Episode 3: Baseball

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(Play song)

Scene starts with Sophia and Tatiana in the baseball stadiumSophia: Welcome back everybody to the Bachelor: Tony Stark Edition!Tatiana: Promised from last time, we'll have the Avengers Baseball game

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Scene starts with Sophia and Tatiana in the baseball stadium
Sophia: Welcome back everybody to the Bachelor: Tony Stark Edition!
Tatiana: Promised from last time, we'll have the Avengers Baseball game.
Sophia: Due to the fact, Tony requested for a private game, he was are not allowed to show the whole footage.
Tatiana: We were also not invited to the game since Tony called us "distracting beautiful women" and needs to be on his best game.
Sophia: But we are here today to have the Avengers talk about their experience.
Tatiana: While we wait for our first participant to join us, let's take a look at the jerseys and caps.

 Tatiana: While we wait for our first participant to join us, let's take a look at the jerseys and caps

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Fielding team

Batting teamSophia: Wow they're really stylish

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Batting team
Sophia: Wow they're really stylish.
Tatiana: Peter ordered the jerseys.
Sophia: Figures why it's 'Thot'.
Tatiana: And why Tony's Jersey is unique.
Sophia: His too.
Tatiana: For those at home wondering, the game was done earlier in the day.
Bruce walks into field
Sophia: Our first participant has arrived.
Bruce: Hello.
Tatiana: Tell is Bruce, how are you feeling after that game?
Bruce: I'm decent.
Sophia: We have some given footage of you playing.
Bruce: Oh jeez.
Tatiana: With your permission, we'll show it to the audience.
Bruce: Go ahead.
Cut to Bruce Playing
Bruce: *steps up to home plate* I'M READY GUYS!
Pitcher Parker: *throws ball*
Bruce: *screams* *runs from home plate*
Tony: Bruce... you're supposed to hit the ball with the bat.
Bruce: Oh! Haha! Yeah, okay... I got it, I got it.
*gets in position*
Pitcher Parker: *throws ball slower*
Bruce: *aggressively swings bat while closing eyes*
Tony: (- _ -)
Bruce: *slowly opens wyes* Did I get it?
Cut to Tatiana, Sophia, Bruce
Sophia: Wow.
Bruce: That was horrible.
Tatiana: Did you enjoy the game though?
Bruce: Even though I was hiding behind Thor, it was alright. I'd never do that again.
Sophia: How did you handle Pietro's speedball?
Bruce: I got knocked out. That's why I have an ice pack on my cheek.
Tatiana: Oh wow. I hope you get better.
Bruce: Thanks. Excuse me, I have to go change ice packs.
Bruce leaves
Sophia: Tony and his guests have left comments on each player.
Tatiana: Let's roll Bruce's clip.
Play clip
Vision: Bruce has clearly never played baseball.
Wanda: I actually thought it was cute he hid behind Thor.
Pietro: I didn't mean to knock him out, but let's just consider it payback for threatening my sister.
Natasha: I'm actually surprised Bruce didn't turn into the Hulk. I was excited to calm him down again, makes me feel special.
Rhodey: He should be banned from ever setting foot in this stadium.
Pepper: I'm glad I brought my first aid kit.
Peter: He was hiding like a turtle and let me just say... 'I like turtles.'
Tony: I'm just... wow. Also I apologize about Peter. Shuri has him in this meme/vine phase.
Cut to Sophia, Tatiana, and Bucky
Sophia: Nice having you Bucky.
Bucky: Great to be here doll.
Tatiana: How are you feeling after the game?
Bucky: Exhilarated. It's been a long time since I've been in a baseball game. Steve and I used to do it all the time.
Sophia: We have footage of your play.
Bucky: Really?
Tatiana: With your permission, we'll show it.
Bucky: Play it doll.
Cut to Bucky playing
Bucky: *steps up to home plate* Ready.
Tony: Where's your bat?
Bucky: I don't need one.
Tony: Oh yeah? What are you going to use to hit the ball?
Bucky: Just watch. Throw the ball kid.
Pitcher Parker: *throws ball*
Bucky: *hits ball with metal arm*
Tony: *staring in awe*
Bucky: Told you I don't need a bat.
Cut to Tatiana, Sophia, Bucky
Sophia: That's one strong arm.
Bucky: Thanks.
Tatiana: How'd you handle Pietro's speedball?
Bucky: With ease. My arm didn't hurt at all.
Sophia: Thank you, Bucky.
Bucky: My pleasure.
Bucky leaves
Tatiana: Let's roll Bucky's clip.
Vision: Shuri did a good job with his arm.
Wanda: His hair was flowing in the wind.
Pietro: He succeeded with my speedball, he had my respect.
Natasha: He did a decent job.
Rhodey: Who doesn't bring a bat to a ball game?
Pepper: Thankfully he wasn't hurt.
Peter: He's strong wow.
Tony: He has a good arm.
