'Buzz off Kid...! Go bother someone else, I have no time for stupid, hopeless children like you... ' Aayan said, and Yash fisted his hands

'No one tells me what to do... ' Yash puts his feet on the table, which angers Aayan

'What do you want...?' Aayan asked

'I want your apology for insulting me that day and also for hurting my mother... I prefer a oral apology rather than written....' Yash said

'And you really think that I will apologize to you... ' Aayan raised his brows

'I will make you... ' Yash challenged

'Really... Make me... ' Aayan crosses his hands near his chest and leaned against the chair

The manager of the shop approached them, and politely turns to Yash

'Sir...  Please may I request you to keep your feet down the table... It's bothering our customers and also it's not decent...  Please sir... ' He said

Yash takes out the bunch of 100rs note  from his jacket and throws it at the manager..
'Is that fine now...? Move... ' He orders rudely

'But Sir... ' the manager keeps the money on the table

'It's not his fault sir.... This boy is an orphan and is just released from the Juvenile home... He lacks manners, kindly pardon him... He doesn't understand politeness... ' Aayan said and tossed Yash's leg from the table, such that he loses his balance and fells along with his chair...

'Bro...!' Yash's friend helps him to stand and Aayan dismisses the manager

'You know who are you talking to ? My father can shut down that scrap company of yours... ' Yash sneered taking his seat

'And my father can shut down that shit run by your father, whose advertisements are equally cringe worthy.... ' Aayan matched his tone

'How dare you... You son of a.... ' he began but stopped midway

Aayan smirked at him, 'Go ahead, say it... Unfortunately we share our mother, so if I am that, you are too... ' he said and Yash huffed

'Mom did the right thing, by leaving your loser father and marrying mine, because..... ' Yash begun


Aayan slapped Yash, in front of everyone and his friend gasped, now everyone's attention is on Aayan and Yash

'Bastards like you must be tamed properly, or else this happens.... ' Aayan gritted getting up

'You... ' Yash grabs his hand and Aayan jerks it away and catches Yash by his collars

'Listen to me boy... You are not my brother... And I have no relation with your mother as well... Dare you bother me again, and you will not walk back to your house... Go ! Start working, before that saint brother of yours throws you mother - son duo out of his house...' he pushed Yash away and he fell on the floor

Aayan turned to get out of the cafe, when he was hit from the back by a steel chair, and he collapsed on the ground...

Everyone gasped and the manager runs towards Aayan, who was almost on the verge of crying in pain because his back was hurt by the impact of the chair

'Sir are you okay...?' He helped Aayan getting up who cried in pain

'Call me a bastard, I don't care... Atleast I don't live a miserable life like you, your loser father and that whore sister of yours.... ' Yash sneered keeping the chair back

Aayan's anger crossed it's limit now, he could bear the vile words about him, but no one dares to say anything about Nitaara in front of him, because then that person faces the wrath of Aayan that he will never forget...

I Will Never Be YoursWhere stories live. Discover now