Episode 4: Elimination

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Scene starts with Tony in his living room
Tony: Hey, I'm Tony Stark and welcome to my show. You might be wondering where Sophia and Tatiana are at. Well I sent them to go hang out with Peter and his friend Ned. Of course, Pepper is supervising them, I don't want any funny business going on. Anyways let's get started.

Tony: That has got to be one of my favorite videos of all time. So tonight as you all know, is elimination night. Let's bring out the men shall we?
All 11 participants walk out
Tony: Gentlemen, tonight one of you will be going home. With help of my big bunny, which I upgraded, you will be getting a rose. If you receive a rose, you're still in the game. Unfortunately, one of you won't which means you failed to woo my heart.
Cut to the boys staring at each other & back to Tony
Tony: Everyone understand the rules?
Boys in unison: Yes.
Tony: Let's get started but first let's enjoy another video of me.

Tony: *pretending to wipe tears* Okay Mr. Bunny, give me my first rose please.
Bunny: *gives out rose*
Tony: *with rose in hand* The first person who is saved has not only have had my heart a few years ago but still to this day at baseball. The first rose goes to... Cap.
Steve walks up to Tony and receives rose
Tony: Congrats.
Steve: Thank you.
Steve walks outside back to his room
Steve: I told you, I'd get him back.
Cut back to Tony
Tony: Bunny next rose.
Bunny: *gives out rose*
Tony: *with rose in hand* The next person who is saved is also talented in his own ways but not in baseball. The next rose goes to... Strange.
Stephen walks up to Tony and receives rose
Tony: Congrats.
Stephen: Thank you.
Stephen walks outside back to his room
Stephen: Wong owes me 10 dollars. I told him I'll make it through.
Cut to Tony
Tony: Bunny.
Bunny: *gives out next rose*
Tony: *with rose in hand* The third person who moves on to the next round is a dear friend of mine. The third rose goes to... Bruce.
Bruce walks up to Tony and receives rose
Tony: Science Bros.
Bruce: Science Bros.
Bruce walks outside back to his room
Bruce: Science Bros lives!
Cut to Tony
Tony: Don't go anywhere! We'll be right back after the break.

Tony: Welcome back! *signals rose* Here I have the forth rose. So this rose goes out to a king.
T'challa and Thor looks at each other
Tony: This king is.... T'Challa.
T'Challa walks up to Tony and receives rose
Tony: Your majesty.
T'Challa: Stop it.
T'Challa walks outside to his room
T'Challa: How could he resist a king?
Cut to Tony
Bunny: *gives Tony rode*
Tony: *with rose in hand* This rose goes out to a person who's been there since New York. Thor this rose is for you.
Thor walks up to Tony and receives rose
Tony: Your Highness.
Thor: Midgardian Antonio.
Thor walks outside to his room
Thor: Hela is going to be so proud of me.
Cut to Tony
Bunny: *gives Tony rose*
Tony: *with rose in hand* How awesome is Mr. Bunny everyone? Now onto the next person. This rose goes out to someone who's been there since the beginning. Clint come up here.
Clint walks up to Tony and receives rose
Tony: Even though you can be a pain in the ass, you're still in.
Clint: Glad to hear.
Clint walks outside to his room
Clint: *smiling* I'm still in.
Cut to Tony
Tony: Time for another break people. We'll be back.

Tony: Welcome back everyone. There's so many videos of me going on. I love that. Mr. Bunny has give me a rose. *holds rose in hand* Even though you got my Rhodes paralyzed, I forgive you. Sam come get your rose.
Sam walks up to Tony and receives rose
Tony: Congrats Sam.
Sam: Thanks.
Sam walks outside to his room
Sam: *laughing* Barnes still hasn't gotten one. I already packed his stuff and left it outside his room.
Cut to Tony
Tony: What an amazing job Bunny is doing. Am I right?
Bunny: *gives out rose*
Tony: *with rose in hand* This next rose goes to someone who I hated for a while. I still do at times but it's more like a tough love  now. This rose goes out to... Loki.
Loki walks up to Tony and receives rose
Tony: Prince Loki.
Loki: *blushes*
Loki walks outside to his room
Loki: Hela didn't believe I'll make it. Guess who's kneeling, Hela.
Cut to Tony
Tony: *rose in hand* There are now three of you left.
Show Peter, Scott, Bucky
Tony: The next person who gets the rose is also someone I share tough love to. They're shy and mysterious and dangerous. This rose goes to... Bucky.
Bucky walks up to Tony and receives rose
Tony: Good job.
Bucky: Thanks.
Bucky walks outside to his room
Bucky: Sam and I have our rooms next to each other so he packed my stuff saying he's sure that I was going to leave. Guess who's going to go see Sam right now.
Cut to Tony
Tony: Mr. Bunny last rose please.
Bunny: *gives out rose*
Tony: *with rose in hand* Now that only leaves two of you. Scott, you're a really fun and interesting guy. Keep that up. Peter, you're a cool and easy going guy. Keep that up. Both of you caught my attention but unfortunately for one of you it wasn't enough. The person still in the game is...

Tony: The person still in the game is... Scott.
Scott walks up to Tony and receives rose
Tony: Lang.
Scott: Stark.
Scott walks outside to his room.
Scott: I'm still in!!
Cut to Tony and Peter
Tony: Sorry Peter, you're out. But before you go, you also get something. *pushes Mr.Bunny on Peter* You get a hug from Bunny here.
Peter walks out
Peter: I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
Cut to Tony
Tony: That's all for this week guys. Tune in next week to see the participants take me out on a date. See you next week on the Bachelor: Tony Stark Edition. Good night everybody!

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