Episode 12: Elimination

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Start scene with Tony in his living room surrounded by Christmas decorations
Tony: Welcome back to The Bachelor: Tony Stark edition. I'm Tony for those who don't know me which is impossible. Tonight only six boys will remain with us. Please welcome the contestants.
All 7 boys walk out
Tony: Gentlemen tonight I will be passing out little Iron Man ornaments to those who will remain in the competition. Let's get started. I'd like to start off with the winner of the karaoke competition. He's stolen the hearts of many including my own. Lang get up here.
Scott walks up to Tony
Tony: Congrats.
Scott: Thank you.
Camera flashes to Scott as he exits
Scott: I'm honestly in disbelief. I really can't believe this wow.
Camera flashes back to Tony
Tony: Next up is an old friend of mine. Thor come up here buddy.
Thor walks up to Tony
Thor: Thank you, Man of Iron.
Tony: Another old friend of mine is also getting saved tonight! Banner.
Bruce walks up to Tony
Bruce: Thank you, Tony.
Tony: We have one more person we can squeeze in before the break. The next person going to the next round is.... Loki!
Loki walks up to Tony
Loki: Thank you.
Tony: We'll be back with more after the break.

Tony: Welcome back. And then there were two because Stephen you are saved.
Tony hands Stephen his ornament
Tony: Both of you are such amazing people, and I'd say more but I'm kind of in a rush so Steve you're in and T'challa you're sadly out.
Both boys walk out but Steve has an ornament in his hand
Tony: That's all for this week folks. Sorry for this being so rushed and icky, I promised Peter I'd take him out to the city, and I'm already running late. So on that note, tune in next week where we have team building stuff and yeah. 
Tony runs out to his car

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