumpled.." Tom said talking a few of the papers Sam got for me out of his pocket.

"O-Ok..." I said starting to go through them and recognize as many things as I could.

"And.. don't stress if you can't.. Remember.... totally fine.." Tom said before he drifted off to sleep.


"14th street.. 6th floor..." Tom said peering at the papers.

"That's all I can remember..." I said.

"Anybody in general?" Tom said.

"Well there was this girl that I claimed to be my best friend but.. we don't talk anymore.... Her number was the only thing I remembered from America..." I said.

"Well maybe she can help us?" Tom said.

"I doubt it.. I don't even know where she lives.." I said staring at my phone.

"Well... Lets start with your house then?" Tom said cheerily.

"Ok.." I said with a yawn as I fell asleep.


"Passengers please buckle your seatbelt! We are coming in for a landing!" A flight attendant said over the intercom.

With the announcement I jolted awake from sleep and threw my seatbelt over my shoulder in fear.

"No need to be worried.." Tom said looking over at me.

"I-I'm not worried..!" I said partially lying.

"Huh.. Ok.." Tom said.

The plane made its landing and we shook back and forth till we were at a complete stop.

"You may grab your bags now and exit the plane! Thank you for flying with us!" The attendant said.

Tom took the papers off my lap and folded them up again and placed them in his back pocket. We slowly stood up and made sure we were one of the first ones out of the plane for safe identity measures.

"Over there..." Tom said gesturing over to a pathway blocked off by security guards.

"ID?" The man on the left said.

Tom handed his ID to them and I started to get worried that we might be separated.

"And who are you young lady?" The man on the right said.

"I-I'm Y/N L/N..." I said handing them my ID.

They started giving me weird looks but Tom abruptly interrupted.

"She's my girlfriend! We're.. traveling together...." Tom said quickly grabbing my hand and walking through the guards.

"Whyyyy Tom.." I said super embarrassed.

"I don't know... I just thought they wouldn't let you in if not..." Tom said.

"Where are we going anyways..." I said.

"This pathway goes behind paparazzi and we can grab our bags straight from the cart and hop in a cab... It's a celebrity coverup..." Tom said pointing over to the loading dock where they were putting bags onto the start of a moving line of bags.

"O-Ok..." I said letting go of Tom's hand and walking beside him instead of dragged behind him like a child.

Word Count - 1067

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