Touhou-Tale Special: Reimu's Guide to Cosplaying

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Hello! This is Reimu! I'll be teaching you how to be a cosplayer! There are no incidents yet, so I can do this is peace- Hey Marisa! Get out of-

Okay, with no interruptions, let's get started!
Step 1: Search your cosplay
-You need to find your character to dress up as first before you cosplay. Just remember to find the right set of clothing and wig (if it requires one.)
Tips: If you have a crush on an anime girl, then dress up as her! No one will laugh at you if you express your true feelings!

Step 2: Budget
-Now, you might need to buy the clothing you need. Go on sites that sell the clothing you need. Make sure it's in your budget!
Tips: Save up your money for the clothing you need to get. It's better than buying one piece then saving to buy another one!

Alternate step: Steal someone's clothing
If you're like me and don't want to buy anything because they are too expensive, then do the old trick in the book! Just take their clothes!
Tips: Be sneaky and don't blow your cover off. You might get beaten up from the person itself.

Step 3: Try it on
-Don't hesitate! Just wear it on! If it doesn't fit, then I don't know what to say but to return it (if you can.)
Tips: Make sure it's the right size for you.

Step 4: Show off your cosplay
Conventions have lots of cosplay, so go to comic-con or other ones to get show that off!
Tips: I prefer Touhou-con.

Well, I'll be stealing Yukari's-
Yukari: OH NO YOU DON'T!
Reimu: Ahhhh! Gotta run! Maybe do Sanae next time! I'm sorry Yukari!

Making advice doesn't give you determination. It just gives other people determination. Now please wait for the girls to make other chapters. Otherwise read the ones they already made.

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