Chapter 1: Flowers Aren't Youkai

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"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Squealed the maiden, who was named Reimu. "SMACK!" Amazingly, Reimu landed on the flowers beneath her.  As she got up, she said: "Where am I?" Suddenly, a flower popped out in front of her. " "Hi! I'm Flowey!" Said the flower. "EEEEEEEK!!!" Reimu screamed. "A TALKING FLOWER!!!" "What? You're scared by a talking flower?" Said Flowey. 

"Are you a youkai that was banished here?" Asked Reimu. Flowey replied: "What's a youkai? Anyway, let me give you some of my "friendliness" pellets. Reimu realized: Those aren't friendly. I fought enough youkai to recognize this. Reimu grazed the pellet as it was coming by. Flowey said: "So you knew what was happening? But you wanted me to suffer...? Die." 

The white pellets surrounded her. Reimu tried to use her spells, but it didn't work.(Probably because she doesn't have any bomb ammo) Am I going to die here...? Thought Reimu. For some reason, the pellets gave her health. What is this nonsense? Reimu was confused on what happened. Then, a fireball knocked Flowey out of the park!!! What just happened? Reimu couldn't figure out what happened there. "Are you okay young lady?" Said a mysterious goat looking figure. "Ummm, yes, I am fine. Who are you?" Said Reimu.

To be continued in chapter 2.

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