Cut to Tatiana, Sophia, Clint
Sophia: Clint Barton, everyone.
Clint: Hey guys.
Tatiana: How do you feel about the game?
Clint: I could be better.
Sophia: Oh, how come?
Clint: You have the footage right?
Tatiana: Yes.
Clint: Show it.
Cut to Clint playing
Clint: *steps up to the plate* Why can't I be pitcher?
Tony: Clint, we've already talked about his.
Clint: I'm a better pitcher than spiderling over there.
Peter: Hey!
Tony: Excuse me.
Clint: Can I please be pitcher?
Peter: Can I please get a waffle?
Tony: Peter.
Pitcher Parker: This bitch empty... YEET *throws ball*
Steve: Language!
Clint: *balls hit him on his arm* OW.
Cut to Sophia, Tatiana, Clint
Sophia: Well then.
Clint: I should've been pitcher.
Tatiana: Did you get to Pietro's speedball?
Clint: I sat out.
Sophia: Maybe you should check on your arm, it's red.
Clint: Oh, shit. You're right.
Clint leaves
Tatiana: Let's roll Clint's clip.
Vision: I accidentally shut down on his part.
Wanda: I have nothing to say.
Pietro: I plead the fifth.
Natasha: Stupid Clint, the game could've been better if he cooperated.
Rhodey: I feel like we could've given him a chance.
Pepper: Same with Rhodey.
Peter: Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!
Tony: That doesn't even make sense, Peter.
Cut to Sophia, Tatiana, Loki
Sophia: Loki, thank you for being here.
Loki: You asked me to come, mortal.
Tatiana: Well, how do you feel about the game?
Loki: It was interesting. We don't have this on Asgard.
Sophia: We have footage of your play.
Loki: Do you now?
Tatiana: Yes, we'll show it with your permission.
Loki: As you wish.
Cut to Loki playing
Loki: *steps up to the plate* Ready when you are Spider boy.
Pitcher Parker: *smiling* Ready, Mr. Loki. *throws ball*
Loki: *uses magic to hit the ball*
Tony: Hey that's cheating Reindeer Games!
Loki: DON'T call me that.
Pitcher Parker: Oh, wow, Mr. Loki! A home run!
Loki: *smirking at Tony* Good job, Spider boy. *gives Peter a high five as he passes by him*
Cut to Sophia, Tatiana, Loki
Sophia: Aww, so you get along with Peter?
Loki: Yes, he's one of the few mortals I love.
Tatiana: That's so cute. How did you take Pietro's speedball?
Loki: I put a little emphasis on the magic and "accidentally" hit Clint. I also accidentally hit Bruce and Thor got upset, but all good.
Sophia: Well no harm was intentionally done.
Loki: We can say that. Excuse me.
Loki leaves
Tatiana: Let's roll Loki's clip.
Vision: I would say he played fairly well.
Wanda: He's alright.
Pietro: He's okay.
Natasha: He's starting to get along with us. This was a good experience for him.
Rhodey: He had cool game.
Pepper: More first aid kits.
Peter: Mr. Loki did a great job. Now we need basketball memories. My name is Trey and I have a basketball game tomorrow.
Tony: Peter, I told you to stop with these memes. Anyway, Reindeer Games had good game.
Cut to Tatiana, Sophia, Peter
Sophia: Peter, great having you here.
Peter: Thank you for having me, Sophia and Tatiana.
Tatiana: So Peter, how did you feel about the game?
Peter: Oh, I had fun! They also had great music which made the whole game even better.
Sophia: We actually have footage of your play.
Peter: Yes!
Tatiana: With your permission, we'll show it.
Peter: Go ahead, Cue.
Cut to Peter playing
Peter: *steps up to home plate* Hold on Parker, let me get my music ready. *getting music ready* Ready Parker.
Pitcher Parker: *throws ball*
Peter: *hits ball and runs in the wrong direction* Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleon. You come and gooooo.
Tony: Quill, you're young the wrong way.
Peter: No I'm not. Red, gold, and green.
Pitcher Parker: Um, Mr. Stark, what is he singing?
Peter: *stopping in his tracks* You've never heard of Karma Chameleon?
Cut to Tatiana, Sophia, Peter
Sophia: Um, Peter, have you ever played baseball before?
Peter: No, but I've seen it.
Tatiana: *coughs* How did you handle Pietro's speedball?
Peter: Sang Uptown Girl and went in the correct direction. I don't know why the others go in the opposite.
Sophia: Great taste, Quill. Thank you.
Peter: Anytime, anyways, I promised Groot I would call him, bye.
Peter leaves
Tatiana: Let's roll Peter's clip.
Vision: I loved his music.
Wanda: He was likable but his singing was a little annoying.
Pietro: So he's a lord? Starlord?
Natasha: My eyes and ears need bleach.
Rhodey: I love those songs.
Pepper: I'm pretty sure he doesn't know how to play.
Peter: I now have a music lesson tomorrow. :(
Tony: Why doesn't that dipshit get baseball?
Cut to Sophia and Tatiana
Sophia: Coming up next, our final six participants.
Tatiana: We'll be back after the break.

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