"Magnus, how you feeling buddy?" Simon screamed as if he's thousands miles away from him. "I'm great Si, you don't have to shout." Jace shake his head snickered a smile at his sillyness. They spend the day lunch together as food prepared by Maryse and Clary. Izzy wasn't allowed in the kitchen to cook since she almost blew up the microwave last month. "How is it you still can't cook? I thought you went to cooking class with Simon?" Jace asked earning a death glare from his sister. "How is it you still has big mouth." She pointed at Jace with a spatula and went back stirring the pasta sauce. They all laughed and so does Magnus. Alec stood next to him by the island preparing the salad when he suddenly excuse himself. He sprinted out the kitchen and ran upstairs.

"I think he's still feeling sick on few stuffs in the kitchen. Excuse me, let me go check on him." Magnus climbed the stairs headed to their bedroom. As he entered, he could hear dry heaving sound with few gagged coming from the bathroom. He pushed the bathroom door and entered, he saw Alec crouching by the toilet bowl still releasing his vomit. He coughed and gagged few times before he's done.

He stood up after he flushed the toilet and went to sink unaware that Magnus behind him sitting by the bath tub. He gargled his mouth with the mouthwash and wiped his mouth. He stand and looked at the mirror and jumped in surprise as he saw Magnus behind him. He was really surprised to see Magnus behind him but caught his feet in between the rag and falls back behind. To his luck, Magnus stood and caught him before his body hits the floor.

"Jeez, Alexander, I'm not a ghost, just your husband. I'm so sorry, I surprised you." He helped Alec stand up as he placed his palm on his tummy. "You scared the life out of me Magnus. Don't do that again."

"I thought I surprised you in here and we could have a make out kiss. I guess I was wrong. Are you okay? Still having morning sickness?" Alec nodded weakly and take his place next to Magnus by the bath tub. "Just now and then, not that much." Magnus looked back at the tub they're sitting on and suggested Alec to get in with him. Alec denies at first but when Magnus lie down with an open arm, Alec couldn't resist. He climbed the tub and leaned his back on Magnus chest slowly not to hurt him. He felt the warmth he had been missing this whole week of agony. Magnus placed both of his palm on Alec's small bump.

"you started to show. I miss your scent my love." He inhaled Alec's hair and smelt the sandalwood in as he leaned back resting it on Magnus' shoulder. He craned his neck when Magnus starts kissing his neck. He felt the kiss got heated when Magnus' bulge start pressing against Alec's back. "Magnus we can't. You still recovering and we have guests that could come in anytime they want."

He groaned in frustration and kept rubbing Alec's tummy. "Fine. Wanna tell me what's going on with Max? He's been acting weird lately." Alec sighed hearing the question cause honestly he thought he settled that but Max seems still upset. "I have no idea, last time we spoke, he said he was worried I could get hurt but I assured him I'm not."

Magnus suddenly sat up pushing Alec together and twist his body so he could face him. "Why? Did anything happened to you? Did you got hurt while I was away?" Alec smiled at Magnus panic behavior and couldn't help but to kiss him on the lips.

"Nothing happened, mum told him about our epic love story. He felt bad on what happened to me. He's a smart kid beyond his age. I wonder what is going on in his small head." Alec leaned back to Magnus chest and they both cuddled up in an embraced. "We made that. Its our son." Alec smiled and they both released a breath of relieved since after what they had been through, their love has yet stronger each day. They didn't even realized when but they both dozed off in the bath tub holding each other. 

"Oh, you guys are super weird." Simon said and got a hit by Izzy on his arm. "Stop! Its cute. Look at Alec little snore, and he still denies he snore in his sleep." They all laughed and giggled while staring at the video Izzy took of them sleeping. Magnus shook his head in embarrassment but end up laughing as well. "You guys have exactly five seconds to get out from this bathroom before you are banned from my home." Alec spoke and Magnus tried to leaned forward to see his face cause he swore his eyes still closed when he said that. They all sprinted out the bathroom and Magnus chuckled.

"Its not funny Mags, I'm so embarrassed." He leaned forward hiding his face in both of his palm. Magnus pulled him back and he hugged him tight to his chest. He leaned forward and as their lips was about to touch suddenly Simon peeked his head inside the bathroom again. "Guys, if you done making out can you please come down, lunch is ready."

"Get out!" They both shout as Alec threw the towel at him which only landed few feet away from him. Then they heard Simon giggled running out from their room. They both laughed at the situation when Alec realized they dozed of only for twenty minutes but it felt like an hour since it was much easier to fall asleep in Magnus arm.

Magnus helped Alec got out from the tub and they both went downstairs with messy hair and puffy eyes. They all still laughing at the photos and videos and Alec tried to grab it from them but was stop by Magnus cause he wanted to chase Izzy across the room with his pregnant tummy. They had a great lunch together before everyone leave. Maryse asked Alec if he want her to take the twins for the night but Magnus and Alec want to spend time with family tonight. Their small family was once again completed and their house filled with laughter instead of silenced. 

Hope you guys enjoyed this story cause its gonna end soon after a few chapters.

Love you till my last breathOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant