Episode 17: Field Day

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Start scene with Sophia and Tatiana in front of sports field
Tatiana: Welcome back everybody to The Bachelor: Tony Stark Edition!
Sophia: Sorry for taking a little hiatus. Tony needed to get his head in the right space and wanted to dedicate more time to his little Morgan.
Tatiana: He also took a while to get into touch with the X-Men, but luckily they are here with us tonight!
Sophia: Yesterday, we had an active day outside.
Tatiana: Here to enlighten us on the activity is no other than Tony Stark!
Tony walks out dancing
Tony: Hiya ladies, how are ya?
Sophia: Wonderful. How are you, Tony?
Tony takes off his sunglasses
Tony: Much much better. Also real quick, a shout out to my beautiful fans. I love you guys! Mwah.
Tatiana: Aww that's so sweet. Would you share with us the fun day you had yesterday.
Tony: Why yes! I haven't had a field day since elementary, so I thought, "What if we had a field day." Obviously, I was the leader and I'm so glad I went through with it.
Sophia: Tonight we shall show each segment of the day, but Tony would you care to explain the rules and set up.
Tony: We had 4 teams of 4 and each team captain and mutant guest got to choose an activity. And to top it off, I added water balloons which I participated with a few special friends of mine.
Tatiana: Ooh, that sounds exciting! Was this competition or purely for fun?
Tony: C'mon sweetheart. Obviously for a prize which only the winning team gets.
Sophia: Lets meet our teams!
Cut to scene with Ironfam team
Stephen: I'm Stephen, team captain.
Rhodey: I'm Rhodey, team member.
Peter: Hi, I'm Peter! I am also a team member.
Charles: I'm Charles Xavier, mutant guest.
All 4: We are Team Ironfam.

Cut to Green bean team Bruce: Hello, I'm Bruce

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Cut to Green bean team
Bruce: Hello, I'm Bruce. I'm team captain.
Wanda: I'm Wanda, a beautiful team member.
Vision: I'm Vision, a team member.
Raven: I'm Raven, mutant guest.
All 4: Team Green bean!

Cut to Team Grandma Scott: Hi, I'm Scott! I'm team leader of this awesome team

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Cut to Team Grandma
Scott: Hi, I'm Scott! I'm team leader of this awesome team.
Happy: I'm Happy. I don't really want to be here and I'm a team member.
Harley: Hey everyone! I'm Harley and I'm part of this team.
Jean: Hey I'm Jean, the coolest mutant guest.
All 4: Team Grandma all the way!

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