Epilogue (Dead or Alive)

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The king of the hell just couldn't find the feast laid out in front of him appetizing, unlike the rest of the people on the table. He sighed and propped up an elbow on the table to rest his chin on his hand.

"What's wrong, darling?" His wife had asked him but he just sighed in response for he himself didn't know what was so upsetting. Maybe it was the uncertainity of Eric's death which was much off-putting.

She placed her hand over his warmly. "It's all over. They're all dead, baby. And you've sucessfully put Asmodeus away in the deep dark dungeons so he isn't a threat anymore. Isn't this why we are celebrating tonight, honey?"

He scoffed, much annoyed at this point. "Can we just stop with this shenanigans already?!" He raised his voice and the room fell silent.

He pushed himself up, "How can you all celebrate when you don't even know whether Lucifer's son is even dead or not!" He booms. "I want his head dead or alive that's when I'll be satisfied."

"Speak of the devil and the devil appears." said Kian as he pushes the door open.

Everyone snaps their heads to the demon.

"Now that I have your attention, I present to you, the true heir of the throne." Kian bows as Eric makes an entry.

Every person rose from their seats in shock.

"Ah! I was dying to go to hell." Eric says cheerfully.

Mammon simply grit his teeth in anger as he seethed.

"What? You really think that you could defeat the one true King of hell?" Eric chuckles. "Dont make me laugh, Uncle."

"Yuh-you're nothing infront of me." Mammon says, frustration in his tone. He snaps a finger and there appears atleast a fifty minion demons with their weapons pointed at the two uninvited guests.

"Ah yes, their should be some entertainment when you're celebrating. Right." Eric smirked and nodded at Kian.

Taking this as a cue, the minions charged forward at them. But before they could reach them, the ground shook and in an instant it swallowed them whole as it turned upside down right infront of Mammon's horrified eyes.

Kian's runes never failed him after all.

A sudden mayhem broke out as the ministers and their mistresses run wild in a frenzy to save their pitiful lives. Mammon simply stands there in shock, staring at Eric in horror. Eric makes sure he sees him flash Abaddon's axe inside his jacket before his wife drags him away.

A playful, satisfied smile breaks out on his lips. "Kian, let's have a hell of a time!" He says as he cracks his knuckles.

 "Kian, let's have a hell of a time!" He says as he cracks his knuckles

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