Cloudy skies, Cloudy minds

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You slowly lifted your head off the pillow, only to see darkness in your room. You roll over in your bed, to look at the alarm clock.


Your eyes widened as you got up. Judging from the roughness on your legs, you were still in your jeans and other clothes from yesterday. You thought for a moment before falling back down on your bed. You had fallen asleep on your bed, missed dinner, and woke up super early because of it.

You let out a yawn and stood up, feeling cold, hard wood on your feet. You felt your way forward, before running into a door. You froze for a moment, feeling pain flash through your head, before feeling for a light switch. Taking it in between two fingers, you flipped it up. Blinding light flashed into the room, making your eyes ache momentarily.

'Ow.....' You thought before shaking your head. You looked around, before finding your dresser.

Walking over, you looked at the drawer, to see your uniform, folded neatly and sitting on top of the dresser. You grabbed your shirt, stripping your old one off for the new one. With that in place, you looked over to the pants, grabbing them.

You repeated the process of changing, before turning your attention to above the dresser, where a few hoodies hung. You flicked through these, eventually picking out a black hoodie, sporting a grey dragon decal. You tossed it on over your uniform, grabbing a fresh pair of black socks, putting those on in place of your dirty pair, and grabbed a stick of deodorant off your dresser.

After applying that, you turned your attention to the end of your bed, where your backpack lay open. Luckily, you didn't have any homework from the day before. You grabbed it, gathered a few scattered items of importance, and shoved them in, putting your backpack by the bedroom door. Lastly, you headed over to the nightstand, where your phone and alarm clock lay.

  You flicked a switch on the clock, disabling the alarm, and grabbed your phone, shoving it in your pocket. You grabbed your notebook, which was by the clock, and flicked through the pages. About 30 more pages before your notebook was completely full. Granted, it would last you a while, as a single page could last you a day, depending on what you did.

  You smiled as you flicked through some of the previous pages, taking a look through your conversations. This particular notebook was the only one you had, because you had spoken with very few people in your lifetime. Yes, you had friends from places you lived before that you had to use sometimes, but most of the writing in your book was learning how to write, and the rest, speaking with people, which was very few, only about a page or two, and with guests, also about a page or two. Your handwriting was quite large back then, and quickly took up more then a few pages.

  You sighed and closed the notebook, placing it by your bag. As you did, you stopped for a moment and looked at the backpack.

'Didn't I put that on a hook in the foyer?' You thought to yourself. You thought back to what happened, and came up with nothing. Your mom must've taken it from the hook and put it in your room. You shrugged it off and zipped the bag shut, throwing it over your shoulder. You took the notebook, slipped a nearby ballpoint pen between the pages, and stepped out into the dark hallway, shutting off your room light.

Taking out your phone, you turned on the flashlight and whisked it around, getting a sense of the familiar hallway. You walked ahead, going down the stairway, to reveal the living room. You walked ahead, taking a U-turn into the kitchen, where you grabbed a bowl, spoon, cereal, and milk. Placing the bowl down, you set the spoon down by it, and poured some cereal in. Once it reached a desirable level, you grabbed the milk, pouring in a matching amount. You looked at it, satisfied, before putting away the cereal and the milk. You took off your backpack and placed it by the chair, sitting down in front of your bowl. Picking up your spoon, you took a bite of the sugar frosted, crunchy, cereal.

The Sound Of Silence (Phoenix Drop High Kawaii~Chan x Mute Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now