Episode 15: Comedy Skits

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Start scene with Sophia and Tatiana sitting in the studio with a tv behind them
Sophia: Welcome back everybody to the Bachelor: Tony Stark Edition! It's been a while since we've last seen each other.
Tatiana: It has. How are you, Sophia?
Sophia: I'm great, what about you Tatiana?
Tatiana: I'm doing great as well. For those of you wondering, Tony will not be joining us today as he usually has for the past few weeks. He's on vacation with Peter.
Sophia: But he did leave us with the next challenge
Tatiana: Each of the remaining contestants must do a comedy skit.
Sophia: They're doing it in partnership of a late night tv show host or representative.
Tatiana: So tonight we have a lot of laughter in store.
Sophia: And at the end of the show, you can vote for the best skit.
Tatiana: The winner will receive a 5 day and 4 night stay at the Nandini Jungle Resort & Spa in Bali gifted by Tony.
Sophia: The runner up will receive his own custom Iron suit made by Tony himself.
Tatiana: Let the competition begin!
Sophia: First up, we have Kate McKinnon representing Saturday Night Live.
Kate McKinnon walks out and joins Sophia and Tatiana
Tatiana: Welcome Kate!
Kate: Thank you for having me.
Sophia: You had to work with Thor and Scott, right?
Kate: Yes.
Tatiana: What was that like?
Kate: Well with Thor it was actually pretty interesting. He actually looks a lot like Chris Hemsworth so we had him fill in for him. And well with Scott, he's a lot like Paul Rudd. It's funny cuz he never broke out of character despite the things I did.
Sophia: Thank you, Kate.
Kate walks out
Tatiana: Now please welcome Thor and Scott!
Thor and Scott walk out and share a seat
Sophia: We can get another chair.
Scott: No this is fine.
Thor: Yeah we're fine.
Tatiana: Okay you then, Thor we'll start with you.
Thor: Sure.
Sophia: What was your take on SNL?
Thor: Well I had fun dressed as a woman. I think I pulled off the look very well. Ever since I lost my hair, I would sometimes miss my long hair. So the wig was pretty refreshing.
Tatiana: That's pretty... nice. Now Scott, what about you?
Scott: It was sure an experience. My neck hurts a bit due to the skit, but I think I might do comedy on the side now.
Sophia: We have both skits right now.
Scott: Ooh, lets take a look.

Tatiana: *laughing* These are great.
Scott: You did great. *high fives Thor*
Thor: I know. You did great as well.
Scott: Thank you.
Sophia: Thank you for joining us, boys.
Scott: Can I say the next part?
Thor: Me too!
Tatiana: Sure.
Scott: Up next, we have Steve and Bruce with Jimmy Fallon.
Thor: We will be back after a commercial break.

Sophia: Welcome back everyone!
Tatiana: Here joining us is Jimmy Fallon.
Jimmy is sitting in the chair next to Sophia and Tatiana
Jimmy: Hi.
Sophia: So Jimmy, what was it like working with Steve and Bruce?
Jimmy: *laughing* Photobombing with Steve and Chris Pratt was amazing. I didn't even know Steve had a wild side.
Tatiana: Ooh and Bruce?
Jimmy: We did some computer magic and wow young Bruce is so cute.
Sophia: Ooh we cant wait to see. Thank you, Jimmy.
Jimmy: No, thank you.
Jimmy leaves
Tatiana: Steve and Bruce everyone.
Steve and Bruce walk out and joins the girls
Sophia: We can get-
Bruce: Don't worry.
Steve: Yeah we're trying to raise the bar for Thor and Scott.
Tatiana: Anyways, What was your experience for your skit?
Steve and Bruce look at each other
Bruce: I'll go first. Hmm, I enjoyed it. I felt young again.
Steve: Really?
Bruce: Yeah.
Steve: Well for me it was very liberating. I felt like I unlocked a part of myself.
Sophia: It seems you guys had a life changing experience. Luckily we have the skits right now!

Bruce: Those lucky people.
Steve: That lucky company.
Tatiana: You guys did a great job!
Bruce: Thank you!
Steve: May we?
Sophia: Sure, go ahead.
Steve: Last but not least, we have Stephen with Jimmy Kimmel.
Bruce: We'll be back after the break.

Tatiana: And we're back!
Sophia: Here with us is Jimmy Kimmel! Hey Jimmy.
Jimmy Kimmel is in the chair
Jimmy: Hello.
Tatiana: What was it like working with Stephen?
Jimmy: Pretty fun except a few remarks from parents.
Sophia: What remarks?
Jimmy: Something Stephen did that I actually didn't think he'd do. You'll understand once you watch the skit.
Tatiana: Why don't we bring out Stephen right now?
Stephen walks out and sits with Jimmy
Stephen: I might as well do the trend.
Sophia: What did you do, Stephen?
Stephen: What had to be done.
Jimmy is dying of laughter next to Stephen
Tatiana: Let's take a look at Stephen's skit.

Stephen: What a great time.
Sophia: What happened to the kids?
Stephen: They returned to their parents after a while. I wouldn't keep them there forever.
Tatiana: Well then Stephen and Jimmy, thank you for joining us.
Stephen: Thank you.
Jimmy: My pleasure.
Both leave
Sophia: That's our time.
Tatiana: Now in order to vote for the best skit, you must comment the host's last name.
Sophia: McKinnon, Fallon, or Kimmel.
Tatiana: For Thor, you'll comment McKinnon 1 and Scott, McKinnon 2.
Sophia: For Bruce you'll comment Fallon 1 and Steve, Fallon 2.
Tatiana: Next week, we have our elimination round!
Sophia: We're getting close to the end as 4 men will be left.
Tatiana: If you want Thor to get eliminated comment 1.
Sophia: If you want Scott to get eliminated comment 2.
Tatiana: If you want Bruce to get eliminated comment 3.
Sophia: If you want Steve to get eliminated comment 4.
Tatiana: If you want Stephen to get eliminated comment 5.
Sophia: Tony will be back next week along with a special surprise of the next competition!
Tatiana: So make sure to tune in next week for the Bachelor: Tony Stark Edition!
Sophia: Have a good night everyone!

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