Chapter- 10

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Third person's pov:

The Hyuga couple drove towards the beach in a comfortable silence. The worries forgotten, they were lost in their own mind but still thought about the same thing. Their first meeting. No, the first time they saw each other wasn't anything special but the day they actually met each other was something. They hadn't realised what they felt at first was. None of them was familiar with love so how could they realised they felt something when they saw each other. Their unexplainable feelings led them to being friends, closer than any other friends they had.

Tenten's Pov:

I looked at Neji through the glass' reflection. 'All everyone sees is the stoic face and his cold behaviour and think that's all it is to him, but that's not true. I know that below that cold exterior is a soft hearted man, a young boy who yearned for the love of his family he didn't have for a good time of his life.'

I reached out to hold his hand, smiling as I saw his confused eyes at me. "What?" "Nothing Neji-kun."

He shook his head, making me smile more. 'I love you.'

Time skip to when they arrive at beach:

I took my sandals off and ran out of the car quickly, inhaling the salty yet fresh air of the sea. I turned my head to look at Neji who was slowly walking towards me. "Hurry up Neji-kun."

I walked to the edge of the water, closing my eyes, feeling the water wave crash against my legs. I felt two warm arms wrapped around me, making me shiver.

I leaned back into his chest, looking at the vast sea ahead of us, the half moon reflecting in the moving water.
I placed my arms on his, enjoying the moment.

Neji's Pov:

I looked down at the beautiful lady in my arms, tightening my arms around her lightly. She's the best thing to happen to me in this life. My life was empty without her.

Thinking back to the time when I first saw her when she came to my class as an transfer student from China. She was so different, unlike any girl I ever met. And that intrigued me, she wasn't like any other girl around me, not like my cousins either. She never bothered me or fangirled around me.

Me being me, no matter how much she interested me, I kept my distance from her. At that time I thought I needed no one but myself, couldn't trust anyone else but my own person.

I did, I did until that fateful day. The day when we both knew each other more than just a classmate.

My thoughts were broken by a sweet voice. "Neji-kun, do you remember the first day we talked?"

I hummed, letting go off her so that we both can sit down. "How can I forget that day? It was the day of our first class trip of the year, we came to this very beach." I held her hand in mine, rubbing my thumb over the back of her hand.

"We were paired together for the activities, at first I thought that you will behave like other girls once you got the chance."

"But I proved you wrong. I treated you like any other human being, like a normal person."

"Yeah, I was surprised but that made me happy inside. You were the first person who treated me like a normal human. The boys of our class always kept thier distance from me, the girls never saw me beside my looks, my family, at that time I thought didn't care about me either but you were the only one."

"I saw the loneliness behind your eyes Neji, I saw the look you had in your eyes when you saw other boys making friends."

"Yeah so, I was happy to be paired with you. I was attracted to you when I first saw you in the class, but I didn't pursue it.  I didn't even know what I felt for you at that time. But when we started to spend time together after the trip, I started falling for you slowly, until I was too deep in love with you."

I looked down at her to see her bright eyes staring back at me. The sight made my heart flutter and I couldn't help but peck her soft pink lips, chuckling at the light blush covering her cheeks. "I love you." I mumbled against her lips before moving away from her.

"I love you too." I heard her whisper in my ear before I laid down, pulling her with me and wrapped my arm around her, staring up at the sky full of stars.

Who cares about the sand getting in our clothes? The time spent with my beloved is worth it.

We shared small talks all through the night, falling asleep in the warmth of our hold without us knowing.


A/n: I think I could have done it better. Alas, I'll try to improve it next time.

Also, do you have any suggestions for the next chapter? Tell me~

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