Chapter 12: part 1: stuck in a horror movie

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, your really pretty too, your hair suits you." I say politely. She seems nice, judgy but nice.

"Oh thanks! I got it done last month! I wasn't sure if it would be good or not but i think it really works! Have you ever straightened your hair before?"

Wow she talks a lot. Well so do i and everything but not about hair.

"Umm no, burning my hair doesn't appeal to me." I say as i take another bite of this deliciousness.

"Well i think it would totally help you in the look department! And maybe if you tried a dress on and some flats or something! I can totes see it!" She says excitedly.

I just smile and take another bite of pizza.

"Im not much of a dress kinda girl. I prefer being able to sit comfortably without having to keep my legs closed." I say honestly.

My eyes widen at the hidden dirty meaning, i don't think she noticed but jace and darren stop there side conversation and stare at me.

I look at them with panic in my eyes and then they burst out laughing.

Great. Fantastic, always leave it to the guys to have a dirty mind.

"You.. Haha you dont want to keep your legs closed? You like em better apart? I can help you with that!" Darren jokes.

Ughhh eww.

I stick my tongue out at him and angrily take another bite of pizza.

His sister looks totally lost.

Then her face all of a sudden morphs into one of disgust.

"ewwwwwww!! Ew ew ew ew! That is repulsive ew!!! Darr thats gross!" She squeals.

Ok i am not a fan of the squealing but i can handle it because shes nice, if she was mean i would of punched her by now, not actually but i would have done it in my mind..

Jace sobers up and grabs another slice looking me right in the eye as he takes a bite.

I look at him confused only to realize that was the last piece.

"No" i whisper. "No no no no!" I jump up and lunge at him trying to grab it.

"Gimme it!" I whine. "I only got one piece, you've had like 3!!"

"Yea but yours was big!" He says as he holds it away from me.

"Jjaacceee! Please! Im hungry and and and ughh don't be a meaner!"

He laughs and holds it up in the air even higher.

I jump up against him trying to get it but of course he's a bit taller then me.

I remember our game in the hallway before and get an idea.

I stop jumping and smirk.

I reach up and run my hand through his hair without breaking eye contact. I move a bit closer so our bodies are fully in contact then move my head in closer. Closer... Closer... And just as i see his gaze falter i jump and grab the pizza.

I succeed and take a huge bite and smile at him.

"Victory is mine!" I yell jumping up and down.

Jace shoots daggers at me "wont happen again."

I smirk knowing i beat him.

"You do realize you just indirectly kissed right?" I here the girl say.

I freeze. "What?"

"He had taken a bite already and now you just took a bit of the same thing, therefore it was an indirect kiss, just like if you were to drink from his cup" she explains with a grin.

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