[26] Serious?

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I sulked down after reading the entire news article.

"No wonder my Instagram following was going up again.." I stated as a single tear ran down my face.

I wiped it off so Tom wouldn't see and tossed myself down on my bed.

"We're going home right..?"

"Yeah.. Tomorrow, I didn't get seats next to each other though.. You'll be in front of me!" He said trying to make it feel better.

"Great.. Lets just go..."

I sat down on my bed and opened the article myself and just sighed. I popped open my Instagram shortly after and saw millions of people asking me if I was Tom's girlfriend. Which I was, but not for them to know. There were some people who were defending me I DM'd them thanking them. They immediately responded and then asked me if it was true. They just stood up to ask me and have benefit... I fell asleep not even caring if I shut down my Instagram the next day, but then I would be a coward.

"Y/N..?" Tom said sitting down next to me.

"Yeah.." I said with the pain of reality weighing down my voice.

"Talk to me.. Please." Tom paused. "I want to be here for you.."

I didn't want to 'share my feelings' as most people would. I just wanted to be hugged, and loved at that. Love was the only thing that gets me through hard times, whether it be family, platonic, or romantic.

"I-I just want a hug.." I said on the brink of crying.

I couldn't cry, I'm not a crybaby..

Tom wrapped one arm around me and softly kissed my forehead. After a while I grabbed him and hugged him hard because I needed it.

Tom let out a light laugh.

"What..? I said I just wanted a hug so I'm gonna get it.." I stated hugging him tighter.

"Oooh don't suffocate meee..!" Tom said messing with me as he fell back till his back was on the bed.

"My lord... Tom your so childish.." I giggled laying down next to him.

There were no stars to look at but it still felt like we were stargazing.

"I don't think you've ever been serious for once in your life..!" I said looking over at him.

"Serious? I can be serious!" Tom said faking a pout.

"Yep.." I said.

"Is that a challenge?" Tom said smirking.

"Oi, don't smirk at me like that.." I stated getting up and pulling my knees up to my chest. I rested my head on my knees and looked over at Tom.

"What do you want.." I said throwing my legs on his chest forcefully to mess with them.

"You.." Tom said with a small laugh but then lost it seeing as he was trying to be serious.

"Whatever.." I smiled as a blush crept onto my face as I closed my eyes.

"Fine.. Goodnight." Tom said lifting my legs as he flopped down into his bed.

I leaned forward to grab the blankets I pushed forward to the end of my bed but they were gone.

"Tom you little.." I said getting up and trying to take my comforter and blanket from him. As I did so his hand grabbed me and pulled me in.

I falsely screamed just to make Tom think I was actually scared.

Tom laughed for a bit after.

"I thought you were being serious Mr.Holland.." I joked.

"I am.." Tom stated in a manly voice after he coughed.

"Well if I'm stuck here at least let me have SOME blanket.." I said grabbing some blanket and falling asleep.


"Tom stop kicking my chair.." I stated looking back at him.

"You're no fun.." Tom said as we waited for the Flight Attendant to dismiss us.

"Miss please follow me.." A flight attendant said.

"Wha? Why?" Tom stated confronting him.

"We have a problem with her luggage bag.." He stated.

"Let me come with her.." Tom said standing up placing his foot down.

"You two aren't in the same party.. The luggage was just checked in under her name not Holland sir." He stated standing up straighter to show he was above Tom.

"Oh.. I forgot about separate tickets... It was only because we were in a rush.!" Tom said starting to realize he was losing.

"Tom! Just Stop ok? And Sir.. I will gladly come check out my bag.." I said sending a glare at Tom for being overprotective.


"So you know Tom Holland?" He said as we walked down to the baggage check. It wasn't really a baggage check but more a drop off station for transportation to the plane.

"I figured you knew him since you said his last name was Holland.." I said.

"So how you related to him.." He asked his posture changed.

"I grew up with him, I guess.." I said not really knowing how to explain that 1. I got stuck here because I didn't have an Adult or home. And 2. We actually hated each other until recently.

"Huh, So there's nothing going on between you two?" He shyly asked.

Oh god, another person who wants to know! How did he find out! That was American News!

"No, Ew!" But why do you want to know," I paused and looked at his name tag,
"Ex-ander.." I finished.

"It's pronounced Zan-der.. Except there's an X.. And I want to know cause I think.. Never mind... Here's your bag.." Xander said gesturing to the clothes all over the floor.

"Oh! Okay.. Thank you for letting me pick up my stuff at least..." I stated running toward my bag and putting stuff back.

"No it's no problem.." Xander said looking away.

I started to wonder why but then I saw one of my delicate items laying there and I freaked out.

"Sorry. The guys were going to just throw your stuff back in there and close it.." Xander states now turning back to face me.

"Stop apologizing your making me feel bad.." I stated zipping up my suitcase.

I popped up the handle and started rolling it away back to the door.

"Thank you by the way! But I've got people that are picking me up!" I stated running off.

"Wait!" He yelled as I turned back. "I think your cute but it's just a compliment.. Don't think anything of it.."

I softly smiled back to him but then my mind switched back to Tom waiting for me so I sped out the door.


"Tom!" I shouted once I saw him at the door. I didn't even bother to look up anymore at the ceiling, the ceiling that had produced so many nightmares of mine. Alexander and Rupert were there too so I waved to them. But there was another.

"Sam?" I said looking at the figure standing by Tom.

"Yep!" He said as he hugged me.

Tom looked over at me funny.

"Shut up Tom can't a girl have a best friend.." I said sticking my tongue out at him and grabbed Sams hand as we skipped away laughing as Tom ran to catch up leaving Alexander and Rupert in the dust.

Word Count : 1235

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