Episode 9: Modeling

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Start scene with Sophia and Tatiana in Tony's living room
Sophia: Welcome back everyone to The Bachelor: Tony Stark Edition!
Tatiana: Sorry we have been away from usual programming. A little animal accident happened.
Sophia: Peter accidentally set some animals loose and everyone's been on the lookout since.
Tatiana: The good news is we finally caught it and back to the usual programming.
Sophia: This week we have a special contest going on.
Tatiana: That's right. This week the remaining boys will be in a modeling competition.
Sophia: There are three rounds. In the first round, the participant must team up with one of the other participants.
Tatiana: In the second round, the participants must take a picture with an animal of their choice.
Sophia: And finally in the third round, the participants must team up with one of the guests.
Tatiana: The winner gets to be the cover of Stark Magazine.
Sophia: Let's meet our judges. Please welcome Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Pietro Maximoff, and Wanda Maximoff!
All 4 judges walk in
Tatiana: Nice to see you again, Tony.
Tony: It's an honor to be here.
Sophia: You pull off that hair, Nat.
Natasha: Thank you.
Tatiana: It's great to finally have the twins again.
Pietro: It is nice to be here.
Wanda: We are very excited!
Sophia: Let's get started with the first round after the break.

Tatiana: Welcome back! First up is the boy team up.
Sophia: The Boys will not make an appearance today but we will show their pictures.
Tatiana: The Boys were partnered up at random.
Sophia: First up, Stephen and Thor.
Tatiana: Let's see how they did.

Sophia: Pietro would you like to start us off?Pietro: Sure

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Sophia: Pietro would you like to start us off?
Pietro: Sure. I don't think they realize that another person photobombed their picture.
Natasha: I don't know what's worse, Thor looking confused or Stephen looking annoyed.
Wanda: Thor and Stephen are one of the most powerful among us and this picture doesn't really demonstrate their true potential.
Tony: Wanda's right, this is a bit of a let down. I was actually expecting more from them.
Tatiana: Thank you. Next up we have Scott and Loki.
Sophia: Let's see how they did.

Sophia: Let's see how they did

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