Dead and Gone

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Four years earlier:


                   "You have a quite interesting resume, sir. Cheating on your wife, suffocating your mistress to death-"      

                     "Listen to" The man in the shackles pleaded one more time.

The small concrete room reeked of his blood and most probably his piss. Haziel glared at him and slowly ran a knife over his chest, cutting through his skin.

The only thing which kept his body aloft was the hinges prodded into his bare back from the ceiling like a hanging beef carcass.

                "I'm wondering..." she digs the knife deeper and he trembles with pain, "..why do you expect mercy from me?" The blood spurts out and race down his abdomen.

The man groans and his lower lip quivers. He quickly drags it between his teeth. 

                        "I b-beg you, please." He whispered.

                     "Didn't you get enough chances for repentance when you were alive?" Haziel pushed his body away, the blood dripping on the ground as he swung back and forth in the air.

                      "PLEASE STOP!"

                    "Or were you too busy sinning? This is hell, my boy, you don't leave this please until your punishment is over."

                          "I'm s-sorry." He was struggling to keep his eyes open now.

           "You are getting good at it." A whisper loomed over Haziel's ear. She quickly turned around.

            "Like what you see?" She points a finger at the man bathing in blood without peeling her eyes off of her Master. 

A sly smile laced her Master's lips. 



Four years later (Present time-line):

Two days after the incident -

Grace's P.O.V:

             Something's not right. He is neither picking up my calls nor responding to my text messages. What is he upto, after all? I thought to myself while driving down to Eric's house. Stacy seemed clueless too when asked about him.. OMG! Did he break up with her? I couldn't suppress a giggle,

        Eric's mansion looked like a cut out from Architects Today magazine. It was unapologetically modern. It stood amidst the manicures lawn as if beamed there rather than constructed. The windows were huge and seemingly inspired by something truly artistic. The gate itself was an impressive wrought iron affair. It opened electronically from inside the big house and the only way in was to buzz the intercom and announce your arrival. Unless you were some kind of ninja burglar or something.

I pulled up in his driveway and buzzed the intercom.

                  "It's Grace."

A familiar voice boomed from the speaker. "Bien venida, Miss Levitt."

The gates opened and I drove in, accompanied by the gentle whir of focusing cameras. There is got to be a helipad on the roof!

As soon as I pulled up, I was greeted by Antonietta, An elder house keeper of the mansion.

                      "It's been a long time seeing you, niña bonita!"

                       "Yeah, school's keeping me busy these days."

The white haired lady smiled and nodded her head.

I bit my lower lip before speaking again.

                            "Is Eric home?"

                              "The master of the house just left."

Don't face palm yourself, DON'T FACE PALM YOUR SELF.

I face-palmed myself.

                           "When is he coming back? Did he tell you?"

Antonietta laced her fingers over her stomach.

                      "He is out of city for two days, Miss Levitt."

                      "Alright, thanks!" I faked a cheeky chimpanzee smile.

Oh- why, oh-why, oh-why!


 A/N: Haziel (a new character) is tormenting a soul in Hell and note that it's from the time earlier than Eric's time-line. I hope you don't get confused between the timeline swaps. Haziel's story will be written in the third person omniscient just to avoid the confusion. AND Grace's part will be played by Bella Thorne.

The Devil's TrapOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora