Episode 6: Elimination

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Start scene with Peter and Tony standing near to the boy's mini houses at night
Tony: Welcome back to the Bachelor: Tony Stark Edition. You already know who I am.
Peter: And I am Peter! His son.
Tony: Sophia and Tatiana are off doing girl stuff at Pepper's place.
Peter: A girls night thing.
Tony: It's 1 in the morning.
Peter: And it's elimination time.
Tony: This week, Peter and I will be doing some bonding time. Instead of giving out roses, because it's boring and basic, we will be doing something new.
Peter: I gave him the idea.
Tony: Let's get started. So I created these mini houses with code names that are being borrowed by the boys.
Peter: Shuri and I created a special device in this radio where only the code name of a house is said and whatever is blasted out can only be heard by the person inside that house. We also brought 12 rocks. The loser gets 3 rocks.
Tony: So these code names are based on something these boys have.
Peter: Which is discreet.
Tony: Here we are at Magic's house. Peter, rock please.
Peter passed Tony rock. Tony throws rock at Magic's house. Peter blasts 'I love you bitch. I ain't never gonna stop loving you bitch.' meme out of the radio. Stephen looks outside.
Stephen: Stark, it's one in the morning. What do you want? Oh, hey Peter.
Peter: Hey wizard dad.
Tony: You're still in the game. Bye.
Tony and Peter walk to the next house
Peter: This is Soft's house.
Tony: Rock me, Peter.
Peter hands Tony rock
Peter: I'm ready, Mr.Stark!
Tony throws rock at Soft's house. Peter blasts meme through radio. Scott looks outside.
Scott: Hey, you scratched my window.
Cassie: Are we under attack, daddy?
Scott: No, peanut. It's just Tony and his son, Peter.
Peter: Oh, um, hey Scott! Hey Cassie!
Tony: You're still in the game. Bye.
Tony and Peter run to the next house
Peter: That was close dad.
Tony: How was I supposed to know his daughter was there?
Peter: You could've accidentally hit her.
Tony: But I didn't. Anyways, here we have Threat's house.
Peter: Can I throw this rock dad?
Tony: Fine.
Peter throws rock at Threat's house. Tony blasts meme through the radio. Loki makes his illusion appear outside.
Loki: What do you mortals want? You interrupted my beauty sleep.
Peter: Sorry, Mr.Loki! We just wanted to say you're still in the game.
Loki: Oh. Sorry Spider boy.
Tony: Well you can go back to sleep now.
Tony and Peter walk to the next house
Peter: Now we are at Blondie's house.
Tony: I want to do this one.
Tony throws rock at Blondie's house. Peter blasts meme through radio. Steve looks outside shirtless.
Steve: Tony? Peter? What are you doing outside this late? Does Pepper know you're out this late kid?
Peter: Um....
Tony: Nice abs, you're still in the game.
Peter and Tony run to the next house
Peter: Do you think he'll tell on us?
Tony: Most likely, but now we are in Bird's house.
Peter: Here's the rock.
Tony throws the rock at Bird's house. Peter blasts out meme through the radio. Sam looks outside.
Sam: I love you too bitch.
Peter: Oh my gosh! You know the meme! You're still in the game!
Tony and Peter run to the next house
Tony: Oh, Peter. You and your memes.
Peter: It's one of my specialties.
Tony: Sure kid.
Peter: Ooh, this is Goldie Lock's house.
Peter hands Tony rock and Tony throws it at Goldie Lock's window, meanwhile Peter blasts meme through the radio. Thor blasts a lightning outside.
Tony: Relax, point break, it's just us.
Peter waves while trembling
Thor: Oh. Anthony and Peter. Greetings.
Peter: You're still in the game, Mr.Thor, sir.
Thor: Sorry for almost killing you there.
Tony drags Peter to the next house
Tony: You're okay.
Peter: I'm okay.
Tony: It's currently 2 in the morning and we're at Wild's house.
Peter: Surely, he won't be crazy dangerous.
Tony throws rock at Wild's house while Peter blasts meme through the radio. T'challa steps outside.
T'challa: What is this ridiculousness going on?
Tony: You're still in the game.
Peter: Shuri and I made this radio!
T'challa: Of course.
Tony and Peter walk to the next house
Tony: We're now at the eighth house.
Peter: This is Shrek's house.
Tony: Rock me.
Peter: We should do this one softly.
Tony: You're probably right.
Tony throws rock at Shrek's house. Peter blasts meme through the radio. Bruce steps out with a frying pan in his hand.
Bruce: Stand back, I have a weapon.
Peter: It's just us, Bruce.
Bruce: Tony?
Tony: Hey man, breathe in and out.
Bruce: What are you doing at this hour?
Tony: I just wanted to tell you you're still in the game.
Bruce: With rocks?
Peter: Sorry if we scared you.
Tony and Peter walk to final house
Peter: Aw, I'm gonna miss doing this.
Tony: We still have the losers house.
Peter: Oh yeah.
Tony: This is Dark's house.
Tony throws rock at Dark's house while Peter blasts meme through the radio. Bucky looks outside.
Peter: Hey Mr.Bucky!
Bucky: What do you want?
Tony: You're still in the game.
Tony drags Peter to Sharp's house
Peter: What are we doing for him?
Tony: Just throw rocks.
Tony and Peter throw rocks. Clint looks outside.
Clint: Tony?
Tony: You're our of the game.
Clint: Oh.
Clint goes back inside
Peter: He took it rather well.
Tony's phone starts ringing
Tony: Hello?
Pepper: Why in the world are you two outside in the middle of the night?
Tony: How do you know?
Pepper: Clint just told me.
Tony: Well, um, if it makes you feel better, we're going to bed.
Pepper: TONYYYYYY!!!!
Tony hangs up
Peter: Was it Pepper?
Tony: Yeah, Clint told her.
Peter: So he didn't take it well.
Tony: No he didn't.
Peter: What's going to happen to him, dad?
Tony: He's just packing up and heading back home.
Peter: Oh.
Tony: Yeah. Anyways, that's it for this week's show! Next week, the boys, Peter, and I will be participating in a game of bowling, but with a twist.
Peter: For every gutter ball, the person has to take two shots.
Tony: Which you're not allowed to do. You get apple juice.
Peter: Fine.
Tony: I'm Tony Stark.
Peter: I'm Peter Parker.
Tony: See you again next week in a new episode of the Bachelor: Tony Stark Edition.
Peter: Good night everyone!

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