Chapter- 1

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Hey thanks for reading my story. This is my first Naruhina story. Enjoy reading it.

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto, if I did I wouldn't be here.


3rd Person's P.O.V

It was a peaceful morning in the city of Konoha. Sun was slowly rising at the horizon, spreading it's warmth over the city.

Residents of the Namikaze mansion were up and getting ready for the day. In the kitchen many expert chefs were cooking, rying their best to please the family's ramen loving heart.

A couple with bright hair sat in the dining room, their bright yellow and scarlet red hair clashing against the greens and grays of their home.

The couple looked tensed, heavy thought hanging on thier head. "Do you think it's a good idea dear? This treaty is important for business but what if he doesn't agree? It's a matter ofhis whole life afterall."

"Don't worry Kushina dear, I know he will agree and in worst case scenario if he doesn't  I'll think of something. Any profit is not more important than our son." Saidk the blonde. The red haired woman now revealed as Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze, the matriarch of both clans, looked at her husband with nervousness in her eyes. "I just hope that he doesn't freaks out Minato-kun." "I hope so too." They both sat in silence for few minutes before the maids brought their breakfast to the table.


>Time skip no jutsu<

After the breakfast the Namikaze couple was waiting for their son. Only one thought was going through their mind :-

'How to tell him?'

The nervousness in their body increased to the point where the maids in the kitchen were able to fell it when their son, Naruto came downstairs.


Naruto's P.O.V

I was having a very nice dream, in which I won the free ramen coupons from Ichirakus for whole year. I was just going to receive the coupons when suddenly my alarm clock buzzed and woke me up. "Ugh.....stupid alarm clock....." I sat up while rubbing my eyes and muttering few colorful words to the alarm clock. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:30 in the morning. "Ohayō......" I muttered to myself and got out of my bed. I went into the bathroom and took a long and hot shower. I got dressed into my favorite outfit along with my Black and orange jacket with Uzumaki swirl behind it. I checked myself in the mirror. "Looking fabulous as ever...." I went out of my room and to the dinning hall downstairs where my parents were present. They both looked worried. 'I wonder why?' Maybe because of the work. Did I tell you that my family is rich? My father owns a company which produces weapons for our country's forces. My family is the wealthiest out of five main clans of konoha. Second is my best friend Sasuke's family, the Uchihas, third is the Hyugas, fourth is the Sarutobi and Senju. And all of us are like a close family.
I went to my parents and kissed their cheeks. "Ohayō Tou-san....Kaa-san." "Ohayō...." They replied smiling. I smiled at them back and sat down on my chair. My breakfast arrived and it was ramen. 'YAY RAMENNN!!' It was delicious but not as delicious as Ichiraku's and my mom's. I can feel my parents glancing at me few time but I ignored it and paid attention to my ramen. 'Tasty~'

Kushina's P.O.V

I was nervous, very nervous. I don't know how to tell Naruto about it. I looked at Minato for assurance and some mental power to overcome this situation. "Naruto....." I started slowly. He looked at me "Yes kaa-san?" "I have to tell you something...." He nodded signaling me to go on. " and your Tou-san...." I stopped mid sentence. "You and Tou-san what Kaa-san?" I took a deep breath in and looked at Naruto. "Me and your Tou-san arranged your marriage." I said it in one breath.

Naruto's P.O.V

"YOU WHAT!!?" I exclaimed and saw both of them flinch. I wasn't angry at them, I was just shocked. I know that they love me and care about me so they will never choose anything wrong for me, and so whatever they'll choose I'll happily accept that. But this? It is the matter of my whole life. I can't accept it this easily. I closed my eyes and took few deep breath. I opened my eyes and looked at my parents. "Sorry for exclaiming like that Kaa-san.....Tou-san...." I apologized to them. "It's okay Naru...." Kaa-san said smiling. "Now......can I know why you arranged this marriage and with whom?" It better be not that spoiled brat Shion. I once heard my parents saying that we both will be good together. I don't know what they see in her? If it is her, I'll choke myself.
"Naruto we arranged this marriage because we are signing a treaty with the Hyuga and this marriage will strengthen it." I looked at my father as if he had grown two heads. They arranged my marriage only because of a treaty. How can they do this to me? It's not that I like someone but I wanted to be with someone I love.
"We agreed to this not only because of the treaty but also because the girl you are going to marry is beautiful, kind, caring, strong and very talented. She is everything a man needs in his wife." Okay I'm happy that it's not Shion. 'Thanks kami-sama!' But they still didn't informed me who is this girl. "Who is this Hyuga Tou-san?" "It's Hinata Hyuga, first daughter of the Hyuga clan." Few seconds passed it it felt like an eternity passed. "So do you accept it Naru?" Kaa-san asked me. "I'll think about it and tell you tomorrow. Ja ne~" I stood up and walked out of the house and where my feet will carry me.
'Hinata Hyuga, huh?' I haven't heard much about her except that she's very shy from her cousin Neji. He never talked about her much, apparently he is very protective of his cousin. Actually overprotective. The way Neji and my parents described her, she seems like a very nice girl. I might accept this proposal.


And it's done! Tell me how it is? I'm already sorry for my grammatical errors but I'll try to improve them.

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