Chapter 24: Reimu's Puzzling Crisis

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Ignoring the constant buzzing coming out of her phone, Reimu is met with a steaming platform with an arrow on the floor.

Hold on, I can just fly over this. That way, I can avoid doing these puzzles. Oh Reimu, aren't you a genius?

Reimu began to lift her feet off the ground as she rose 10 feet above the floor. She scanned the area for anything that would progress her through Hotland. "Looks like there's a door. Might as well go there." Reimu flew to the door, skipping the steaming arrows and the blue and orange lasers. During her flight, she encountered a blushing plane. "Haven't seen you before. I was hoping there was someone else that can fly." The plane said. "Well it's not too ordinary to fly and chat with a talking plane." Reimu said. "I'm Tsunderplane. I'm supposed to have a tsundere personality, but that's when I meet strangers." said Tsunderplane. Reimu greeted with a smile. "I'm Reimu Hakurei. I'm a shrine maiden from where I live."

"I envy you. I heard from Alphys that you're traveling back to your home world. I always wanted to go to other places besides Hotland." Tsunderplane said. It was envious. "Why can't you go to other places?" Reimu asked. "I guess because there aren't any other planes like me. I only travel from Alphys' lab to the CORE." the plane replied. "CORE? What is that?" "The CORE is the final stop for entering back to your place. It provides the energy for all of underground." "Can you guide me there?" Reimu asked. "I really don't want to do these puzzles." "I wish," Tsunderplane replied, "but I'm afraid that you should check your phone like right now."

Reimu sighed. "Might as well look at it now. That buzzing really buzzed me." Reimu looked at her text messages, with the most recent text said: REIMU WHY ARE YOU IGNORING THESE PUZZLES?!?!??! IF YOU GO TO THE CORE I'LL HAVE YOU DEAD IN MY SANDALS!!!!

"...Might as well stop by the door." Reimu said, who was uncomfortable after reading the messages. "Well, it was nice meeting you Tsunderplane!" Reimu landed at the doors as she waved at the plane. "I wish you the best of luck on your adventures! Not that you really need it...."

"Now... what to do with the door..." A ringtone went off of Reimu's phone. She picked it up. "Reimu, you're able to open these doors if you go to those rooms across from your left and right. There's a puzzle that you must do to unlock the door-" "Sorry Alphys," Reimu said impatiently, " I have to get to the CORE as soon as possible, but thanks for the offer." Reimu shot a some amulet anmaku at the door. "REIMU HOLD ON!!! IF YOU SHOOT AT THE DOOR THEN YOU'LL-" Reimu hanged up just as Alphys began to warn Reimu. "I wonder, warm what?" Reimu looked at the door as electricity came towards the maiden. "Oh... I should've not hanged up that call..."



"Uhhh just make sure you move the blocks away from the shooter thingy so you're able to shoot the arrow at the other side."


Solving a very hard puzzle gives you determination. Now please wait for the girls to charge the camera up to remove the typos for the next chapter.

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