Episode 5: Date Night

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Scene starts with Sophia and Tatiana sitting in front of the pool at Tony's mansion
Sophia: Welcome back folks to the Bachelor's: Tony Stark Edition.
Tatiana: We are now down to ten boys.
Sophia: That's right, Tat. Sorry we couldn't be here last week, guys.
Tatiana: We were out golfing with Peter and Ned.
Sophia: Now lets get started with this week's challenge.
Tatiana: This week, each participant has taken Tony on a date.
Sophia: There is a twist to it though, Tony has made each participant pick randomly a card that him and the other guests has made.
Tatiana: On that card, there's a date scenario.
Sophia: Meaning that the participant has to work with what he got.
Tatiana: Tony has requested privacy so he could connect better with his possible Prince Charming.
Sophia: We do have each of the men's review.
Tatiana: Let's get started.

Sophia: First up, we have Tony and Bruce.
Tatiana: Production, roll the clip.
Cut to Bruce in his room
Sophia's and Tatiana's voices are coming from the background. (It'll be like this for every clip.)
Sophia: So Bruce, tell us what card you got.
Bruce: I got Rhodey's card which was finding a tourist attraction.
Tatiana: Tell us about your date.
Bruce: Well I wanted to take Tony around the city, nothing expensive, so I took him to Leo Carillo State Park. We both don't surf, so we just chilled in the sand. A bird took his sandwich. I went after it.
Cut to Tony in his living room
Tony: Bruce and I went to Leo Carillo Stare Park. I must admit, it's the first time I go there. I didn't even know it existed. Surfing is not our thing so we just hung out on the beach. There were caves, but we were both scared of going in. A bird took my sandwich so Bruce hulked out at it and got it back. It was so romantic.
Cut back to Sophia and Tatiana
Sophia: A romantic Hulk. Who would've known?
Tatiana: Next up, we have Tony and T'challa.
Sophia: Production roll the clip.
Cut to T'challa in his room
Tatiana: So T'challa, tell us what card you got.
T'challa: I got Tony's card which was going to an amusement park.
Sophia: Tell is about your date.
T'challa: Tony has never been to Wakanda, so I took him to an amusement park I had Shuri build. The first ever Wakandan amusement park became open. Shuri made the rides a little fast for Stark's liking. But I won him a goat.
Cut to Tony in his living room
Tony: T'challa and I went to an amusement park. Wakanda has such a gorgeous view. Not as gorgeous as me though. The rides were a little too fast so I got dizzy often and threw up once. The good news is T'challa won me Goaty. Bad news is that Pepper doesn't like Goaty.
Cut back to Sophia and Tatiana
Tatiana: It must've been Goaty who pooped in my shoes today.
Sophia: Oh. Anyways, next up is Tony and Stephen.
Tatiana: Production, roll the clip.
Cut to Stephen in his room
Sophia: So Stephen tell us what card you got.
Stephen: I got Natasha's card which was having a picnic.
Tatiana: Tell us about your date.
Stephen: I took Tony to his backyard. I brought my bed sheets and made him some lemonade and sandwiches. Things got a little exotic.
Cut to Tony in his living room
Tony: Stephen took me outside. The lemonade was heavenly but not as much as his lips. The sexual tension got too much, so I kissed him and Peter walked in on us and immediately covered his eyes.
Cut back to Sophia and Tatiana
Sophia: So that's why Peter came to us.
Tatiana: We couldn't understand him though, it was like he was speaking gibberish.
Sophia: Up next is Tony and Loki.
Tatiana: Production, roll the clip.
Cut to Loki in his room
Sophia: So Loki, tell us what card you got.
Loki: I got the Vision's card which was playing golf.
Tatiana: Tell us about your date.
Loki: I tried preparing for the Midgardian sport but it wasn't my thing. Hence my decision to use my magic to make my own course. The golf balls resembled our father's heads.
Cut to Tony in his living room
Tony: Loki took me to his own golf course. He made the balls look like our dad's faces and let me just say, it was fun hitting my dad's face. I won the game, of course.
Cut back to Tatiana and Sophia
Sophia: How refreshing.
Tatiana: Up next is Tony and Scott.
Sophia: Production, roll the clip.
Cut to Scott in his room
Tatiana: So Scott, tell us what card you got.
Scott: I got Pepper's card which was go to an outdoor movie or concert.
Sophia: Tell us about your date.
Scott: I decided to do both. I had Cassie duty so she joined us for the movie part. We got in the car and shrunk and used my laptop as the movie screen. Once she fell asleep, I got my ants to back me up as I performed for Tony.
Cut to Tony in his living room
Tony: Cassie is a nice, pretty, intelligent young lady. She's what I look for in a daughter. Scott's a lucky guy. He also sang for me a song in AC/DC. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen.
Cut back to Tatiana and Sophia
Tatiana: Music is the way guys.
Sophia: After the break, we'll hear about the last five dates.
Tatiana: Don't go anywhere.

Sophia: Welcome back guys!
Tatiana: Up next, we have Tony and Bucky.
Sophia: Production, roll the clip.
Cut to Bucky in his room
Tatiana: So Bucky, tell us about your card.
Bucky: I got Peter's card which was taking a walk in the park with ice cream.
Sophia: Tell us about your date.
Bucky: Well I took him to Malibu Bluffs Park. We got to play a quick baseball game and we went whale watching afterwards. Then we did a lap and went for ice cream after.
Cut to Tony in his living room
Tony: Bucky and I went to Malibu Bluffs Park. We played baseball and there's one thing I have to say. I want him to choke me with that metal arm. We saw whales and ate ice cream. Somebody tried to rob me so Bucky knocked him unconscious. Agh, choke me.
Cut to Tatiana and Sophia
Tatiana: Wow, what an eventful day.
Sophia: Glad to hear both of you are well.
Tatiana: Up next, we have Tony and Clint.
Sophia: Production, roll the clip.
Cut to Clint in his room
Tatiana: So Clint, tell us about the card you got.
Clint: I got Tony's card that said to go on a boat ride.
Sophia: Tell us about your date.
Clint: I rented a boat so we had a few drinks before going on so we were a little tipsy and the boat flipped over. Swimming was fun though.
Cut to Tony in his living room
Tony: Clint makes some good Martinis. It was funny cuz there was a tiny spider in board and we got scared so the boat flipped over. We swam for a few hours.
Cut to Tatiana and Sophia
Tatiana: Spiders are scary.
Sophia: Yeah, good thing they made it out.
Tatiana: Up next, we have Tony and Sam.
Sophia: Production, roll the clip.
Cut to Sam in his room
Tatiana: So Sam, tell us what card you got.
Sam: I got Wanda's card which was going on a food slash dessert scavenger hunt.
Sophia: Tell us about your date.
Sam: Well I was extra enough to make a treasure map of the best places in Malibu to eat. We walked most of Malibu until Tony found something he liked.
Cut to Tony in his living room
Tony: We followed Sam's map but I didn't like anything so in the end we got cheeseburgers at Burger King.
Cut back to Sophia and Tatiana
Tatiana: Hmm.
Sophia: What a day.
Tatiana: Up next is Tony and Steve.
Sophia: Production, roll the clip.
Cut to Steve in his room
Tatiana: So Steve, what card did you get?
Steve: I got Pietro's card which was going to a ballgame.
Sophia: Tell us about your date.
Steve: Tony and I went to a ballgame. We caught up on our lives and went to a winery after the game and he got drunk. He said a few things.
Cut to Tony in his living room
Tony: We enjoyed a good game of baseball and went for wine afterwards. I may have gotten drunk so I just casually happened to have told him I missed him.
Cut to Sophia and Tatiana
Tatiana: Is Stony making a comeback?
Sophia: Hmm, it's possible.
Tatiana: And finally, the final date of the night, Tony and Thor.
Sophia: Production, do your thing.
Cut to Thor in his room
Tatiana: Tell us about the card you got, Thor.
Thor: Well, Lady Cue, I got Parker's card which said going biking or hiking.
Sophia: Tell us about your date.
Thor: I asked Peter what that was because I wasn't familiar with those activities. I rented a bike so we could go around the city but I broke it while pedaling. I just carried Tony on my back while I pretended to be a bike.
Cut to Tony in his living room
Tony: Thor took me biking around the city. Asgard is beautiful! He broke the bike and gave me a piggy back ride. That's way better than biking.
Cut back to Sophia and Tatiana
Tatiana: Aww, how adorable.
Sophia: Asgard must be nice.
Tatiana: Unfortunately, next week is once again elimination round.
Sophia: The rules are simple. You comment the number of the person you want eliminated in the comment section.
Tatiana: If you want Bruce to leave, comment 1.
Sophia: If you want T'challa to leave, comment 2.
Tatiana: If you want Stephen to leave, comment 3.
Sophia: If you want Loki to leave, comment 4.
Tatiana: If you want Scott to leave, comment 5.
Sophia: If you want Bucky to leave, comment 6.
Tatiana: If you want Clint to leave, comment 7.
Sophia: If you want Sam to leave, comment 8.
Tatiana: If you want Steve to leave, comment 9.
Sophia: If you want Thor to leave, comment 10.
Tatiana: Well that's it for this week.
Sophia: See you again next week on the Bachelor: Tony Stark Edition.

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